[SQUIG HERDER] Novelty worn off?


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
I loved the change from BS to Stabbin after the 'Patch-o-SH-love™', but I think the novelty is starting to wear off a bit. I reached my highest ever damage parse in a scenario yesterday, but I've said it before, and I'll say it again; Scenario scores often don't mean jack shit.

Don't get me wrong; It's great fun running around as a tough green squig, and PvE is so so easy now.
Order players often don't realise I'm much of a threat and leave me be whilst I bounce all around.
It also seems like I'm getting "More Involved" (those words you used to dread seeing on your school report card), dealing consistently good damage in the front lines, but never enough to take out a lot of players.
There is the good ol' Originality factor, which I must say played a major part in me respeccing in the first place.

I think I'm just getting bored of it now. It's very fun for the first 20 runs or so, then you realise it's only really fun when your amongst a pack of squishies. The fact you can't see your Goblin is a big minus for me.
There are some glaring weaknesses in a SA build; the fact it's on a one minute cooldown, which means in smaller scenarios your locked out of it if Destro are getting rolled. You also can't use Sticky Squigs, which is very useful. Damage is pretty pathetic while you are not in SA, and keep defenses are just boring.

I think I'm going to respec back to BS/QS and try that out again.
Jumping inside a big green bowling ball is great at first, but I feel I've lost what made me like the SH class in the first place.

Anyone else had experience with SA build SH?
What are your thoughts?


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 9, 2006
Guildy regularly have 200k+ dmg, think he's highest is near 500k. Always most killing blows.
Only Squig herder on top10 total kills. Warhammer Realm War


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Is he Stabbin' spec? :)

probably quick shootin' spec, or atleast got splinterin' arrers.. i've never had as much damage done or killin blows since i went that tree.

granted my SH is only 21 so dont have many of the goodies yet..

but splinterin' arrers tactic is pretty sweet in a keeptake/defense :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Is he Stabbin' spec? :)

No Pikeh im currently QS, i ve played through all mastery's and found the mobility and group assist to be more to my liking, QS is a tough spec to pvp with. BS is fine for solo sniper spec just use ya pet for knockdowns and kite with stop runnin, wat blocka and plink. Stabbin is viable only if you have a pocket healer friend imo.

My highest ever damage as SH was 475k and 24 KB in a SC, normally i average from 200k - 300k per SC.

They are fun class but have a few issues, but im finding War really lacks any type of skill play, the game is dominated by CC to a point where its almost unplayable for long spells of time. Also some of the players make me chuckle... reading their forum posts and seeing their tags with bragging titles about their in game achievements. Maybes im getting old...

Still theres fook all to play atm so it will do for now.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
No Pikeh im currently QS, i ve played through all mastery's and found the mobility and group assist to be more to my liking, QS is a tough spec to pvp with. BS is fine for solo sniper spec just use ya pet for knockdowns and kite with stop runnin, wat blocka and plink. Stabbin is viable only if you have a pocket healer friend imo.

My highest ever damage as SH was 475k and 24 KB in a SC, normally i average from 200k - 300k per SC.

They are fun class but have a few issues, but im finding War really lacks any type of skill play, the game is dominated by CC to a point where its almost unplayable for long spells of time. Also some of the players make me chuckle... reading their forum posts and seeing their tags with bragging titles about their in game achievements. Maybes im getting old...

Still theres fook all to play atm so it will do for now.

Thanks for the input :)

I'd just like to say that the original post was a question/rant about Stabbing spec, and that on reflection its pretty shit.

I'm still BS, but I'll likely try QS at some point as I've heard a lot of good things about it .


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
It could do with a bit of work ;)

Most annoying things are: kaboom having a 1s cast which you can't move with (and it gets set back), stupid 60s recast timer on the armour which makes scenarios very unfun when destruction's getting rolled.

I've specced 15 stabbin/ rest in shootin' and bought: Big bouncin, wind up the waaagh (morale) and aimin' quickly tactic - means I can be a semi-decent version of a BS squig herder, with a nifty aoe pet (that outdamages me) when we're hemmed in, or flip tactics and go a-stomping in my armour.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Hehe last night I logged on my ickle lvl2 squiggy to check his bank to see if there was anything useful for a guildmate. I idly started plinking a few mobs. I think he was lvl7 when I got around to logging off.

During beta I had been mainly interested in Squig Herder or Magus but the squiggy just didn't seem to play quite right - basically a hunter with a goofy pet. I had also been disappointed there wasn't a whole lot of herding going on. One pet at a time isn't exactly a herd. I'd been hoping for a DAoC bonedancer variation (no, not an overpowered machinegunner, just something with a bunch of crazy pets).

Last night when I picked it up for the first time in a lot of months it played really sweet.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Hehe last night I logged on my ickle lvl2 squiggy to check his bank to see if there was anything useful for a guildmate. I idly started plinking a few mobs. I think he was lvl7 when I got around to logging off.

During beta I had been mainly interested in Squig Herder or Magus but the squiggy just didn't seem to play quite right - basically a hunter with a goofy pet. I had also been disappointed there wasn't a whole lot of herding going on. One pet at a time isn't exactly a herd. I'd been hoping for a DAoC bonedancer variation (no, not an overpowered machinegunner, just something with a bunch of crazy pets).

Last night when I picked it up for the first time in a lot of months it played really sweet.

They are kind of addictive aren't they?

I initially rolled mine as a alt character to my DoK, but I had so much fun (even pre-love) that I couldn't bear going back to my 'main'.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Flimgoblin my shaman was meant to be my main ;)

I think it's the way the squigs jump when they run....

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