now this really isnt fair


Hit ^_^

Whoodoo only one thing stoping me from moving to mid. and thats cause your in it.


Well well

No one is complaining that damn, healers have EVERYTHING and rock a world alone (like some people claim alpha does =)

However, its fair to claim that just a single one of this ones in a regular guild group with maxxed or close to maxxed PAC can kill ANY other group in this game cept pure stealth groups, and this is what I complain about. That two groups have a fight and only one group can do anything is a little more unbalanced then for instance mess that at least make pure meleers a hell to bring down to the knees. It totaly neglect the opponoments ability to use any ra cept purge, and a group purge very rarily is at hand. If it is indeed possible to get a 11 sec area stun, i think its overpowered, make the "normal" one 5 and 7 secs instead of 6 and 9 at least =)

Point out.


Originally posted by Archeon
"Its Not Fair, I Got Killed By <Insert Class>" bitchings and equally bitching replys.

it didnt start off as that type of thread it was because a bug that was fixed was undone. healers being able to stack cast stun with insta nothing more nothing less fs.


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
Whoodoo only one thing stoping me from moving to mid. and thats cause your in it.

Come on over and be my buff bot biatch :p



Originally posted by Archeon

lol, plz tell me i'm not the only one getting a sevear sense of deja vu :)

FYI - you missed out resist buffs :p

It seems to have escaped everyones attention that to get the 11sec AE insta you need to get your pac through the roof. i can't be bothered to check but i think its 50...

Now, add in the fact that healers are regarded as a caster class when it comes to spec points, so we get

1 point at lvl 1
2 points at lvl 2
3 points at lvl 3
<blah, blah, blah>
50 points at lvl 50

and our mini-dings arn't up to much either, i know a majority of healers do spec high enough for the AE insta's (either the high 30, or high 40 set) but i know very few healers that then go the rest of the way and get the 11sec.

All this really is, is a whine post to put it bluntly. somebodys gotten a little annoyed because their realm doesn't have a certain ability...

you know, like casters having a self power regain...

or healer classes not only being able to spec in weaponary and parry but also to have a PBT and use bows and shit...

or even casters having an ST baseline stun...

i mean hell, its soooo terrible that of all the classes availbile the one that can't even spec in a weapon or a line that does direct damage and is given a spell that other realms don't have...

you know, like a power drain.. (admittadly thats going to come in SI but its a good example)

or turret pets...

Hell, we should just scrap the whole concept of this being a three realms game. just make it one realm/one class, then again you just know some people are still going to find ways to complain.

"I got owned when i charged the portal keep, NERF <X> REALM!!"

"Sombody else got their insta off before mine, NERF THEM!!!"

"Its so unfair that i don't have an insta AE stun, NERF HEALERS!!"

Pfft, i'd go on but it really does annoy me that people complain about things like this. think about the class as a whole before you start complaining about a specific thing, and preferably if you do have a complaint send it via 'rightnow' don't post it on the BW forums when its so blatently obvious its going to start an arguement.

Note - Not sorry for posting this, and having a very nice day thank-you very much ;)

I don't care if it's 11sec, 10 sec or 9 sec or whatever sec AOE stun, but an AOE stun is still totally stupid and owerpowered no matter what you say, if you can't understand that, something is vrong with you. Np I can live with healers have aoe stun, but it still IS to owerpowered and uber, no way around that really.

And btw, why don't post it here for an argument? When I'm bored at work it's fun to argument and discuss things here. If you don't think that is fun.....don't read this forum :p


Originally posted by Archeon

YES! healers are with little doubt the single best croud control character in the game, the only CC spell we lack is an AE root.

Yeah, i accept that AE stun is a very powerful tool. it would seem especially unfair and overpowered if we're the only class in the game with an AE stun. But i seriously can't stress enough the high price at which it comes. I'm not sure (looking at your siggy) you can fully appreciate just how much of a hinderence being a healer can be.

And its not that i don't mind arguements/agressive discussion its just that there are so many whining little snots that don't know what their talking about. they just put

"Healers are overpowered because they say so" or somthing along those lines. i'd much prefer to argue/agressivly discuss (i love that way of putting it :)) the strength of a healers ability with sombody who actually knows what their talking about and put their point across in more than three words. two of which are 'fuck and 'you'

I suppose i'm just a little passionate about this because i don't want another indirect nerf to one of our main contributions to the realm. By indirect nerf i mean Purge, Group purge, Determination, Avoidence Of Magic and all the nasty little realm abilitys that mean i spend most of my time getting pissed because my overpowered AE stun has only stopped one person out of 8 :)


I would so love to see what healers would be saying if we made the spells 1000 range, gave em a really crap, slow-casting DD on 1350 range, and made their mezz about half the duration, PBAE, and on a 5min timer....
No really, I'd find that hilarious :p

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