Now this is justice.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Vindicator said:
As for the killers in this thread, lets hope your just trying to show your online toughness and wouldnt actually kill somebody over some money and a possible empty threat to your family. Your more likely to do 25+ years for murder while his mate's / family exact his revenge upon your family anyway. Scum have a way of striking at the worst moments.

The guy held a gun to his head which we know was real as he shot it at his car. Empty threats my ass.

(sorry im whining I just can't see how anyone could sympathise with the deceased.)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Everyone has the right to make choice its called free will, if someone like that had threatend my family i wouldnt have stopped at just running him down.

Ok it maybe a one sided story but inocent people dont fire weapons out of their windows at least not that im aware of.

Death yes is a bit harsh but then again maybe he shouldnt have been driving a SUV which i think in america is probbly classed as a light truck ;)

Its all congecture personally if someone threatens your family you make sure they dont do it again.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Smith said:
All this guy did was threaten someone, steal a not-huge amount of money and run off.

but did he break the law? yes.
does it matter how much he stole? no, see first point.

i suppose it depends on how you think. my way of thinking is if you break the law then you are punished. it doesnt matter if you break the law ' a little bit' or ' a lot'. you break the law then you should be punished. if you break the law you should lose any rights that a lawful person has.

it pisses me off when people break the law and then try to sue someone over it. like when the farmer shot that guy robbing him. the robber then sued and mr farmer goes to prison. WHO WAS ROBBING WHO FFS?! or when people speed then try to get out of it. another guy was speeding then he sued the council because the speed limit sign was not to a standard. so fuck if its not to a standard, if it says 30 then go 30 ffs.



FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Night said:
I heard in saudi arabia they chop off the guys penis for raping another woman...
off the topic slightly, but... :)
Pretty sure that is not correct. Loose a hand for being a convicted thief and your head for murder/rape.
The woman is usually arrested as well for sex outside of marraige. Unless there is very good evidence against the males.

Sometimes the families make them marry and 'blood money' is paid to keep the thing quiet.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Lumikki said:

fucker deserved it and the other ***** with him, id kill them all with no pity or remorse, some fuck breaks into your house should have ZERO rights at all from the moment he steps in.


Feb 2, 2004
Adoctor said:
they get to bury a possible rapist, probable murderer and thief.

and in saudi they do cut ur penis off for rape, they also cut your hands off if you steal and stone you if you commit adultery (women only, if i remember rightly).
If its a bloke i belive its decapitation isn't it?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Smith said:
All this guy did was threaten someone, steal a not-huge amount of money and run off. The very reason you know of this story is because he was subsequently brutally murdered. Stop assuming silly things.

You seem to be forgetting 1 thing the person who died was firing a gun at the man who killed him. Assuming his story is accurate if the guy didnt fire the gun the drive wouldnt of ducked and thus not been in full control of the direction of the car and might not have hit the robber.

All that aside though if someone is trying to kill you either you kill them or run away or of course die. This man decided not to be a victim and has unfortunately caused the death of another but what he has done is stopped the next few potential robberies in that area for the next few potential robbers who live int hat area and know this story.

Of course he may have also signed his own death warrent as the guy still at large might want revenge.

All speculation of course, but to you, dont get all high and mighty with people when you leave half the facts out of your own argument to make what you say seem better.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
As for my opinion on the matter.

If a person decides to rob, threaten, rape etc etc, then they run the risk of trying to do it to the wrong person, someone who wont be a victim. As happened in this case.

I dont think what the driver did was right, neither do i think it is wrong to protect yourself / your family.

I wouldnt say the robber deserved to die but he deserved not to get away. People say things like '.. for not alot of money' 'only threatend' but you seem to forget that the more a person gets away with the more they test the bounderies, not many people stop when they can get away with it. Some times a close call is enough, I would say this is a close call for the 3 that lived and that maybe they will think before doing something like this again.

More stories like this are going to crop up as the more our legal system is 'refined' the more it seems to protect criminals and the population wont stand for this for long (long is a relative term, look at similar incedents in history for some examples of how long a society has put up with something that is unacceptable but subtle).

Our justice system is trying so hard to make 100% certain they have the right person that a fair amount of criminals are getting away with their actions and this will cause disrespect for the justice system, knowig they wont 'go down', and thus then partake in more crimnal activity.

I could go on for ages and others could go on for ages against things I say, none of this is 'black and white' and it would take a hellava lot of discussion and opinins to get to anything more acceptable, well to some anyways.

So, blah blah blah aside I would like to see more 'stories' like this as it is a step towards the population not standing for an ever increasing failling justice system.

My 2 cents.

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