NTL trouble AGAIN?!



Originally posted by n3wbie
sue them all you want. you wont win jack shit because there is no where in the contract thay guarantees any quality of service, theyd end up suing you for loss of earnings or something by wasting their time in court.

They dont need a guarantee , theres a catch all in the Sale of Goods act. Knew that law degree would come in handy one day.


NTL provides a service, not a good so are you sure the same thing applies? yes in goods the quality has to be good or the shop has to give a refund or exchange but with a service? there is no way to guarantee the quality of a service. if you were british rail, could you guarantee the service to be top notch and that every single train will come on time? there is no way to guarantee that.


The sale of goods act defines a good as a good or a service. Without boring the pants off u its generally all about clauses and exemptions, no doubt theyve covered their ass in the small print somewhere and tbh wouldnt be worth wasting money in a small claims court but i bet it would make you feel better. As far as im concerned NTL are on last chance now, one more screw up its over to Tiscali adsl .


Well once again I come home from work to find Camelot unplayable due to stupid lag and linkdeaths. WTF do NTL use to fix this problem? Chewing gum and sticky tape? It's really takin the piss, surely one of the monkeys who carries the tools around has found the right combination of spanner and hammer to fix a problem permanently? Come on, this is the third time in a month it's been fixed and fucked up again a couple of days later. I think someone's laughing at us.


NTL :(

Not just you guys up north having problems this time. Was horrible playing on Saturday morning, no LD's (yet) but huge lag spikes every 5 mins making things very much unplayable...mash some buttons, hope for the best...get to see the result 1 min later...fun! :( Apparently they did some much needed maintenence on their routers in Reading and it's not been the same since. Damn NTL!

Gerta Ugbash



Well couldn't get hold of Dave as he's on holiday so I've just spoken to His boss. Nothing happening till tomorrow at earliest I expect.

Time to start looking for ADSL solutions I guess :(

edit : When asked wether they where fixing it with sticky back plastic, "I couldn't comment on that."

Lets make ourselves heard guys, I wouldn't normally post anyones number but Evil Gerty has been awoken.

North West Broadband Internet Operations
01925 496313

please anyone from NW ring em up and give em some tomorrow


They have got to be taking the piss the packet loss is back once again. LD withing 2 minutes


on their site it says they are fixing a core router prob in m'boro. i hope they are joking around or something because THE PROB ISNT WITH A FUCKING CORE ROUTER IN M'BORO YOU STUPID FUCKS

:mgwhore: :mgwhore: :mgwhore: :mgwhore: :mgwhore:


NTL are going to lose so many customers because of shit service

treat your customers like shit

provide shit service

you employ monkeys who dont have a fucking clue



Forgot to mention , i emailed the Daily Telegraph Readers submissions on the absolutely attrocious service NTL are and have been providing for some time and i received a nice email back from the Dotcom section editor who was very interested in what i and others had to say. Im looking forward to telling them , only problem i have is doing it in a non libelous way. Lets see how fast they fix it when Mr James Mooney is reading it over his morning coffee.


Originally posted by darbey
Lets see how fast they fix it when Mr James Mooney is reading it over his morning coffee.

His shirt will get stained when he reads it..

NTL provide appauling service say customer


Awwww my new shirt!


Originally posted by darbey
......Im looking forward to telling them , only problem i have is doing it in a non libelous way

Just tell the truth and it cannot be libelous. Tell the DT guy what an apalling service you've been having, how this is the third time now this problem has occured, point him towards the threads here on the BW Forums and to other users like yourself who are at the end of their tether about it.

Providing you stick to the facts there's very little they can do other than admit they've ballsed it up again and bad publicity is the one thing these big companies cannot afford to get, specially in papers like the DT which is obviously read by a lot of people in the old financial sector.

I would suggest you read up a bit on that law degree you took too cos I'm sure you're right about their being a mininum guarantee of service once you sign a contract with any sort of goods/service provider.

I would also suggest BBC News' online section too cos they're quite up on online gaming and I'm sure they'd like to have a pop at NTL too ;)


The final cut

Well thats about it. Reckon i'm getting BT in now. I lasted all of 2 minutes tonight b4 my first ld.

To my fellow wolverines i must apologise for my absence. Hopefully I'll be back on soon.

Hmmm maybe i should charge my subs to NTL since I'm paying for a service i can't use because of their stupidity....


And don’t forget to mention how it is almost impossible to get to speak to a knowledgeable human being. I phoned them on Friday and was told there was a 40-minute wait. This was midday, I would hate to think what it was like when people got home from work.


Just submitted the full story to BBC watchdog on the saga of NTL in all its gory details. Im on a mission now to publicly crucify them in every way possible. I would suggest everyone affected does the same. Might even get your mug on TV.


heres just a small snippet

"Although i have had ongoing problems with the lack of customer service for best part of a year, since then the lack of customer service and knowledge shown by this company is quite frankly staggering. On one occasion after being in a queue for almost 30 minutes, i got through to a customer service representative, explained i had lost my internet connection at which point i was told there was a service outage in my area. I then recommended they put a message up at the start of call to inform customers of any problems so they didnt have to waste hours on the phone. To which the reply i got was you can always check the NTLworld web site for service status. Hmm i wonder to myself, how do i do that with no internet connection.
However in the last month it has gone bad to worst and have had virtually unusable connection for 11 days out of 25, of which I am paying £25 a month line rental plus £15.00 for modem. I have sent best part of a dozen emails , over 5 hours in phone calls , was guaranteed call backs which never surfaced. They even turned round and said on several occasions theres isnt a problem even though i have sent them documented diagnostic tests to prove it. i have quite frankly never in my life seen such incompetence from a company.

And it goes on. Ill get their attention.


If this goes on TV and they get publically done in, im gonna be so glad, having how much of a shitty ISP they are PLASTERED all over TV, i wish NTL the worst to come, i hope they lose every penny they have and go into total disrepair

Gerta Ugbash

Got a call from Dave's colleague this morning. He's having the matter fixed today, he's gonna ring me back tonight when I get home from work with a progress report. I'll keep checking on here during the day whilst at work let us know how it's goin guys.


Nice one Gerta, if anyone who has been afected can check throughout day how it is on daoc, im at work at moment.


Just done tracert's to camelot-europe.goa.com and no packet loss.


Couple of guys on NThell forum have said that it doesnt seem to be dropping packets at renfrew anymore , any one had a chance to check on daoc server?


Seems to be fixed for me as of sometime this afternoon, who knows for how long though:)


Aha seems the threat of bad publicity has worked. Had a nice gentleman from local support in Teeside call me giving me a full update for the situation , thanking me for helping to identify the problem some mega apologies and an explanation that id identified a few issues in the organisation that needed rectifying ie lak of technical knowledge and best of all a refund on my last 3 months. If the fix is permanant i shall be satisfied.


a refund? damn :) makes me wish i complained more now

Gerta Ugbash

Well atleast it's sorted it seems :)

My work m8's have been giggling at Civy and Darbey's avatars however :clap:

Guess I'll be seeing what I can do about a refund aswell then :)


Oh how they tremble under the threat of bad reps :D

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