not a good turn out for the Duelsday league



humm its looking bleek ether some one has Blocked my email address OR no one knows about the Duelsday league match

im having a ruff time finding players mainly cos the main BWJK2L website only has 1v1 league written in the contact section with my email :(

it looks like i might have got who ever wanted to join from the Forums alreaddy or no one can be asked as since BW went P2P we have no good Advertisement as every one thinks the leagues are P2P too maybe we should make them P2P and all the money (in barrys goes to the Winner/s) could be a good idea for the BW duelsday players though as well even if the entry is a £1 you know the winner will get £32 in return well could be a good way to get in the Crowds but trying to tell them how this works could be a little harder :( maybe a Play to win campain :p we could spam it on Kazaa "slots blackjack poker and online Fraging via a once a month JK2 duelsday" :) you guys can think about it


I might be interested but its on thursday and that aint good for me :(


Yeah I know about the site issues m8, bit of a bummer but BigFoot is doing his best for us and will pass our requests upto the Web Design Peeps if needed.

On the other hand, lets get together on IRC and try to find some alternate ways of getting Duels Day Started


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