Odin's Gate tonight



Originally posted by old.mattshanes

Funny how i killed you 4 hits at odins hmg so please do not aim things at every alb that isn't true:p

Merc+Polearmsman=you better run
Zerker+Zerker=Oh shit lol

Point being when 2 offensive melee classes are together malevolencia i am sure you would rethink what you said,i have seen a zerker kill me 3 hits nearly YES 3 HITS! well it was ratmode of course and then myself i have killed some enemy tanks in 4 hits a fair few times...

I like to see a pole armsman like gladiator hit you mal i have seen the guy take 50% off tanks one whack.

The main thing is you may get a few that do not hit you as well,they might not have as good items,sc armour or crafted weapons could be many reasons also spec is different too..

1) I said your *average* alb, average alb tanks tend to be shield paladin's/armsmen :p not merc's.
2) there were 2 other tanks hitting me and a caster too :p (unless you really believe you did 1900 damage to me in 4 hits? lol)
3) I said albs not mids, zerkers I'm fairly sure are mids.
4) pole's are gimped and don't do that high damage most of the time
5) I suggest you *ask* Gladiator how he has actually done damage wise to me in the numerous duels we have had before making a silly comment like that.
6) I just like the number 6 because it's a triangle number and a perfect number at the same time :p


Hit you 300-400x 4= 1200-1600 with flurry added 200=1400-1800....

Pole armsman have hit me a lot harder than any of your champs have:p

There was only a pala hitting you and you had full health so:p


can I see a log to prove it pls? cos I sure don't remember it that way


bah i haven't taken screenies it's not exactly a good thing to take screenies of,i even whacked a hero out 4 hits with flurry too before you so nothing really to be bothered about,i am sure a zerker would do the same if they have high specced skills.Although he never morphed and i don't think they had a healer buffing him.


not bothered in the slightest :)
just not how I remember it is all.


Having 1800+ weaponskill buffed does good damage:p well you ran through hmg and died you didn't even get healed or use ip which was strange.


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Having 1800+ weaponskill buffed does good damage:p well you ran through hmg and died you didn't even get healed or use ip which was strange.

couldn't be bothered with IP, was too many albs relative to hibs so using it woulda been a waste.
Also I'd like to see a screenie of 1800+wepskill, not seen anyone with that yet :) think 16xx most I've seen


Erm it was full group vs group all day we had 3 palas with us too with 3 faith heals(group heal 1000) so DO NOT say that we got killed by 2 fgs in the end we was in odins all afternoon.Well i even have 1407 unbuffed i will do one soon once i get some webspace.When we was around there was only one time where there was more albs who had given up in emain and tried odins we was there beforehand and for about 5 hours+.


well wasn't quite 2fg no, but then wasn't 1fg of hibs with me either, was about 10ppl + stealthers I reckon, and we killed 3 stealthers while on hibside


We mainly had 7 all day running about in odins wiped 10 hibs out 4 times,then some more groups and mid groups,maybe about 5+ but we wiped hibs out so much they kept coming back was good fights though just a shame you get some from each side who turn it into a zerg fest which should be in emain...

After your group died to ours we had 2 fgs of there the rest of the next few hours of the night:(


I actually decided to craft a bit after it (so I should have used IP with hindsight :rolleyes: ) and am finally nearing Legendary status at last woot :p


What does the paladins AF chant exactly do, doesn't it lower damage aswell. If I am not mistaken paladins can get up to around 950 AF. That should factor in some.
And polearmsman VS Hibs, sounds like a no no, dunno how many active wardens you got but I could swear there is always 1 in the groups I encounter :)


sycho has more weapon skill that me... thats stupid ...


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Aoe stun+pboae=death.... if only u had more sms out to rvr.

Do you actually RvR or are you still at the same stage as a few patches ago. Mouth stuck so far in the cow dung that you cant help but spit crap out.

Unless you missed it ablatives and Bunker of Faith conversations dont have much to do with the answer being x = AoE stun x #sb's
which you suggest. How about thinking again about whats been posted and see if you can improve on this crap.

Either that or stick to the other loonies who manage to impress themselves with such great words as:

"you've been pwnned11!" (please dont correct spelling it was not an invitation)
"I blame derric"
"pass him a cookie"

BoF is real tough and I have never seen it active where i'm hitting 50% of my damage. Maybe thats because hitting for 27 instead of in the hundreds really sticks out. That said I think I've often seen it used in conjunction with a armour charge. Soulfly can tell you. If he uses mainly BoF alone or couples it withhis own RA/armour charges etc.


Originally posted by old.Enigma

Do you actually RvR or are you still at the same stage as a few patches ago. Mouth stuck so far in the cow dung that you cant help but spit crap out.

Unless you missed it ablatives and Bunker of Faith conversations dont have much to do with the answer being x = AoE stun x #sb's
which you suggest. How about thinking again about whats been posted and see if you can improve on this crap.

Either that or stick to the other loonies who manage to impress themselves with such great words as:

"you've been pwnned11!" (please dont correct spelling it was not an invitation)
"I blame derric"
"pass him a cookie"

BoF is real tough and I have never seen it active where i'm hitting 50% value. That said I think I've often seen it used in conjunction with a armour charge. Soulfly can tell you. If he uses mainly BoF or couples it with RA/armour charge etc.

Whoever the hell you are i am sure mids will tell you that sms have the best pbaoe in the game if they use it right or not far off enchanters...now shut up with yout stupid comments i am sure i would maul your ass out there and so could many others.Your probably a person who hasn't even played a caster who is a buffed stealther i take it.For someone who can not post their name and talk crap about others you must be perfect or even made the god dam game.

BOF is good but hibs have a magic version of it as for mids i don't really know what they have.


Now now this was supposed to be my wine thread about me deen a limp hitter not a slaggin off thread

<feels all left out nobody cares :((>


I been hit for 5-10 with bof by lv50s so 20 is good:D


Originally posted by old.mattshanes

Whoever the hell you are i am sure mids will tell you that sms have the best pbaoe in the game if they use it right or not far off enchanters...now shut up with yout stupid comments i am sure i would maul your ass out there and so could many others.Your probably a person who hasn't even played a caster who is a buffed stealther i take it.For someone who can not post their name and talk crap about others you must be perfect or even made the god dam game.

BOF is good but hibs have a magic version of it as for mids i don't really know what they have.

OK I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot. How about we make a deal. I'll STFU and you will promise to stop posting irrelevant crap about AE STUN and the number of SB's. By reading this thread a few others seem to think the same too. Playing a merc does mean you 1 on 1 have a good chance against most classes without having too put much sweat into it. I'm glad that is building you confidence to think your good at this game now. Didnt use to think that did we ;) Groupability. Give me a REAL tank anytime. Bet you secretly wished you had Lion Mode dont you .


Oh BTW If you hadnt notice most SM's are pissed off at upcoming events so Midgard is never going to have a lot of them in RvR.
Maybe you missed there posts. In fact as it stands Midgard as a Melee realm have very few benefits with there extra melee benefits whjen RA's like BoF and upcoming Minstrel changes make it possible to be melee immune. Midgard groups are lucky to have 1 Runie in it let alone 2 which often appear in other groups we face. Mids are not selfish people who decide to choose gimp classes. Its called game mechanics and the changes Mythic make effect the way people will direct there efforts. At the moment Midgard feel very unloved. No point being the melee realm when you have casting abilities that stun and wipeout tanks in seconds before they get close then reading the other realm will have RA's and new addition which can make a group immune to melee.

But I forgot we have the almighty AE stun. Good job those runies arent playing. How many people are laughing at the Purity of Intellect and Thought power buff theyve been receiving recently.
Anyone left who did have BT has little opportunity to run it and do much else now. I cant think of any RA like SoS or BoF for mids. I think we got Perfect Recovery bringing your best friend back to life with full health and power. Whoopee!

At the end of the day the biggest effect it has on Midgard is Demoralisation.


Originally posted by old.Enigma
Oh BTW If you hadnt notice most SM's are pissed off at upcoming events so Midgard is never going to have a lot of them in RvR.
Maybe you missed there posts. In fact as it stands Midgard as a Melee realm have very few benefits with there extra melee benefits whjen RA's like BoF and upcoming Minstrel changes make it possible to be melee immune. Midgard groups are lucky to have 1 Runie in it let alone 2 which often appear in other groups we face. Mids are not selfish people who decide to choose gimp classes. Its called game mechanics and the changes Mythic make effect the way people will direct there efforts. At the moment Midgard feel very unloved. No point being the melee realm when you have casting abilities that stun and wipeout tanks in seconds before they get close then reading the other realm will have RA's and new addition which can make a group immune to melee.

But I forgot we have the almighty AE stun. Good job those runies arent playing. How many people are laughing at the Purity of Intellect and Thought power buff theyve been receiving recently.
Anyone left who did have BT has little opportunity to run it and do much else now. I cant think of any RA like SoS or BoF for mids. I think we got Perfect Recovery bringing your best friend back to life with full health and power. Whoopee!

At the end of the day the biggest effect it has on Midgard is Demoralisation.

That pretty much summed it up.


well i think midds and albs are equaly powerfull ... its just those damned hibbies which need a nerf badly ... Cmon ... insta CC .. hib group moving into the enemy group ( target luri`s guys , which is hard because of overgrown Firebolgs blocking view ) then then the terror of 2-3 Enchanters starts en we are dead before landing a single hit ) ... or atleast thats how i experience a NP zerg :D ...face it insta CC with PBaoe is darn powerfull .. . . 1800dmg in 6 second`s too every person in group needs nerf ...

whine whine ...


There is no gimped classes only gimped players and why would i wish i want lion mode?


Enigma, well put.

The special realm abilities is by far albion's trade. They have the best ones. If we'd change some of ours for theirs they'd start crying I think. :/


We do not,to prove it last night at beno 40 of us died to 15-20 hibs,why?

Because they have group purge,that magic resists thing which makes casters nuke for 10-50,2 sec pbt(i even know this because i use 2.6 spd weaps and i have had mainhand miss very often on hib groups) and the insanely overpowered enchanters with them blasting the shit out of albs through walls.


ok. sorry. the trade of special realm abilities belong to albion and hibernia. my point/whine was that we have nothing close to the efficiency of those in albion/hibernia. i'd love to have some group thing that made us midgardians invulvnerable to something. right now we're kind of low on invulvnerability, and midgardian lifespan average is getting lower by the day.

enchanters aren't all that powerful unless you are stunned or mezmerized, i normally easily run out of pbae distance if i'm not mezzed/stunned. you don't have to move much to save yourself from a lot of damage.

the most annoying part about hib casters is their baseline stun. i know my mentalist kicked a lot of butts with it.

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