NOW is the right time to advertice abit!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
yes because an RR4Lsomething really knows a lot about daoc.

sorry to bring RR into it but you clearly dont get the most out of games if thats all you have achieved in 4-5 years <insert random emote>
Thats gotta be the worst l33tist shit Ive seen on FH, congrats on becoming an official <insert random genitalia>.

RR means nothing, theres more to any game than your idea of playstyle. Get over yourself, everyone who plays is entitled to their say.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
yes because an RR4Lsomething really knows a lot about daoc.

sorry to bring RR into it but you clearly dont get the most out of games if thats all you have achieved in 4-5 years <insert random emote>

Pure elitist bullshit, and a classic example of the kind of attitude that's helped bring DAOC's population to the state it's in now.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
well please oh voices of the people enlighten me as to what else daoc has except pvp thats better than any other mmo.

the pve is bobbins, even at the highest level, there is absolutely no challenge whatsoever to it, the crafting is just finger pressing with no variation in materials and no real "industry" to it.

its old and its tired.

if you play daoc for anything else but pvp then you are either blind or yet to discover pve MMOs

and no i don't judge people on their RR usually as everyone knows being high RR means nothing at all these days but being a low RR they must either not play the game much (and not know much about it) or be a pve fan, in which case daoc shouldn't be the game for them.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
well please oh voices of the people enlighten me as to what else daoc has except pvp thats better than any other mmo.

the pve is bobbins, even at the highest level, there is absolutely no challenge whatsoever to it, the crafting is just finger pressing with no variation in materials and no real "industry" to it.

its old and its tired.

if you play daoc for anything else but pvp then you are either blind or yet to discover pve MMOs

and no i don't judge people on their RR usually as everyone knows being high RR means nothing at all these days but being a low RR they must either not play the game much (and not know much about it) or be a pve fan, in which case daoc shouldn't be the game for them.

While I agree that RvR is the best part of this game, atleast for my playstyle, I really wonder what MMO you refer to as having a better PvE system?

I tried:
Anarchy Online
City of Heroes/Villians
Dark and Light
Guild Wars
Knight Online
Lineage 2
Second Life
Star Wars Galaxies
The Matrix Online
World of Warcraft

And tbh, they was all pure shit compared to DAoC.... specially in PvE


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
While I agree that RvR is the best part of this game, atleast for my playstyle, I really wonder what MMO you refer to as having a better PvE system?

I tried:
Anarchy Online
City of Heroes/Villians
Dark and Light
Guild Wars
Knight Online
Lineage 2
Second Life
Star Wars Galaxies
The Matrix Online
World of Warcraft

And tbh, they was all pure shit compared to DAoC.... specially in PvE



Dec 22, 2003
yes because an RR4Lsomething really knows a lot about daoc.

sorry to bring RR into it but you clearly dont get the most out of games if thats all you have achieved in 4-5 years <insert random emote>

Im sorry but undyingangel has probably earned a lot more rpts than you have in the game, he earned at least a couple of million playing with me and a lot more not playing with me.

So before you go on speaking like mr 1337 why don't you get to grips with the facts.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
I do play WoW nowdays, even though the PvP may be crap. The PvE, quests and the environment is more vivid compared to DAoC. And I'm enjoying it, unlike DAoC.

What first strikes me when I play DAoC some after playing WoW is that DAoC is so static, the movement and everything.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
I do play WoW nowdays, even though the PvP may be crap. The PvE, quests and the environment is more vivid compared to DAoC. And I'm enjoying it, unlike DAoC.

What first strikes me when I play DAoC some after playing WoW is that DAoC is so static, the movement and everything.

The point of view of a guy who never reached 50 lvl ??

In wow you have to do some standar quest to reach 50 lvl and if u wanna roll a new char ...?? Simply you have to do all those quests again...

WoW Pve looks fun in the first days , arround 5* you realise its crap , all about items and good guild .. pf
WoW PvP , its battlegrounds lol! You dont really need to be skilled or experienced ...
Everytime i was dead in wow i knew the guy who killed me just had more epics than me ... :wanker:

8,something million gamers ...:eek7:

Daoc need more players , and goa doesnt want to fix it


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
in WoW you can quest to 70 with only a few tiny gaps, notably high 40s, where u need to grind anything, unlike 1-50 grind in daoc with quests as a side feature, so although they can be repetative on your Xth toon, its at least variable depending on zone.

Daoc had some of the best pvp in any mmo ever, -when it worked-. but zerging, steamrollering low RRs, etc, is that really fun ? selective memory ftw !
im not a massive fan of pvp in wow, but it does have one massive advantage, cos its instanced, you get even teams.
but as long as you do YOUR bit, get the kit, the spec, whatever, you stand a good chance of winning, rather than being RR10, kitted to the nines, and being run over by 150 warders.

i loved daoc, but i just cba with it any more, played it over 4 years, ive finished with it. i enjoy wow cos there is plenty of stuff to do some aspects of it do need some improving. raiding at 70 in tbc is limited to 25 man, and most of it is 5 or 10 man, and by all accounts shorter than Molten Core etc. so some of the classic wow end game has been looked at.

end of the day, they are 2 seperate games, and there is really no point knocking game A just cos you are a fanoi of game B. different strokes for different folks.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
if you play daoc for anything else but pvp then you are either blind or yet to discover pve MMOs

and no i don't judge people on their RR usually as everyone knows being high RR means nothing at all these days but being a low RR they must either not play the game much (and not know much about it) or be a pve fan, in which case daoc shouldn't be the game for them.
FYI MMOs are designed to be hybrid PvE and PvP, if you think somehow its all about PVP then I suggest its you playing the wrong game, counterstrike is calling for you.

Without us sad PvEers you wouldnt be wearing your precious templates or carrying weapons, dont forget that.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
The point of view of a guy who never reached 50 lvl ??

In wow you have to do some standar quest to reach 50 lvl and if u wanna roll a new char ...?? Simply you have to do all those quests again...

WoW Pve looks fun in the first days , arround 5* you realise its crap , all about items and good guild .. pf
WoW PvP , its battlegrounds lol! You dont really need to be skilled or experienced ...
Everytime i was dead in wow i knew the guy who killed me just had more epics than me ... :wanker:

8,something million gamers ...:eek7:

Daoc need more players , and goa doesnt want to fix it

before u troll, try to find out some facts first... kivik has more then one 50...


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
To be fair, is any PvE in any game interesting once you've completed it the first time?

I remember the days of running out of Tepok's Mine, doing Pygmys in Lyonesse and waiting for groups to hit 50 on Witherwoodes. The first set of ML raids was a challenge as well. However once it's been done the novelty disappears fast.

Anyway - this is rather off-topic to the original post!


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
To be fair, is any PvE in any game interesting once you've completed it the first time?

I remember the days of running out of Tepok's Mine, doing Pygmys in Lyonesse and waiting for groups to hit 50 on Witherwoodes. The first set of ML raids was a challenge as well. However once it's been done the novelty disappears fast.

Anyway - this is rather off-topic to the original post!

Agree, in WOW the first couple of times you level up and visit the instances, Deadmines, Scarlet Monestery, Uldaman, Zul farrak etc etc is fun but the same pve in the same areas at the same level the 8th or 9th time is exactly the same and v tiresome. Even as horde or alliance you tend to level up in the same areas and instances. And end game is just a catalogue of quests that involve instances to acheive access to the higher level instances ;/.

I lost the will to live by the time my shaman was lvl 66 it was a great pve experience but it was almost at an end with nothing more to do than reroll a bubbledin.

Unfortunately BG's are just a zerg fest of jumping toons and strafe abusers where mages rule all....... hang on a sec....


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
FYI MMOs are designed to be hybrid PvE and PvP, if you think somehow its all about PVP then I suggest its you playing the wrong game, counterstrike is calling for you.

Without us sad PvEers you wouldnt be wearing your precious templates or carrying weapons, dont forget that.

actually i played more pve than most, and certainly crafted more than most (9 LGMs across servers) i have only ever bought 2-3 items on the uk servers the rest i either got solo or organised a raid for them, i also ran or attended regular 1.5 grp dragon raids.

The pve in daoc is shit, its just bash random mob until it dies for items or bash the same type mob for a few hours per level, where is the fun in that?

i much prefer the questing and story in wow, you rarely find yourself having to chain mobs over and over to get exp (maybe a little in the 50s to finish a level etc)

don't get me wrong daoc pve was great 3-4 years ago and i am among the few who actually enjoyed MLs the first time round but its just rubbish compared to WoW.

anyway, i stand by my opinion that daoc pve is only there to supply you with kit for pvp, daoc without the pvp end game would be utterly pointless.

I am not going to get into some debate about wow vs daoc because i really dont care i play mine along with 8.5 million other people and you lot play yours with 15,000? however when some idiot starts saying

and to be honest your opinion doesnt count!!

when they are clearly a very casual player who didnt get the most out of daoc and have probably never even played wow properly i feel i have to say something...sorry if this upsets your "for the random!" way of seeing things but thats life, you will find people that dont see the world through your rosy tinted glasses now and again :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Pure elitist bullshit, and a classic example of the kind of attitude that's helped bring DAOC's population to the state it's in now.

actually, he has a point to it.

there are plenty of examples of people who has spent 4 - 5 years in pve, getting every class of the realm to 50, ml10, now cl10, templates and whatnot, mastering PvE. ofcourse credit to them for that. But then come out in rvr, die and dont understand why the "mobs" (read albs/hibs/mids) they fight dosnt do as they think.

and the attitude towards this isnt the reason to why the population is like it is.

I know I for one dont like to play on the EU servers due to GoA's way of dealing with things.
For example, when i report something to the customer support.. i want to have a dialogue and a discussion about some topics, i dont wish to talk to an answering machine. Kemor was good at the open dialogue thing.. i liked him.

and aswell as GoAs attitude towards the horner problem and the 'sotg' things. They dont care about what happens to the server it seems.

THATS the attitude, among others, that killed this game for the english community.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
7,454 on MSN Messenger lol :D can see now that DAoC never had a Marketing team, was probably a side project for the GM's.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
WoW pve was fun with m8s, after hitting 70 it sucked cos killing mobs again and again and the pointless pvp.. sucked..


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
I'm 33 on WoW (sue me - I suck) and I have yet to grind at a spot unless it's for quests.

That beats DAoC pve anyday.

The RvR/PvP - hmmmm - hard to say - I like the wider range of abilities on WoW but I think DAoC still comes out on top.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
The point of view of a guy who never reached 50 lvl ??

Not sure if you mean WoW or DAoC here, you would be wrong in both cases anyways. I've 7 lvl50s on Dyvet, sorry that I don't have them in my signature but useless to have characters on a dead server listed. In WoW I got a 60 warrior.

In wow you have to do some standar quest to reach 50 lvl and if u wanna roll a new char ...?? Simply you have to do all those quests again...

Thing is that there are a few zones to choose between for your level, otherwise you can do it DAoC style, grinding all the way up.

WoW Pve looks fun in the first days , arround 5* you realise its crap , all about items and good guild .. pf
WoW PvP , its battlegrounds lol! You dont really need to be skilled or experienced ...
Everytime i was dead in wow i knew the guy who killed me just had more epics than me ... :wanker:

So far I've liked the BGs quite well, sure the waiting time sucks and it's clearly not as good as DAoC. Skill and experience matters as much as in any other RPG. Very easy to come up with excuses like that 'oh he had better items than me', same as 'oh he was higher RR than me' in DAoC. Come back, try again, eventually you will succeed. That was what I did in DAoC.

PS. Someone here that plays on Ravencrest/Alliance? That's the only thing I miss really, the DAoC players.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
yes, and its all about Items and countless hours raiding for one set piece which when you finally get that piece you realise the PvP is pisspoor and you quit..


You can compete fine in pvp without having the best gear,

TBC Epics are easier to get since its 5 man raids etc, so all i have to say to you is

l2p :<

Although at the end of the day, nothing beats daoc rvr :)


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
wow has no dynamic endgame, hence it beeing shit.

a powergamer in daoc might reach the ultimate endgame, in todays gameplay, in 3 years.. rr13, 2 years if he is really hardcore.

a powergamer in wow, reaches absolute endgame in less then a year when playing with a good guild.

theres quite a differance between a static and a dynamic endgame.

lol, ok mate, to be honest, to WoW there is no endgame, there's always better gear you can get at the end of the day.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm 33 on WoW (sue me - I suck) and I have yet to grind at a spot unless it's for quests.

That beats DAoC pve anyday.

The RvR/PvP - hmmmm - hard to say - I like the wider range of abilities on WoW but I think DAoC still comes out on top.

i agre with you.

the pve up UNTILL the endgame beats daoc anyday, atleast the first time you do it. Then you get alts and you have to do the same stinkin quests, the same bloody dungeons or simply grind yourself to 70.

but its what comes after reaching max level thats the endgame, and that is where daoc is dynamic and wow is a static, downward spiral of neverending instance raiding for gear to be able to get better gear to be able to get better gear to be able to get better gear... i take it you understand my point.

Thank you for summing up everything we need to know about WoW xD

he is just about right though.. there is no endgame as such in wow, only a constant flow of updated items for people to strive for.. so that they will keep paying their subscriptions.. thats the endgame right there, we will get you uberleethaxx0r it4mzzz if you pay us for it then you can be uber pr0 l33t and pwn all teh n00bs for no reason at all!

congratulations, you just won world of warcraft.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 18, 2005
i much prefer the questing and story in wow, you rarely find yourself having to chain mobs over and over to get exp (maybe a little in the 50s to finish a level etc)

Erm what are you on about? i took time out of DAoC to play WoW because my friend went, got to say i hated the game but i persavered and got to 60 with my rogue. You're saying 'rarely find yourself having to chain mobs' that's nonsense in my experience every other quest was go kill 10 of this go kill 10 of that, rinse repeat, so i have no idea where you get the notion that there's very little chaining mobs in wow.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Erm what are you on about? i took time out of DAoC to play WoW because my friend went, got to say i hated the game but i persavered and got to 60 with my rogue. You're saying 'rarely find yourself having to chain mobs' that's nonsense in my experience every other quest was go kill 10 of this go kill 10 of that, rinse repeat, so i have no idea where you get the notion that there's very little chaining mobs in wow.

ofc there are the kill x amount of mob quests, these usually lead you to exploring the zone and lead on to the group quests. what i mean is you don't have to spend days chain pulling the exact same mobs over and over again.


Dec 22, 2003
ofc there are the kill x amount of mob quests, these usually lead you to exploring the zone and lead on to the group quests. what i mean is you don't have to spend days chain pulling the exact same mobs over and over again.

You must be pretty shit if it takes you days to level past a camp :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
oh look its my number one fan. life still going tits up gam gams?

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