not in view ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2004
I know about walking through eachother bla bla but what about some guy that keeps moving forward then backward while im sticking and i keep getting this not in view crap ?

isnt this some kind of exploit of a bug and can it be reported ? I took screenshots in case i can report it.

Lamest thing i ever saw, an inf doing that constantly during a fight running up and down. What a joke. Nice going ytrug. if you cant get your rps like a normal guy just fighting it out instead of letting the bugs do it for you how about you quit the game instead.

Pretty sad if you gotta win your fights like that.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
there are 2 solutions for theis.

1 /face him

2 move backwards, so he cant walkthrough

dunno if its bannable or something


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
there are 2 solutions for theis.

1 /face him

2 move backwards, so he cant walkthrough

dunno if its bannable or something

if people are getting banned because of strafeing, so should people who are do the running thru thing.

/face him dont always work, move backwards? a caster mmk ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2004
well sure move backwards but he wasnt strafing though. just moving forward / backward with his back to me and then moving back to me again.
Cant see how he cant be in view coz he definately was plus arent you facing when you are sticking ?

So now im forced to not stick anymore coz of idiots like that that love to abuse bugs.

I've come across those backward walking people already which i also think is a lame tactic but this guy he beat them all with his stupid walking around all the time. Managed to get like 6 times not in view on me that way. I just think its a very sorry way of trying to get a kill. Fight like a man already.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 29, 2004
I stopped playing my inf a while ago with idiots doing the same thing where u get a not in view so u miss a shot.Tried the walking backwards if they started to do it, dont always work though. The game seems to have gained a few kiddies that will do anything to win.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
i know strafeing and walking through is bad. but when you get not in view all the time, there must be something wrong. mybe these dudes are window dragging or something


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2004
well it was between the agramon and alb bridge at the shore. The shoreline there, the rocks, arent all flat so i got a feeling some abuse it to use this technique.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2004
ah yeah another thing i just noticed. noticed it before but didnt know why. If you fight in water some of m try hard to keep being above you so you wont hit them but they hit you. Duh. They constantly swim up and down while fighting.

I mean what happened to fighting it out the normal way instead of this stupid crap. Seems to me an all time low how people try to fight nowadays.
Sorry but i cant call that tactics i call that a lame way to try win a fight.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
the walking backwards and forwards is done to counter strafers, why is that lame? and /stick is an ingame mechanism that makes it easier for you in some situations, if the situation doesn't call for it don't use it, use your controls - keyboard/mouse to keep track of your target, if you're not stuck and your target is too far away to hit you, then you're too far away to be hit as well


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Isunder said:
the walking backwards and forwards is done to counter strafers, why is that lame? and /stick is an ingame mechanism that makes it easier for you in some situations, if the situation doesn't call for it don't use it, use your controls - keyboard/mouse to keep track of your target, if you're not stuck and your target is too far away to hit you, then you're too far away to be hit as well

not in some cases tho. some of the farts windowdrag and you get target too far, but they are still hitting you


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 17, 2004
Had an Infi do this to me a few days ago was well lame so i added on every fight of his after its childish but hey :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
u know if u try to use ur mouse look instead of /face or /stick or even walking back it works fine...just try keep in view(which isnt that tbh) and coz ur using ur mouse the /face thing doesnt bug up and this works good for casters coz wen getting strafed and u try mezz etc...u can land it even if they trying to strafe...god y did i just help any sorc that reads this -.- :twak:

tbh tho that does work for me!!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Walking backwards is to prevent strafing/run through resulting in either side stun from hibs or rear from hunters, its habit i have and do automatically (not to mention u can direct where the fight goes - ie pulling your enemy onto your spike or pulling the fight out of sight of a regularly used path (us assasins like to kill privately aehahahaha)).

the other day i encountered some blatent "lagging" effect, i stuck to the target jsut to see what happened and it was if i was subjected to pet pathing, he was in front then 500 units behind then back in front by 500 etc, in the end i got enough off to kill him. Funny how it was ONLY that fight where i was getting this lag and had NO problems since in any other fights.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Could be the window drag thing... where you see the char going forward but actually he is left behind once he window drags. I ve seen the "i have no life so i play 24/7 and i got to rr11 in no time" midgard guy doing it (cant remember his name :( ). If you experience this with a caster try to keep an eye on the brittle guards. They usually dont lag on purpose.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
you shouldnt have to walk backwards and so on, its to many idiots in this game nowdays.

cant get a clean fight nowdays just pure rubbish.

ban them all imo.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Came accross a new one the other day...
Mincer, Under water who I was fighting solo.
I still had Soj Water Breath up from duo partner who just logged and popped
on the mincer.

PA etc, then he IP'd and started backing up under water.
Basically he managed to hit me every round and backed up perfectly so I got out of view 6 times in a row.. He hit me (Blah Blah hits u with his axe etc) then backed up each time giving an out of view for me, then he pauses and hits me again.. rinse and repeat. (/stick was on and sprint)

He cant of used Phase shift because he was still hitting me, and I didnt see him burn SOS (I play skald and would have noticed).

Bar the PA/CD (He purged) I didnt hit him at all after :(

Got screen shots somewhere


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
well backup does always work...u gotta learn to mix it up between /stick /face mouselook and backup to stop them strafing u correctly
tbh, u should just learn to strafe urself on ur m8 ina duel or sumthing and use it only wen sum1 starts to do it to u, and totally make an arse outta him ! :twak:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
remi said:
if people are getting banned because of strafeing, so should people who are do the running thru thing.

/face him dont always work, move backwards? a caster mmk ;p

works if you do it in the end of the spell before it finishes


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Stallion said:
works if you do it in the end of the spell before it finishes
thats true too actually...but u gotta time it right


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 29, 2004
(invisibletank) said:
tbh, u should just learn to strafe urself on ur m8 ina duel or sumthing and use it only wen sum1 starts to do it to u, and totally make an arse outta him ! :twak:



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
Azagthoth said:

:p ..well m8 i told u how to count it...and i dont strafe peeps myself but i know how to and i know how to stop it (as long as its not lag etc../cough window drag:twak:)
but the way i see it if they are enough of a lamer to strafe u in 1v1 etc..then they deserve it themselves so that they have the chance to to mad irl and post another! QQ post :) ;)


Dec 24, 2003
Welcome to the world of assasain PA´s.

in 99% of the cases, when you get a PA off, ppl keep running. thats why i always sprint just as i get off the PA.

But it dont matter cuz in 99% of the cases its a lagghost you are chasing sometimes 500 units or more.
Only to find yourself 500 units infront of a caster or smt, fun fun fun.
Fun enough for everyone.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 9, 2005
strafing and walkthrough is a bug abuse that should lead to banishment if reported and prooven.
A lot of peeps use lame tactics to win fights they usualy wont. Its avefull but true, as long as there is the posibility to cheet peeps will do it.

There is about a 1sec delay betwean the action u take (and instandly see on your client screen) and the server processing it and returning it to the opposit client. Most walkthrough strafing bugs make use of this delay means your client faces the lag ghost that has bin there one sec b4 and not the actual server based position of the char.
Hard to fix this but they should realy get their brains up to work out all the many abuse flaws. Same with window dragging its about time to correct the flaws in eather way.

Fights like this that u described are very frustrating and those who play fair know that. Pitty that peeps have to ause flaws to make sure they win. I cant understand how much fun it is to win a fight by being lame :(

so long there



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 11, 2004
Call me old fasioned but back in the day the "art" of fighting was to manoever so your opponent couldnt hit you, and that meant moving backwards, forwards and side to side. I tried it but found that i missed more than i hit and it was very hard to get styles off - i kept getting the message "you were strafing in combat and miss".

To just stand toe to toe and pummel each other is counter intuitive, its not what you think you'd do IRL which is why it pissed me off that i just couildnt get it right in-game, now i hear its a bug exploit!?

Come on people, if you were playing an FPS shooter you wouldn't think twice about strafing and moving in and out of range, in Doom you wouldnt stand toe to toe and let the end-of-level bad-guy beat the crap outta you. I'm not saying its right or wrong to do this in DAoC, just that we shouldnt throw tantrums because we get our asses handed to us once in a while.

There are still plenty of people who bite the dirt from my PA/BS despite my not being able to manoever effectively, simple curtesy by not adding would remove more of my frustration more than banning, and thats not to mention the fundamental inequalities of PC specs and internet connections which are at the root of many ignominious defeats.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Whispers said:
strafing and walkthrough is a bug abuse that should lead to banishment if reported and prooven.

haha thats rich Whispers
The last vid I made showed you strafing for almost the entire fight, badly I might add, as you didnt stop long enough to get a style off.
I guess you should ban yourself and save goa the trouble :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
People who moan about run-through such as mentioned above are just useless game players. Players I have taken apart both in UO and in DAOC. You want to be a good player then exploit every sodding thing in the game and not just rely on your specs. Pathetic and is the reason I and people like me will always kill you.

You sux and are nothing more than cannon fodder.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
MKJ said:
People who moan about run-through such as mentioned above are just useless game players. Players I have taken apart both in UO and in DAOC. You want to be a good player then exploit every sodding thing in the game and not just rely on your specs. Pathetic and is the reason I and people like me will always kill you.

You sux and are nothing more than cannon fodder.

soon to be seen on a daoc forum near you:

MKJ said:


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