NS respec from Blades to peirce



Ok, this is something that has been going over in my mind ever since i had two encounters with yellow con mobs. One being a Molochian tempter in DF, which i pulled with my bolt. it then proceeded to beat me up, so i ran to sum help. and another being the giant Aemonn (or similiar) in breifine. He aggroed me but i still had time to stealth and get my PA in...not that it made much difference, it was a very close fight and i only won by the fact i changed to my big sword at he end. i am wearing all SC armour, af 96, whcih has very good stats, i also have a MP sicle and a 99% crescent sword. both r excellent weps but i feel they do not make much difference.
So my question is, Would peirce really be better?
with 1.62 i get a respec, so i need to make up my mind quickly. Although blades is individual and dosent follow the norm spec, i feel it is hampering my ability to actually be any good :-\ please any help would be nice, thx :)


kk didnt take a lot or persuasion. now all i need to do is sell my mp sicle :-\


Blades used to be better, but since 1.60 GOA or Mythic screwed blades over so that it now does around 50% previous damage. No idea if yesterdays patch changed it back to normal or not but I got fed up of waiting and went peirce.


Not following?
Why would blades do 50% less damage after 1.60?


Stealth nerf or GOA fuckup - it's not been reported by anyone in the US but Jaenelle's respecced LW due to it and Luon mentioned how he'd noticed a large decrease in blades damage - all 3 of us noticed the problem individually without the others influence, coupled with checking screenshots before and after as it were it's easy to see something's gone horribly wrong somewhere.

My rangers damage output decreased from ~100 - 130 on slash weak targets down to around 60 after the change from 1.59 to 1.60. On slash neutral around 90 - 100 down to around 40 and on slash strong from around 70 down to around 30 or so. At the same time, with the same stats after I respecced peirce, peirce is still doing roughly the same damage as blades did for me pre-1.60 (In fact a bit more, but that's because of other factors like higher weapskill, slightly slower weaps etc.). I had a ton of screenshots proving the massive decrease but foolishly when I patched last night and copied my DAoC dir to other PCs I didn't wanna copy the few 100mb of screenshots too so deleted them, I think I still have a few left hanging around though at least.

I'd like to see what blades damage is like now that 1.62 has gone in to see if it fixed it but there's no way in hell I'm risking a respec back to blades to be gimped to hell again.


falceh, wanna buy me 2 pierce weps so i can respec pierce? :d

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