Nvidia and DX9 games...



Yeah I already read that I've been an Nvidia fan for years but im am really starting to look at ATI for my next upgrade my poor old GF2U is no longer cutting it :mad:


This will have to be sorted by Nvidia and developers asap as there's shit loads of these cards out there.

One in my machine :(


My next card will almost certainly be a Radeon 9600pro.
It's got great price versus performance value.
Nice to see my decision is backed up by this article..


It's an ATI trade fair. What did you expect them to say?


Originally posted by the_smurflord
It's an ATI trade fair. What did you expect them to say?

Did you actually read the article........If so comment on the last few slides and conclusions....I don't think Valve are going to try and alienate 1000's of GeForce owners just to get people to get Radeons.....They have no need to!


Whats the Quality of DAOC like with the ATI Radeon 9600 ?

Anyone got one and care to mention? As im buying a new PC on monday and would love to know the DAOC difference in gameplay / FPS, over the GF FX 5900 U....


A sign of fitness and health fresh from the Valve gymnasium.


Gabe Newell of Valve software states his case


No doubt NVIDIA PR will investigate the issue and tell their tech teams about it. I very much doubt NVIDIA will let what is going to be one of the most anticipated games of the modern day have bad framerates under their cards.

BTW did anyone else notice that these benchmarks didnt look at graphics quality? I think the picture painted might be a little obscure from the actual truth TBH.


BTW did anyone else notice that these benchmarks didnt look at graphics quality? I think the picture painted might be a little obscure from the actual truth TBH.

Dont you think they did the benchmarks under the same amount of detail for both ati / nvidia cards?

Thus to get a playable framerate under nvidia cards you automaticly sacrifice quality...


Dont you think they did the benchmarks under the same amount of detail for both ati / nvidia cards?

Thus to get a playable framerate under nvidia cards you automaticly sacrifice quality...

Graphics quality isnt just about the game settings its about the drivers.

Mipmapping, Ansitropy, Antialiaising accuracy, Colour accuracy through translucency or pixel shader functions.


This better not....

All i can say is this better not be sodding true considering I went out and brought myself a OTES FX5900 in anticipation of HL2!

If this is the case, considering I went with it due to A) Benchmarks and reviews on various website and B) Due to I have always been with NVIDIA, I can assure you all that I will be selling my OTES on ebay and getting myself a Radeon 9800 and turning my back on NVIDIA forever.

If it all turns out to be true that means NVIDIA have mislead customers by optimizing their drivers to produce synthetically high benchmarks and therefore pull in customers to their company with false results. Role on my law suit is all I can say!!



Originally posted by pitspawn
BTW did anyone else notice that these benchmarks didnt look at graphics quality? I think the picture painted might be a little obscure from the actual truth TBH.

its not a benchmark if you change settings etc between cards...


Of course this did come from an ATI event. Has to be taken with a pinch of salt at this time.


Yes, but ATI could never compensate the amount of money Valve would lose if they alienated all of their Nvidia customers by lying about the near unplayable performance of HL2 in combination with Nvidia's graphics cards.

It's a well known fact that Nvidia tweak their drivers to make up for the lack of pipelines on their FX series. Look up on the whole ordeal with 3dmark 03 and Nvidia for the proof.

Nvidia will be releasing a new set of drivers within the next week to 'fix' the problem with HL2's performance. The real problem is that they will have to do this for EVERY DX9 game which is going to be released until they release their new range of cards.


I heard some ATI cards gived GFX bugs in SI & didn't work well ...

Does a ATI card perform well in daoc ? Also reflecting water and shadows and such ? I didn't quite followed the GFx-card market lately *g*


I have an ATI Radeon 9700 pro 128mb in one machine and a Nvidia GFX5600 ultra 128mb in another playing SI and the gfx on both are identical and top notch.

For some other games i.e. FPS ones the ati outperforms the nvidia one.


I upgraded from a GF3 to a GF FX 5900 Ultra 256 and guess what....

GF3 = 40 fps
GF FX 5900 = 40 fps

Most be something to do with the SI engine cause other games run at 100-200 fps now


I think the SI engine relies a lot on cpu as well.

Just by upgrading a gfx card will still leave the cpu bottleneck


Originally posted by -nicolas-
Yes, but ATI could never compensate the amount of money Valve would lose if they alienated all of their Nvidia customers by lying about the near unplayable performance of HL2 in combination with Nvidia's graphics cards.

It's a well known fact that Nvidia tweak their drivers to make up for the lack of pipelines on their FX series. Look up on the whole ordeal with 3dmark 03 and Nvidia for the proof.

Nvidia will be releasing a new set of drivers within the next week to 'fix' the problem with HL2's performance. The real problem is that they will have to do this for EVERY DX9 game which is going to be released until they release their new range of cards.

100% correctamundo!


Originally posted by old.moriath
I think the SI engine relies a lot on cpu as well.

Just by upgrading a gfx card will still leave the cpu bottleneck

Can't be. Have a P4 2.8GHz with the GF FX 5900.
I put my GF3 in my Athlon 2000+
Both run at 40 fps


Originally posted by Jephtha
Anyone thinking of getting a Nvidia GeForce Ultra have a look at the following article and rethink your plans, and anyone who has bought one already... :mad:


ya, was gonna post the url to the anandtech tests or however it splelt site last night, thought again after the nvidia troll WHINES on irc starting happening.


"The 5900 ultra is noticeably slower with the special codepath and is horrendously slower under the default dx9 codepath;
- the Radeon 9600 Pro performs very well - it is a good competitor of the 5900 ultra;" amuses me.


Originally posted by pudzy
A sign of fitness and health fresh from the Valve gymnasium.


Gabe Newell of Valve software states his case



i've been a fan of nvidida since the first TNTseries came out and have been using their cards eversince. When I upgrade my 3xGF4 cards I will deffo go ATI since they finally have gotten their damned drivers in shape, the driverissue with ATI is what I havent liked all these years. Overall a better card I think now though. I tend to not look much at the FPS and such when choosing a card nowadays, I look more at the "smid", its something I cant put a word on, when mismatching memories, when timings are wrong, when a GFXcard is overclocked too much etc, it just dont flow as it should and thats something I really dont like. Thats more important to me than FPS. ATI is great in this way these days, dom smider som fan! ;)


With cards and the like I'm going for optimal DX9.0 performance.

there are three facts (imho) to look at when choosing the perfect setup for your computer.
Bear in mind that I have put in some criterias for the people that own the computers also..

  1. CPU is always the first thing to mention, if you dont have the speed then forget about it, place the new games on your "Never used shelve" and forget about them, just play Quake 1 or QW instead.. Always have the the processor that is in atleast on GB range of the newest CPU on the market, this will not be expensive, since the "older# CPU's will never be of an issue if you have chosen the right motherboard.." But this can also cause some problems when the next generation arrives.. untill then, have atleast the cheapest on the market for the best price on the technology of today (I can write MORE AND MORE about what CPU's to buy, but that comes later in this little thread)

  2. RAM is the second thing when you want to play the big games, I was one of the lucky ones that invested in the newest RAM chips when the prices were at it's lowest somewhere in 2001/2002.. (I even have 1024 MB RAM for machines not accepting the latest fastest RAM, and even more of the newest sort of ram, the 1GB RAM machines is just my linux handler machines...)
    Always have as much possible as your wallet can handle of RAM, and please make sure that you have the latest of the tech art..

  3. If not the second thing, but perhaps the third thing (this can be discussed forth and back in eternity, but for this purpose I have placed GFX cards third in the list..) For GFX cards there are a multitude of cards to choose from, choose the one that suits your wallet AND can last for atleast 6 months.. If you dont have the money for such a GFX card just forget about it, you wont afford the CPU and the RAM either.. check various forums on problems and other things regarding the card you want.. I once was so stupid to buy a Hercules Card just when Voodooo GF3 went off the market and there I was, with a card with cutting edge perfomance not able to play a single game..
    GET A CARD THAT can handle your games and goes with your computer..

    My usual habit since 1996 or 97 is that I change 2 GFX cards per year and then once CPU per year, and after that the RAM involvecd..

  4. All of the aboves are kinda obvious for a serious gamer that likes to have an orgy in the newest games on the market.. but people forget that all this costs money.. I'm not a rich person but my social welfare pays for this because I dont have job and thus can play games more ;) but for the casual gamer I would advice what I said above...
  5. ALL CASUAL GAMERS look here, follow the advices above and you might get what you expect of the games you buy, but without a top-end comp you'll get nothing you expect.. (Ask people that've been with gaming for awhile for this ;) )
  6. Ok, Since I promised to talk about CPU's in the first article of this post I can never go past this, I've been an avid AMD fan for since they launched their first CPU with their cheap prices.. What I say now after being an AMD addict for atleast 8 years is GO WITH EVERY CPU THAT'S NOT AMD... AMD cant handle the temperatures involved with overclocking, the Intel CPU's can handle them with their internal OC (overclocking) shutdown and also the fans that Intel use. (Compare the fans of a XXMHz AMD with an equal XXMHz/Ghz Intel CPU and it's like a silent breeze compared to a thunderstorm where the AMD is the thunderstorm ;))
  7. The last point in this thread ( a rather longer thread than I imagined ) is the topic of the post, NVidia is up to the users point and his wallet :)


    Sortbane over and out, hope you read it all :)


Originally posted by Rambo
i hate nvidia cause they killed 3dfx !

Ehm... 3dfx committed suicide, no other way around that really. Nvidia just bought the remains, but 3dfx can only blame itself for the downfall.

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