ode to gawain

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youuuuuuu're not siiiiiiiiiinging
youuuuuuu're not siiiiiiiiiinging
youuuuuuu're not singing any mooooooooore
youuuuuuu're not si-i-inging, any more.


Whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Stupid broken font thing!


LOL wildfire is a bit pissed off because a)His level 1 guildmaster Sellnsalvage is still part of FC dispite a futile atempt to remove him. Ofcourse I'm still open for decent negotiations . And b) he is pissed off because he constantly talks rubbish and now and then ppl put him in his bare ass over it. Example follows (just love this one)
12/12 09:38:27 <[FC]Wildfire> yeah well i dont have a guild
12/12 09:38:28 <orm-wrok> No point, but it's really fun getting red and purp cons exp killed :p
12/12 09:38:30 <nicolas-> wf you're in a rvr guild?
12/12 09:38:59 <K-A-T-T> get relics, get itamz, go around emain-everywhere-but-not-10%-as-many-yellowcons with a zerg
12/12 09:39:01 <nicolas-> so going out to emain and running around there isn't randomly ganking?
12/12 09:39:05 <[FC]Wildfire> correction: im in a rvr guild led by a prick who got me kicked out of CE because he made up a bogus claim that 40 people had complained about me being a member, before pvp had even started
12/12 09:39:15 <[FC]Wildfire> thanks.
12/12 09:40:16 <[CE]Fluid> lol who was that WF?
12/12 09:40:25 <[FC]Wildfire> Arthwyr/Gawain

12/12 09:40:28 <[CE]Fluid> GAH
12/12 09:40:34 <[CE]Fluid> mistar on pvp?
12/12 09:40:34 <[FC]Wildfire> so erm thanks
12/12 09:40:37 <[FC]Wildfire> fuck knows
12/12 09:40:49 <[CE]Fluid> its okay
12/12 09:40:51 <[FC]Wildfire> gg CE nice to have not even got to play with you before you judged me (allegedly)

A particular bone of contention at the moment is Wildfire, who does have a reputation (from the 40 or so concerned PM's I have received from all Albion guilds) have a reputation of being extremely obnoxious and offensive to others in his own realm. I assure you that while I am more than willing to give any player I have never played with the benefit of the doubt from day one on PvP, if an individual's behaviour towards others starts taking up my time with a deluge of complaints (based on previous experience) there will only be one outcome, and it won't be pretty for the player involved. I will not allow the morale of the guild to be compromised by the attitude of any individual. I would implore you to point this out in no uncertain terms to Wildfire. I will always put the majority first.

Kindest regards


See He likes to twist words so ppl think he is right, he even does it so much he probably thinks he is right himself not to mention he talks shit about just about everybody soon as they are not around. But carry on I'm enjoying this :) In the CE pvp example for instance I told him ppl protested of him being there, he chose not to join for himself, on IRC he makes it ... I got him booted from CE (makes him feel better you see)

Another version
12/21 05:11:23 <Poon> why didnt CE want you then WF? didnt know KG had a hardon for you or anything
12/21 05:11:23 <[FC]Wildfire> apparently
12/21 05:11:23 <[RG]Murphys> NerfZzzz, the one that took over Mus was a fcking retard.
12/21 05:11:23 <[FC]Wildfire> (this is according to gawain/arthwyr)
12/21 05:11:37 <[FC]Wildfire> 40 people complained about me, when i joined (prior to the pvp test)

and another one (he can't get enough matter of fact he still goes on about it)
01/14 19:27:16 <[FC]Wildfire> this is the man that claimed 40 people had emailed him
01/14 19:27:17 <Ckiller_OfDust> is it over soon?
01/14 19:27:20 <[FC]Wildfire> to complain about me joining CE

Here the 40 ppl emailed me ... whats next they came over to me to hold a protest march ?

As far as authenticity of the logs go they are all from CF channel and if you check the logs and dates with a mod you will find them to be authentic. Oh WF, have a nice day and get over it little boy its ok to cry. Oh and before any FC members jump in on this just remember.
01/02 11:02:41 <[FC]Wildfire> but FC are all lazy cunts
01/02 11:02:43 <[FC]Wildfire> konah included


Gawain 2 (check Funny Cunts Expanding for the 1st victory)



You're as crap as each other and belong together.

Psychotic fuckwittery on one hand, interminable self-loving on the other.




WF, about CE - you missed nothing, you really did.



actually, we were kinda agreed that arthwyr had done a fucktard move and put the entire 'mission' that he was given by KG (to basically be nice and say somehow - wf, we dont want shit in CE, otherwise, nice to have you), up shit creek... and from then we agreed arthwyr was a retard and should not be given any more responsibility in the guild and should be watched carefully for personal agendas.

logs are availble from extensive discussions between killgorde and myself :)

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Tee hee! This is just like a soap opera! More, MOOOORE!! :D


actually, we were kinda agreed that arthwyr had done a fucktard move and put the entire 'mission' that he was given by KG (to basically be nice and say somehow - wf, we dont want shit in CE, otherwise, nice to have you), up shit creek... and from then we agreed arthwyr was a retard and should not be given any more responsibility in the guild and should be watched carefully for personal agendas.

logs are availble from extensive discussions between killgorde and myself

But,but according to wildifre I made it all up myself ! There were no 40 ppl only in my head and it had to be spread through a channel I don't use myself with as soul purpose to influence ppl who never played with me before. Basicly you are missing the point. Though I appreciate you jumping in to save your "friend"

I did tell WF he could join if he behaved BUT he chose not to join if so many ppl felt that way about him. My problem with Wildfire is that instead of facing the fact that ppl did protest he had to produce his own version of it. At one point I even forwarded him the mail to wich I got a nice: Kthxbye. Oh and Tzeentch as a regular IRC chat chum of Wildfire I truly respect your unbiased opinnion. plz check who innitiated the thread if you wanna play with fire expect to get burned. Been listening and observing him talk crap about me for months now but hey I can play too.


WF abuses
WF owned by Arthwyr
Tzee counter-owns Arthwyr kinda
Arthwyr riposte
Nova writes shit thread commentary





You seem you need a decent guild who knows what DAOC is all about. And your colourful language...well, it can only mean one thing....



...and who the fuck are you?

How are rightnow treating u these days gawain? last chance I hear... suits you sir...

p.s. you STILL havent shown anyone any proof of these 40 emails as you promised ...care to?

edit: want another vote btw?


Right now ? A Van Halen song ? Last chance you wish. I forwarded you the mail btw your anwser was "Kthxbye" , your bud Tzeentchs post also makes clear there was a "mission" (original btw) But your making this way to easy. But since you care for another round here we go.

Wildfire loved school, he loved going there he loved playign with his friends and his parents gave him all the toys he wanted, Wildfire was a happy little boy. One day Wildfire came home and saw this ad on TV of this reallyyy cool game. Since it was almost Chrystmas he knew right then and there what he was gonna ask for present, the awesome new game all the kids were talkign about. But Wildfire had been a bad boy. He had been playing with the wrong friends too much and some of the other kids started to dislike Wildfire. The teachers also saw wildfire was a bad boy but they couldn't do much since Wildfire always knew where to act like a bad boy but the complaints from the other kiddies kept growing. At a certain point one of the teachers called wildfires dadi to tell him how his little boy was behaving and the teacher also said: "You are Wildifres dadi, have a good word with him because we don't want any trouble in school if he doesn't behave we will have to send him from school" So Wildfire and his dad had a good talk and his dadi threatened that he would't buy him that new toy he wanted so bad if he did not improve. But instead of listening to dad, wildfire got angry and started stamping his feet and slamming the doors. He knew what was behind this, Dadi dit not want to buy him his toy so he made up a story about the teacher calling dadi. he got so mad he yelled at his dad "I Don't want the stupid toy anymore" and he ran of crying and stamping his feet some more. The next day in school Wildfire told all his friends what an evil man dadi was and how he made up all those bad things about him so he didn't have to buy him his toy.

Chrystmas came and wildfire didn't get his toy, his parents had asked him if he still wanted but he stayed stubborn, it was a stupid toy anyhow. The chrystmas hollidays passed and Young Wildfire went back to school. To his horror all the other kiddies had gotten the new toy and they were all smiling and laughing and telling how cool and fun the new toy was. Wildfire was very angry and ran off to cry on the toilets, it was all his dadies fault that he didn't get the toy and he would get him for it. The Toy was Stupid anyhow and everybody playing with the new toy was stupid too. From that day on on the playground wildfire and some of the other kiddies who didn't like the toy anymore decided to make fun of the children who did have it. A few weeks later the new toy turned out not to be so great after all and most of the children stopped playing with it and Wildfire played along with them again acting if nothing happened. Only his dadi was still a bad man because it was his fault he never got to try the cool new toy.

To translate it in daoc therms you can check my sig and more ofcourse other statements like:
01/02 10:50:46 <[FC]Wildfire> he's probably parlain / gawain / some other random guild-deserting pvp cunt
01/02 10:51:35 <[FC]Wildfire> so there we go
01/02 10:51:35 <[FC]Wildfire> another guild-deserting pvp cunt
01/07 03:59:24 <[Wildfire]> or if perhaps he and the guild's officers hadn't abandoned FC for a month to play PVP

etc yada yada getting bored of these logs. First you want to join in on PvP then you find things arent turning out as you expected so PvP and everyone playing it is ... you guessed it, a cunt. There is a word for ppl like you, I'll let you figure it out for yourself.


ehehehehahahahahahheheeheheheheheheheheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <breathes> ehehehahahahhaahahhahhahahahehehahehhahehheha <cough> ehehehahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaa <chokes> eehhehehehehehehahahahahehahehahehaeheha <breathes>


its fine, you let the guild go to shit, but people who actually cared stayed and sorted it out - have fun in strife now, kthxbye.


CE pvp sucked totally :rolleyes:

aaaaanyway... luv is in teh air


OMG its the Bold and the Beautifull but its a Daoc version

hoppefully they'll patch it :p

Cap'n Sissyfoo

~wonders when Wildfire will find out he is really the secret love child of Gawain and Tilda~

Oops! Just spoilt the ending for everyone! My bad!


Originally posted by old.m0000

u were m00 on pvp, gawain afaik was called mistar, and darbey was missus or smth, feel free to correct me if i am wrong.


Originally posted by Sissyfoo
~wonders when Wildfire will find out he is really the secret love child of Gawain and Tilda~

Oops! Just spoilt the ending for everyone! My bad!

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