Oh my god, they killed Quakeworld!



I see that id have just released the source to Quake, QuakeWorld. Whilst this is pretty cool and we should see some neat things, what it also means is that effectively anyone with programming skill can hack it to shreads and build cheats that aimbot or proxy authors could only dream of.

For leagues this means that using a program like Qizmo to verify that you have an unaltered .exe is now essential.

But does this spell the end of QWs popularity? You can't force people to use Qizmo on public servers so who knows what you might be playing against.......


The only thing i can think of is that some enterprising chap would release a special edition of qwsv and qwcl that you require to connect to that server.

Only problem is unde the GPL that source has to be released, so eventually it would be hacked too and whatever system you try would be reverse engineered or something.

I can't help thinking there is a way to use the qizmo/nitro protection, built into qwcl/qwsv to make a hackproof system, but only if the code to the qizmo/nitro isn't released too.



Public QW servers generally don't have protection from proxy aimbots, so any additional threat there is rather immaterial..

Anyway, when it comes to doing proxy .exe CRC checks, most league admins are very lax anyway, only bothering with MDL checks. If admins don't check proxies, checking qwcl.exe (which i think some proxies already do) will be pointless.


in my experience the major leagues (ie ukcl/mcw) are pretty good on ensuring illegal proxy setups are not in operation. if the admin forgets to do f_version, 'quietly' remind him/her to do so!

imo proxy use should b compulsary in leagues because of there anti-cheat protection. provided no1 has problems running qizmo291 (as there have been with previous version), it mite as well b mandatory for league play, now the timelimit has been removed.

hopefully some clever sod will b able to integrate qwcl with proxy features, mebbe with modifed qwsv as well for a more standard solution than the present system with multiple allowed .exe combinations


Havn't you any thing better to do on Xmas day Hang???

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