Not that i object to people altering the rules... i know you're doing a good job...




Next time (or even this time) could we kinda make it so we don't have the "lets annoy the clan who turned up with the right number of members, expecting to play"...

I mean, last season sure, we had a lot of us vs no-one

but this season its really annoying for this change (like... first i heard was when i was kicked off the server) to happen without consultation...

It may seem a small thing, but i've altered what i'm doing tonight. there's a large possibility i might miss out on a 'cuddle' in bed due to this.

I'm Not Impressed.

>>>> point of the post <<<<

so, could anyone who likes this rule or sees the advantage of it please post below...

Delph / CuteBunny


*cough* dont look at that post, i was a bit more annoyed than i should probably have been, but still... read the end


nope, evidently i should have been annoyed. you know why. grr. arr. grr. arr.

l33t new rule making more hassle than its worth...



what is it exactly that you are complaining about?

i take it you dont like the rule stating that both clans should have an equal number of players in each match.

1) that rule has been in the rules section of the league site since the week after season 1 finished, i changed it because a lot of clans complained about the old rule of letting pepes play 6 v 4.

2) the rules also state that "All games are expected to be 6 v 6. A team must have a minimum of 4 players in order to play." so any clan turning up with 4 or more players has the "right number of members" as you put it.

in an ideal world, all clans would turn up with 6 members ready to play, but it isnt an ideal world, some clans have members who cant make it opn thursdays for various reasons, so they have to field less members, why should they be penalised for that by having to play outnumbered?


I changed the wording of that rule after week 1 and explicitly after bunny's comments.

It used to read "6v6 maximum" but evidently that wasn't clear enough that 6v6 was also expected.

This rule is always going to be a sore point I think, as it stands it penalises people who do turn up with 6 players, we're likely to change it back for Season 3 to when it penalises people who show up with 4 or 5. Afterall it is from a certain point of view not actually following the rules to turn up with 4 or 5, now.

Its a shame this has to be the case but its an imperfect world as has been said.


perhaps next season

like your 3 noshows == out rule

there should be a
failure to turn up with 6 3 times means your out.
For 2 matches

Id also like to see clans be penalised for this even if their 3rd insuffiecient turnup is on week 7.

A lot of clans take their position on t his league too lightly.
Some even presume that because they are in division 3 they shouldnt be expected to have a large clan 'thats why we are in div 3 cause we dont have a good/big team'

well i can certainly confirm that their are a lot of shit players out there that would love to join a shit div 3 clan.


More detailed

excession: its that they turned up *Expecting* to play 5v5

i'm not objecting to playing 5v5 - i'm not some weirdo who's dependent on wins to satisfy his ego, y'know...

its just the annoyance factor that i reorganised my day to fit in turning up for this league, and end up not playing because the other team decided arbitalary(i know i know) that they would field 5 players. i *know* there was a 6th, because he was hanging around on IRC all the time... and even swapped off one of their players so everyone got a game.

Its a good idea, but the implementation SUCKS.

Maybe an answer would be to penalise clans that dont say in advance that they're planning to turn up with 4 or 5 players, instead of 6, so the other clan can plan for this - an email in advance to me (and i know one didn't come) would have made everything loverly - "hi, we can only put out 5 players" "ok, we'll only ask 5 people to turn up" = happy bunny.

Then you penalise those clans who are messing everyone around, yet still let those clans who have a problem one week not get disadvantaged by it...

i imagine that the only people who complained that they were playing 6v4 were the clans that couldn't get organised enough to find 6 players... maybe those clans shouldn't be in a 6v6 league in the first place??
I expect if you had asked clans generally (ooi why DIDN'T you?), then there might have been a different answer - the nonvocal majority doesn't normally clamour on your door because the rule seemed perfectly sensible to them - the only whingers would have been those unorganised <snip>

Why wait till next season?


Its definitely clear that this rule needs changing, but that won't happen until next season, being as its such a fundamental rule and several games have already depended on it.

I can't personally see us going to a system of having to report playernumbers before the game and being penalised if these are wrong, That allows no flexibility on lastminute problems and if anything would involve more people being left waiting on irc as teams would have to have a few subs to prepare against lastminute problems.

Theres a possibility of introducing some penalty in terms of automatic roundloss/captureloss weighted against number of players less than 6 eg 4 players = 4 rounds/4caps against, but the time for discussions is after this season, or at least later on, imo.


subs = good mkay? as show said, i'm sure some clans would welcome in a few new players to keep the 6v6 numbers up.


haha mighty
now i see what you were talking about on irc yesterday morning :)


General chat

Show, Glad to see you read the forum m8.even us div 3 guys read it and infact can even read ;)
Mighty:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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