ode to gawain

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Tzee is right.
Landshark is right.
CE pvp is something I would like to forget, but the truth is that we didn't want both arth and wf because we didn't need them fighting in our guild chat like we had heard they did in FC guild chat. I think we would have taken wf, but kg had already told arth yes before alot of albs joined. Anyhow, it was a flop and wf you didn't miss anything.


actually, i only posted a factual statement :p it's not really opinion in any way, since i didn't know wf back then, but i did know he was the leadership type (due to his number of raids done on excal back then), so might be a nice guy to have.. KG didnt fully trust you arthwyr, that's why you were given the task of speaking to WF and saying to keep things nice... how dumb is it to say half the guild protested against you?

it's just like saying fuck off, and lacked any tact or diplomacy whatsoever.

btw, i don't know how you were ever GM, from your whine posts here on BW, packed full of idiocy, as well as your public airing of problems within your guild(s), it's really conduct unbecoming of any leadership post.

however thats opinion.



I don't know we even had Gawain =D
Thats because I was making so much trouble.

actually, i only posted a factual statement it's not really opinion in any way, since i didn't know wf back then, but i did know he was the leadership type (due to his number of raids done on excal back then), so might be a nice guy to have.. KG didnt fully trust you arthwyr, that's why you were given the task of speaking to WF and saying to keep things nice... how dumb is it to say half the guild protested against you?

it's just like saying fuck off, and lacked any tact or diplomacy whatsoever.

btw, i don't know how you were ever GM, from your whine posts here on BW, packed full of idiocy, as well as your public airing of problems within your guild(s), it's really conduct unbecoming of any leadership post.
To every action there is a reaction Who initiated this post for example and for what purpose ?. Several actions were aimed at me before I even reacted bec I didnt think it was worth my time if you sting me with a needle long enough however to get anoyed I will eventualy hit you back with a sledgehammer (I still have my bazooka behind the door)... Venting guild problems on boards ... What makes you or anyone else better to voice em on IRC for months ? At least when I do it I have the curtsey to do it in a channel we both use. As for him organising raids ... If i Have my mail backed up that far I could probably show you the plan he sent me for his first relic raid asking for advice, the advice I sent back and the final plan used for the raid. Again just static a fact. The credit for the work on those raid was his indeed the knowledge ... 0
Opinions, they are like assholes everybody has one its the way you act that make me judge over you not the gossip other ppl tell about you. A lesson for you maybe ?

No need for me to post here anymore regarding this toppic anyhow. I could go on and on and on and on quoting crap wildfire speaks in IRC channels. (The list of the ppl who got mangled at one point or another is infinate). Even the examples I posted are spread over a damn month with him still playing the same tune blah blah gawain this, gawain that. I Ignored it for a while now but since he just keeps on flaming ( This post was a thread initiated by wildfire for the soul purpose of flaming ) I thought I'ld respond for once. Utterly funny that alot of ppl let someone talk utter shit about them behind their back and basicly not give a damn. At least the ppl with a slightly bigger light burning upstairs will draw the right conclusion I suppose. I prefer strife anyhow, no name calling, no profanity, good laugh from time to time and if ppl have a problem with you they tell you in your face and not behind your back, as it should be. On a final note if ppl like Apathy, wildfire, treniel dislike me I consider myself to be moving in the right direction.
Y'all have a nice day now and remember, be nice.


FC/BF/GoL/HB/1fg handicapped chimps (who can probably still work out how to use sos and bof) >>>>> strife

ooohhhh there goes that tinderbox.

p.s. yes gratz i asked you for advice on how to do a relic raid, the plan was mine, executed by me, so no you do not get any more credit than any of the other people I asked for pointers.

p.p.s. shame you still feel the need to plague our guild with the threat of your presence by keeping your lvl 1 fighter (very creatively/maturely named by the way) in FC as GM. LET GO. FIND SOME FRIENDS. CLING TO THEM.


well WF u lost...go back to m0ms tittys and stop postin more on this thread u only make urself more pathetic then u r


uhuh... and you are..?

oh sorry didnt see the strife tag, makes more sense now


Wildfire are you aware of how much of a cunt you come across as when you insult a whole guild which thus far on the forums seems reasonable? Ody at least..

Jeez grow up man..


<post count ++>

counting down seconds...3...2...1..



I didn't really read any of this post but I know Asha is Kate now so ... that's good :d

As for the rest...don't care, won't care.


such a shame theres no <shakes head> icon cos that about the only comment i can make tbh. i suppose this will have to do..






Re: right

Originally posted by Arthwyr
Thats because I was making so much trouble.

Only reason you didn't cause trouble is cause you didn't get time. CE pvp was over almost before it started. You've caused trouble in just about every guild you've been in (a long list). I am surprized Strife invited you with your past record and the fact that you still have a lvl 1 in FC just to piss them off.

To every action there is a reaction Who initiated this post for example and for what purpose ?. Several actions were aimed at me before I even reacted bec I didnt think it was worth my time if you sting me with a needle long enough however to get anoyed I will eventualy hit you back with a sledgehammer (I still have my bazooka behind the door)... Venting guild problems on boards ...

The only time you post on these boards is to shit stir or whine. You shit stirred about FC in another thread and then it was closed, so ofc he started another thread. If you posted something like that about anyone, then I would expect them to respond. It was a private email, but you being you chose to vent it here, as usual. There is nothing lower than taking private conversations and posting them in public. You try to make the other person look bad, but you just end up looking like a tit.

WF isn't my favorite person, but the only reason he wasn't invited into CE was because you and he can't get along. The email was just a test to see how you would handle the situation and you handled it exactly how we all thought you would.

I am sure Strife will see how you are sooner or later. Let's just hope for their sake that they don't promote you too high before it happens.


"Wildfire are you aware of how much of a cunt you come across as when you insult a whole guild which thus far on the forums seems reasonable? Ody at least.."


you say it as if I have some kind of reputation I should care about... surely you've worked out by now that I don't (have one, nor care)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
FC/BF/GoL/HB/1fg handicapped chimps (who can probably still work out how to use sos and bof) >>>>> strife

No comments.

Kurik BHM

Originally posted by old.Wildfire
1fg handicapped chimps (who can probably still work out how to use sos and bof) >>>>> strife

guess that includes me :(


Considering things said about FC on other posts on these forums... I think "stfu" applies quite nicely at this point.


I dont think I fancy going into your childish little games wildfire, I will leave this thread now and not come back.

I will however give you one little piece of advice; Go to a psychiatrist and get some treatment.


Oh lord.

wildfire, let it go.
Arthwyr give up.

the rest of you shoo.

talk about it in PM etc.
we all know you hate each others guts so theres no need to inflict it on the rest of them.

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