

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 18, 2005
liloe said:
because it would mean to officially admit that they did a crap job, and really, no single company can afford that =)

And introducing the classic servers isnt admitting that ToA was a mistake?

(ps. i dont dislike ToA or NF, i think this game needed them)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
illu said:
Maybe the OF should be the last battleground, from lvl44-49, and should include everything Midside of port into Emain, the Alb Port and then the bowl at AMG and maybe the same kind of length AMG->MMG going hibside. Then people could get this OF Fascination out of their systems once and for all and then get into real RvR when they hit lvl50 :>

OF was crap. Stop kidding yourselves. OF was like an old girlfriend that you only remember the good times. You forget why you split up. You forget that she trampled all over you and was a cowbag and that's why she's under the patio now. But that's another story :>
But basically OF was Rinse and Repeat heaven. Go to the portal, wait up to 10 mins if you miss the damn port. Then you are in Emain. (This is where you have to feel sorry for the hibs that had to walk MILES to get to some action where they might instadie). You stroll up to MMG, and either get stealthzerged to death or a zerg is waiting the other side.
Then you peg it from MMG->AMG, hoping not to be killed on the way, meeting up at the stone, and then making your way into the bowl/that tower. You look at the Alb Zerg and wonder just how you are going to get some "fair" fight. Then you get TS'd (if you are a stealther) then dead. Or a mid zerg would hit the Alb zerg and all hell would break loose. Then more albs would arrive and everyone would /release and run back from haggerfel or where ever we were bound (could we even bind at port?).

That's all there was to it. Zergfest. Stealtherfest. Good Old Days but they deserve to stay there. Now we have water, bridges, Lagramon, boats, Big keeps, towers, Siege Weaps, Instaporting in your land getting you to possible fights at your docks within a few mins. More things you can do. More areas to visit/xp/rvr.

It was fun, but the game is way better now.

Saying that, SB's pre 1.62.........LA love..........Instakill CS style PA and not popping out of stealth.........it wasn't all bad :>

Oli - Illu

Would be realy nice if they added OF Emain as battle ground. Crau as hib portal keep.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
I disagree with anyone that says OF was bad for wotever reasons, mainly because when we started playing this game, we came to like and love OF and it was probably the main factor that kept people going, was that the rvr was so great there, sure you got stealth zerged, sure the alb zerg was there, but all those things were factors that kept you going, the fg fights were amazing, there relic raids were fun, even the tiny mid lord rooms weren't so bad.
NF changed the game we came to like, and it wasn't a small change it effected the largest aspect of the game, and that's why alot of people rejected the idea, because it wasn't the game we loved at the start, NF meant more running around to find a good fg fight, towers everywhere, stealth zergs at bridges, people camping bridges.
OF > NF and anybody who disagree's :twak: it was OF that kept us playing this game, NF only came into play later.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Rose-tinted spectacles currently being sold on my cm for the knockdown price of 5p. Must hurry though, they are selling fast - as you can see by their high level of use in this thread :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Rohac said:
Miss port and sit and wait for 8 mins for next sux

Actually it was nice. You had time to go grab a snack or go to the loo or telling your guild group that you're going to lay on the floor for a minute or two while you wait for porting because you've been up for too late and need to stretch a bit and then fall asleep and wake up and your group is RvR:ing and you're at APK like "Hey guys, sorry, I fell asleep on the floor" and you've been away for a couple ten minutes.


Just use instaporting. Besides NF destroyed all the nice memories and landscape of the OF. Aswell as the nice pve places etc. Oh yea, they're still somewhere, scattered around.



Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I disliked OF very much, try to go to AMG(bottleneck as you had to go past it) and either be killed by 6-8 stealthers that were just sitting infront of APK or be killed by the 3 FG Mids that were 'roaming' AMG -> APK -> AMG etc etc.
Can count the times I actually made it past AMG on 1 hand.

Sure if you had a RvR group back then it was probably nice to farm people that can't get to a safe area like you can now at NF but it was totally crap from a solo/non OP group point of view.
Not to mention the wasted time by porting to where you want to go and wait 10 minutes to port, playing the game > waiting imo.

The only thing I found more fun in OF than I found more fun in NF is the old Relic raids with guards hitting you for like 500 per hit and it was a real task to take a relic while now the only task is to demoralise the realm you are taking the relic from because the guards they have now are just regular guards and it takes hardly any effort to kill them.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Andrilyn said:
The only thing I found more fun in OF than I found more fun in NF is the old Relic raids with guards hitting you for like 500 per hit and it was a real task to take a relic while now the only task is to demoralise the realm you are taking the relic from because the guards they have now are just regular guards and it takes hardly any effort to kill them.

Needs a worm farm tbh!
Dec 31, 2003
If anyone know a freeshard that currently supports play in Old frontiers, feel free to PM me :p

Hate NF, it's shit for so many reasons, if you don't agree then your wrong. ;)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Coca~Cola said:
I heard that alot, most of them were sucky players tho

yeah you need to be a sucky player not to be overjoyed by running around in circles or camping teleport keeps ;)


Feb 20, 2006
Flimgoblin said:
yeah you need to be a sucky player not to be overjoyed by running around in circles or camping teleport keeps ;)
how would you know, you avoided it.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
only reason OF was remembered as better was of all the reasons around daoc was better then:)
Every subject wasnt as worn out...some things still felt newish....i never heard a whine in those days(though im sure they existed among the same people that whine now:p)...more people were playing. Looking back its a fact that things look better:) But i wouldnt give all the credit to OF...
Dec 31, 2003
Guess the general thought behind NF was to make it more enjoyable for the casual players and newbies, in NF you donät have to be "good" at daoc to kill some1 and have potential fun. In OF you needed a good char, the right class and good friends / belong to a good community to be successful, all this things is imo what characterise a MMORPG, and not this irvr, instant ports, OPed 3 button classes, zergs and pve.
Nevertheless alot of ppl enjoy this new daoc. Not much to say, except forward your complaints to mythic or "speak with ur feets" - walk away, as in stop paying the subs, then u can punish all the newbies that ruin ur game by simply leaving, then they can play with themselfs xD... joking ofc..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
OF was not perfect and I was looking forward to NF when it was first announced, but I didn't expect NF to actually be worse than OF. Sadly this was the case (imo).

OF's strong point was "realm pride". When low level mids were ganked at snowcrabs in Uppland we would avenge them. We defended Fensalir with a passion because it was an essential keep for travellers. During keep/relic raids we scouted for enemies throughout the frontier in hope of spotting the enemy zerg. United we forced enemies out of the frontier and prevented them from comming back.

Instead of emphasizing this aspect of the game it was removed completely! Just look at "iRvR" (when the three realms each take a keep next to each other to create a triangle of instant action). This may be fun for some, but if anything, this is a clear sign that something is terribly wrong with the frontiers.

Some people require very little to have fun. If you think Leirvik is a cool place then you are probably one of those people :) I envy you. When I look at Leirvik all I see is wasted potential. The same goes for most of the New Frontiers. There are actually some cool places in NF, but there are no reasons to go to these places. We always end up at some bridge. Terrible design imho.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
I blame Bush, i knew he had something about him that i did not like!

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