Oddball Group lineups and why they can rock



Originally posted by old.Xarr
How's this for an oddball group:

1 pac specced healer, 1 pbt runie, 1 tank with aggro style and 3-4 pbaoe spiritmasters.

They go about it like this:

Tank runs in to a pretty purple mob (or two) and builds aggro with aggro style while the pbaoe peeps run into position around the mob then the healer stuns while pbaoe-hell commences. Think it would work? :)

You need 1 tank per pulled mob really. And it's not really oddball, a regular PBAE group... just never seen in EU Mid yet because we ain't got PBAE.

Would be great if the SMs would be 35 dark/41 supp spec also so they could 1st spirit debuff as the tanks taunt... then the PBAE would hurt ;)


Originally posted by SFXman

Someone actually recommended this today in albion at the pygmys... every tank supposed to take a mob (2 or 3) then the mobs get the pbaoe hell on them. Didn't try it though.
On strange group was friar+cleric+scout+scout+armsman... the thing was that one scout pulls while another is in stealth near the pygmy hill. As the pygmys get aggro on teh first scout running back the other in stealth comes out and shoots the crap out of them. Worked quite well...

Muhuahuha ;) was slaughtering pygmys doing this last night...

got bored - too easy - killed some Danaoin Farmers instead :) exploring the scary bits of Lyonesse (waved hello to Morgana and her two pet demons too)


Fingoniel, I agree, some groups make farming pygmys extremely easy. But hey, I don't mind :)
Just don't get that kind of group often unless it is a bunch of buddies.

Roo Stercogburn

Some of the responses on here are really awesome and all sound like good fun :)

I'll come clean now though.

There was a point to this thread:

A lot of peeps you meet ingame think there is only one standard way to hunt successfuly and gain xp at a good rate.

I've never agreed with this.

You guys have shown that there are a lot of good ways to get good hunt groups together with varying numbers of players - you just have to think about your strengths and weaknesses as a group and play to them.

Cheers to all who responded :clap:

(Am saving text content of this thread to refer to later - I'm not proud, I'll learn from anyone ;))


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