How do you guys think this game will do?
I'm a bit let down by the multiplayer 4v4?
The multiplayer numbers are 16vs16 on PC and 4vs4 + 3 AI per person on consoles
Personally, it looks great on the 360... not seen the PS3 version, and PC looked pretty good as well.
Still, should be a good game given the amount of time the Dev's have put in![]()
Yeah graphically the game looks awesome on the 360 probably one of the best i've seen.
I'd like to get this on the PC i have a Phenom 9650 quadcore 4gigs of ram and a 3870x2 do you think it would run okish?
Well it looks as though it should, I've seen it run on a lot lower (settings set right down mind)
On single player, the AI is very tough. They will almost always see you before you see them, but thats why using the cover and tree's around is a safer move then running in Rambo style, you won't last very long.
We had several Xbox 360 MP tests here and it was a great game to test out. Co-Op works very nicely. When you send your squads in and issue commands, there is rarely (i didn't see any) points where the guys get caught on surroundings or stuck because they don't know how to climb over a fence or similar (something that bugged me a lot when playing Arma2).
Not sure how the CoD4 groups will like it, its a mix of realism and arcade, you need a lot of patience to complete missions - which is a good and a bad thing some times... its a challange, thats for sure![]()
Oh wow you have actually played it on the 360? did it play better then what you thought it would on a console? How was it using the control pad? Issuing commands ? How was the MP? Did you play a 4v4 if so was it good did only 8 players spoil it?
Yes, but I still prefer PC (KB+Mouse > all)
Ok, needed more practice though
Very quick and easy, lots of options but also quick enough not to confuse
MP was excellent fun, maps much better and more configurable than CoD4 (some maps in CoD are horrific, too small given large numbers)
4vs4 was intense, so given the PC version has 16vs16 I'm looking forward to playing more MP on that.
Thanks so much for the mini preview you just made it a day one buy for me.
Any idea what the specs of the PC you guys were playing that version on? 4v4 sounds ok but 16v16 sounds too good to pass up
Oh btw how were the choppers/etc to play in MP? or is the MP infantry only? did you managed to fly your guys in on a Blackhawk then bug out when the mission was won?![]()
Argh dammit!!!
Look at the price difference, I prefer fps on pc as it is, now I might have to get the pc version which will probably have terrbile multiplayer (UK) : Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising (with Exclusive 'Coastal Stronghold' Mission Unlock Code) : Xbox 360 - Free Delivery
ok you have to convince me to get it for the xbox 360, give me the pros for the xbox and cons for the pc lol
Better graphics and mission editor on pc and 16v16.
Aye I'd get that version if you don't really have any friends to go through it on co op.
Yeah I've literally got that screen next to this one, all I have to do is push confirm order. But if I knew asda were restocking their shelves tonight I'd head over to Lincoln for midnight. I'm a very impatient person and the postal strike may effect my waiting time if I order online.