Now then Now then



After spending a short while in emain tonight, I along with others have noticed one small prob Alb seems to have atm

a number of Albs run away from battles, Why? at MMG tonight we had same if not a few more as Mids, some of Albs go down, and the rest turn and run (and still die)
Now if your gona lose RP's then do it fighting, not running

Alb isnt Gimpd, our classes arnt underpowerd
we have LOADS of brill players in all the Guilds, yet we seem to have a massive inability to get along, and work as a team in RvR

for ex. Gorse says in the cg lets form up at Apk and then go when we have the numbers, and what happens, Half wander of to Amg and die (ok some may have not been in cg) but there were plenty that were, and still went

Well heres hopeing this is just a phase

and Plz feel free to point out things I seemd to have got wrong, it will all help in working out the probs we have (like I have a stupid habit of running in to melee the Enemys way too often)

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Chole

Well heres hopeing this is just a phase

kinda been going on since I joined Albion, but heres to hoping.

- Algar -

/em thinks of a stereotypical reason for an Alb to run away..

OMG!!!! a mid, he will r0xx0r uzz... l3ts run!!


In all seriousness though, i think we're a bit braver than we used to be.. just.
Heh, i have a 31 minstrel, and i -charge- when i see albs attacking (LIES!!!!) large grps of enemy realmers, i'm a gimped melee class and die in about 4 (or less!) hits... but tis fun all the same - Just wait till i get SoS! /zooooom, whack, /rezooooom

Soz, 11pm and my sanity goes downhill rapidly the closer you get to midnight


think it all boils down to - the one who stays alive will be the one earning RP. The ones who charge might be the cause of an albion victory but they get nothing from this (no RP and not even recognicion for their bravery).

I usually charged and died. I found it VERY frustrating to lie dead in the beginning of every battle tho so now I usually charge in, to get albs moving, then I withdraw for a second to get all warriors/runies off my back (the ones who charge in first is bound to draw all attention .. a quick run back will fix this tho as they tend to find new targets when you go out-of-range). Much more rewarding tactic I must say...

There is times, when mids/hibs camp AMG in Emain, where we try and 'pull' enemies to APK cause of their superiour numbers tho. It's a tactic for gaining RP's and slowly decreasing enemy zergsize tho .. not a "run for your life" thing :) How it usually works: get a group with a minstrel and run up to AMG. Taunt mid/hib zerg into charging and then run back to APK in mach5 (some without speed might die but then they didn't have to follow). Some enemies get bored of PK-camping pretty quickly and they return to AMG. Then albs charge the remaining ~10 mids/hibs and go to pull a fresh group of sheep from AMG again :D

Actually an excellent and quite exciting tactic :clap:


Its quite easy RP when all the albs are fleeing :D, keep up the good work and ill keep mjollnering.
And its actually quite true what you say, we come through amg towards the 1-2 groups of albs and the ones in behind start fleeing chaining the rest to follow


yesterday in emain: half of the group runs away, i am beating up some norse gotten him half doen or so. 5 of his fellow mids join in. no alb to see . . .. .

port, run, die yesterday

i hate emain.

Yggra is so much more fun


This is one of the reasons i hardly ever RvR anymore (not that i did loads in the first place). I was thinking instead of crafting to setting up an underwear cleaning buisness. :p


you`re new to rvr aren`t you Chole? thats the way albs fight i`m afraid
see mids away and leave your colleagues to die..rinse repeat untill mids outnumber us..then mids zerg and kill everyone..

last night in emain as i got ready to fight the middies incoming from MPK i turned to see 70% of albs running away..

so a fight that was even or even slightly in our favour became a slaughter i just sat down to make it quick and went to play my alt instead


In df last night i even counted down a charge yet only half charged...... sigh maybe i should say charge in different languages:rolleyes:

Old Nicodemus

Hello folks, smelly unwashed Middie here...

Just wanted to let you know that Case summed it up nicely.

Last night 15 of us ported into the PK to find 25 odd albs camping. Well we ventured forth and started picking off the closest ones, half our number got mezzed but still you kept distance. Our SB's and hunter managed to take out the sorcerer, and our mages managed to keep the other wizzies etc busy.

By this time we had managed to get to even numbers. Those who were mezzed finally woke up and we attacked.

Guess what?

The Albs broke and ran.

Lots of happy Middies. Lots of dead Albs.

You had superior numbers yet those who were brave enough to attack just didn't have the backup. Personally if I know I'm going to get ganked I try and take as many of you gits with me.. or at least have fun surprising a tank by going hand to hand with him

Unwashed Middie

The Real Redi

Its true... unfortunately for some reason many Albions would prefer to retreat to a place where a stalemate can happen, like the Milegate, instead of doing what the Mids would least have expected and charged down and engage them.

Perhaps this is what all you bottle jobs are intending to implement? You lull the enemy into a false sense of secrity, then one day you gather the testicular fortitude and charge them, catching them by surprise?

may i ask how many people go into the frontier and after your blood lust is satiated, return to the portal and port back to Sauvage? about 0.1%, so why drag out the agony of sitting one side of a milegate when you already had the opportunity to charge and either be victorious already, or be on the pad at sauvage, on your way back again to avenge your swift death? You dont lose BP or RP for dying, you dont lose XP, so why so fussed about risking it? 'MON THEN!


No offence Chole, but people been talking about this on forums for ages, its nothing new. Seen it happen millions of times, one of the reasons why i left albion :<


/em yawns

Old topic... still no change.

Albs get trained in fleeing in Thid. Mids get trained there in fleeing aswell...
I don't play Thid very often because of the 'Zerg or flee' mentality. Wanna tell you about the final event that made me quit Thid. 2-3 groups of Mids camping the CK for a while till someone reports Albs moving from the portal keep. 1 group Mids eventually decides to move to the Alb bridge. The see 1 group of Albs incomming. Playing a warrior I /y charge and wack the closest caster. Albs flee. I hit the caster with bleed style and shield stun and go for the next caster. At this point I realize that I was the only Mid charging. The Albs realize that aswell and turn around. I manage to kill the second caster with 4 other Albs beating me into a bloody pulp a split second later. The Mids on the brigde finaly seem to understand the meaning of /y charge and kill the remaining 6.
I didn't ask why they didn't heal me (I was grouped and had a healer in my group) nor why they didn't charge. I just logged and never went back to this place.

In a few month Mids will be as brave as Albs. We will venture to Emain to see an enemy turning on his heels when he spotted us and we will run back to our PK.


Odins gate is much more fun
battles there seem always to be even/fun :)

no zerg
no running albs
only 1 group of albs and 1 group of mids or hibs

To solve this problem go exping with guildies
from experience i know that with people you know and trust you fight alot better

also blacklist people you know to be cowards


I seen the same in Thid - my armsman has been left high and dry before, so as my infil and wizzy actually :) I remember countless times when i have moved forward to check for stealthers as the mid group approaches ours. We outnumber them by nearly 2-1 so I feel confident of striding out. I spot a stealther heading to us, nail him and continue the fight before I get pummelled by the rest of the mids. Reason? Rest of group had ran back to CK :(

The Real Redi

makes me wonder though why none of those who flee have posted here... perhaps we should start collecting names of the ones who moonwalk when victory is in sight, and ask them to put up a good reason that they felt it wasnt right to charge?

It would be one hell of a list :twak:

to save this embarrassing procedure, perhaps someone who often finds themselves running backwards would like to tell us why they do it? I've seen Paladins running back past casters running into the fray! WHY???

C'mon, enlighten us to the tactic you all employ when doing using 'the chicken' formation...

old.Gombur Glodson

I must admit I do run sometimes if we're heavily outnumbered,
but I often try to stay and fight if things are somewhat even.


tbh I aint done much RvR but PvE I usually stick around until the end. I've even stuck my neck when I've been solo and healed other players who would otherwise die, knowing full well that I am likely to take aggro and have more than a slight chance of dying. To me this is what its all about - comradeship and glory.



This annoys me so much I have even asked if known cowards can be kicked out of guild


i mean skalds are a popular middy class( almost 1 in every group)
we are lucky to get a minstrel in our group
if we run they have the ability to run faster than us and snare/mez shout

if we run we die

if we stay we might take a few of them with us


STOP IT! dammit


sorry for the caps just wanted to get your attention

Who the hell got the idea we always run???
I never do.... yesterday night in emain the only running I saw where mids running back to pk
do I complain that you didnt stop so we could zerg you for rps??????? no!
thats exactly what mids have done since we were 20 greys who didnt want to charge down pk hill towards the 40 purp mids camping there in the begining of retail.

sometimes its a bit hard to get the albs to charge, we just need one who starts it, thats often the one who dies first and dont get any rps, but hopefully gets ressed in start of battle.
Its a bit a matter of size too, I would happily skiip along into a whole army of luris and kobbies but not an army of trolls, somehow you get the feeling you need atleast 3 albs to take one troll down altought I have soloed alot of them.

the thing im most annoyed about is that people follow the mids all the way to the pk, wich means when they try to run away from there someone get killed, and then 1 or 2 groups have to run and res and they will die.... and then the mids will zerg the few remaining albs at mmg
its always like this, somehow people never learn.


Hadn't noticed it being so bad recently -- but maybe that's because I only RvR with friends/people I know and trust these days. Although I guess I could be bribed ...

It's true that Alb tanks need a bit of encouragement to charge (casters charge on the drop of a hat, and minstrels just need to be pointed in the right direction :) ), but I'm hoping that will get better when they get cheaper confidence inducing (read: overpowered) RAs like IP, purge, determination etc.



I think one of the reasons albs run is the fact that we got used to it during few early months when lots of purplecon mids crushed us again and again.

Then again there are lots of ppl rvring now that weren't around during that time.

Maybe albion is just full of cowards.

Edit: Silly typo.


Originally posted by old.Isos
STOP IT! dammit


sorry for the caps just wanted to get your attention

Who the hell got the idea we always run???

Like i said, I aint done much RvR but I get the idea from the BW forums and from personal experience in Thid. Dont get me wrong - we dont always run but we do seem to run more than mids. Maybe its not so much that we run to often, but more that we dont charge as much as we could? :)


Actually on mid/exc its the opposite ... (or atleast was last time i rvr'd on exc ;)) Mids hesitate and albs overrun, so realm/classes has very little to do about it.. its all about "Who Dares Wins" imho :).

And we dont call it running away, its just an tactical charge in the opposite direction..............


The only place where more flaming than BW take place would be if Bin Laden was guest on Ricki Lake show.

so dont trust everything thats said here =)
and BG is mostly for newbies and highlevers who dont wanna play their mains.


Originally posted by case-rigantis
you`re new to rvr aren`t you Chole?

Hehe, shows how much of an impression I make in the world :)

Ive been RvR'ing from lvl 20 (all the way back in april/may) so I think that no longer counts as new, hehe

Tho my continuing amount of stupidity in RvR prolly makes it seem like im a n00b to all those enemys

One day us Albs will be standing there looking down on the enemys dead bodies (hopefully one of em will be Nicodemus, make up for the few hundred times hes passed me dead :)

What? I can dream cant I?

Hehe, cheers for the replys peeps


Its simply not true that Alb forces run all the time - or that Middie or Hib forces always charge and never run away. Sure it may feel like that at times but if you were to do a scientific survey of the data it would be much more even.

Not sure why tanks (and paladins!!) seem to get the blame for being 'cowardly', all sorts of different classes run - it seems to be fashionable at this time to criticise tanks for some reason. For the record, though, a tanks first responsibility is to the people in his group - and if some cleric or caster is being nibbled on by a shadowblade or 3 at the back of the zerg he should - and would - go back to defend them and not just charge headlong at the enemy so casters, minstrels and support classes can pick up the easy realm points afterwards.

Lastly in some situations it is perfectly correct to run away. If the enemy outnumber you (or are outflanking you) and you have speed to be able to get away, why stand and give away your realm points?


Hehe, nope they don't always run. Sometimes there are just 40 Albs camping a milegate defended by like 20 Mids. When they first arrive there might be even only like 12-15 Mids but they just camp. (Thats whats currently going on at AMG Emain.)

mid1: How many do they think we are???
mid2: Who said they think? They are just mindless AIs.


The reason why we dont charge mgs when we got the same amount of people is becuse you got AE stun,
cause when the tanks charge, we get mezzed and stunned to hell and then picked off, then you go for our support classes that lined up in front of the gate in a futile attempt to nuke.

but with a second wave of tanks the fight gonna be much more even.

thats why,
but I do admit 40 - 20 is a bit weird, its usally that 1 group try and take mg while 30 mids camp it instead of waiting for next port.

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