

Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
It was so special for most people because it was their first bite of the MMORPG apple.

Mostly true, and probably why I never seem to settle in any other mmorpg I try these days. Nothing seems to be able to compare with the experience of DAoC at all, god I miss this silly game :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
havent looked on this site for a long long time and agree with poster .. i had an amazing time playing daoc .. meet some rly decent ppl, a lot i still chat to on msn and a few ive met and still meet IRL

the first 2-3 years of this game will always hold good memories(sp?)

and certain charaters ill never forget even though they played other realms . (always wished u could at least say a few words to other realms)

shame at the end ppl qq'd so much about the game and how it should be played like this and XXX added on me qq qq qq .. ppl who played if its "red its dead" ruined the game just as much as people who said dont add on 8v8 or 1v1 game should be played like this not that... was never gonna work with so many people playing different sytles

i dont think toa killed the game but many factors .. though toa didnt help . but prolly biggest drop of player base was to wow .. and hopefully WAR will bring some back to pvp from pve raiding

but i didnt come here to get flamed :) though i prolly will as true FH traddition ! i posted coz i wanted to say how much i agreeded with the original posted .. RIP DAOC


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i remember the days

-When the friday news was something to look forward too.
-Spellcrafting lacked /mbuy
-Smite clerics roxored
-There was a guild named Order of Bahumat on Alb Prydwen
-We had working XML and people who cared


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
i remember the days

-When the friday news was something to look forward too.
-Spellcrafting lacked /mbuy
-Smite clerics roxored
-There was a guild named Order of Bahumat on Alb Prydwen
-We had working XML and people who cared

Haha you're shitting me? Would have loved to have joined them :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Talkin about good ol days, I remember being level 12 on my first relic raid, in fact the highest player out of the 400+ there that day was around level 40 (Veeshan or someone like that). I had 50g in my pocket and Nisses Lair was providing all my needs.

Muspelheim was a scarey place, at the time unpredictable, hard to navigate (/map4tehwin). And meeting the luri chanter and his bard freind in there scared the crap out of me, but they just waved and rambled on past us taing in the scenery.

Getting in Spind for the first time, WOW! Level 29 Thane getting a group in there killing Svarts, oh joy!! 6 months later finally getting 42 in the same damn dungeon, setting me free to go play at H and seeing the Dragon for the first time.

Overdosing on caffiene, posting on Barrysworld, discovering what resists did, telling my girlfreind she had to leave at 10 so time for a quicky before my relic raid, meeting freinds who looked bugger all like their avatars at parties we all got pissed at and have the photos to prove it, finding that the ganking twat you loved to hate lived a mere 5 miles from you and you became drinking buddies, becoming an Eyes and Ears for GOA feeling like you were serving King and Country.....all these moments will be lost, like windows on floppy disks...time for DAoC to die....

Six long years have passed, and this damn game has been a huge part of my life, its driven me to drink, I lost homes, girlfriends and countless hours sleep to it, but I wouldnt change a damn thing. Oh, and you are all bastards still, but I love ya all!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Talkin about good ol days, I remember being level 12 on my first relic raid, in fact the highest player out of the 400+ there that day was around level 40 (Veeshan or someone like that). I had 50g in my pocket and Nisses Lair was providing all my needs.

Muspelheim was a scarey place, at the time unpredictable, hard to navigate (/map4tehwin). And meeting the luri chanter and his bard freind in there scared the crap out of me, but they just waved and rambled on past us taing in the scenery.

Getting in Spind for the first time, WOW! Level 29 Thane getting a group in there killing Svarts, oh joy!! 6 months later finally getting 42 in the same damn dungeon, setting me free to go play at H and seeing the Dragon for the first time.

Overdosing on caffiene, posting on Barrysworld, discovering what resists did, telling my girlfreind she had to leave at 10 so time for a quicky before my relic raid, meeting freinds who looked bugger all like their avatars at parties we all got pissed at and have the photos to prove it, finding that the ganking twat you loved to hate lived a mere 5 miles from you and you became drinking buddies, becoming an Eyes and Ears for GOA feeling like you were serving King and Country.....all these moments will be lost, like windows on floppy disks...time for DAoC to die....

Six long years have passed, and this damn game has been a huge part of my life, its driven me to drink, I lost homes, girlfriends and countless hours sleep to it, but I wouldnt change a damn thing. Oh, and you are all bastards still, but I love ya all!

Nothing really ever compares to your first major MMORPG, its a bit like your first girlfriend/boyfriend/sheep you never forget..

I am on the WAR Beta in the US at the moment, and apart from being billy no mates and not having a guild (it is beta after all) it pretty good. I think grouping/guilding is one of the best bits about MMORPGS fight together die together have fun together. Its not the game its who you group with :)

For those of you who have doubts about WAR and GOA, i say form a guild give it a go when it goes live, i am having fun as a BNM (BillyNoMates) solo player, War is a lot more fun when you group.



Can't get enough of FH
Mar 18, 2005
Yeah, whatever WAR brings (and it does seem good for now, as far as the current Beta is any indication), it will never replace DaoC for me.
Funny, I even spent months without playing anything on my computer after I quit DaoC :(


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
some great memories of this game and the people i met playing it, so glad FH is here so that even though i dont play i still have the community feel of it.

staying up because i've got a great group and the first person in the group points out "holy shit its getting light outside" while someone else laments they haveto go because the gf's just come in and is giving them the evils.

getting a group and going over salisbury plains hunting giants, fighting shale (omg he's purp!) and the day when shale became a gray. my first forray in to rvr.../release and guild rvr groups going through a mile gate and a crowd of mids all stood still while we killed them, someone saying something about try not to break mezz and me saying "omg theyre mezed?? i thought they were all afk!"

B2 (rl bf) bringing me a cup of coffee and a biccy when he'd been reading /group over my shoulder and i'd said i needed a coffee and a biccy wouldnt go amiss.

getting my first guild cloak and having seal hunts in DF, posting a call out to see if anyone wanted to "go clubbing" (seal hunt ref lol) and killing a mid lvl 50 in df with my merc who was only lvl 15 or something.

getting my first 50 on Ezlai, logging on and seeing my /friends list was full and everyone messaging me to say hellooooooo™ and the resultant mt's...some more embarassing than others.

Getting lost going to level 40, this was before power leveling too lol so i had no excuse and crying out on /gu " lost hlp pls" then the /gu "ok Ez wru?" me /gu "dont in camelot hills :("

going through mmg at about 4am and seeing someone trying to stab the gate to death, watching the sunrise over dartmoor after a dragon raid. finally getting my beloved Ebony Defilers!

great game but like the man said you can never go home again. how true that is.

for all who played/hunted/died with and killed or rezzed me thx for the memories!

it was a blast.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
So today i tried the instant lvl 50 Old Emain freeshard and i soooo couldnt get into the playstyle again it was scarry.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
No MMO will ever replace the buzz I got from DAoC for the first few years of it's release. Mainly because it was my very first MMO so everything felt really fresh to me, but also because of the level of immersion it gave me. I loved the non-linear approach it had - there were almost no quests telling you go to location a, kill mob b, obtain item c, return to npc d (however I must admit I played one of the least quest orientated MMOs every in 2007, Lineage 2, and hated it so... :p ) so your path was yours to define.

Hell it took me 27 days /played to get my first character, Theorin, to level 50 and I enjoyed every minute of it. From the first day where I was running around in that Warrior starter area trying to talk to NPCs (I thought there were humans playing them!) and getting angry that they weren't typing anything back to me, to my first forray into Emain as a level 15 (I think the highest person at the time was level 33!) where I was actually able to stand toe to toe with other albs/hibs, to getting owned by infil's while trying to level up in Yggdra at those crabs. Yep it was all good fun.

Oh and I can confidently say I have not come across any other game where the PvP has even come close to the epic battles that DAoC was able to stage. I remember one occasion where we were defending a keep in albion territory with 70 odd mids, whilst 70-80 albs were attempting to take it. I think about 20 minutes after the albs had started the siege, a smaller group of 35 hibs came in from behind and sandwiched the albs between them and us mids. Mass carnage ensued :D . Now show me another game where you're going to have 150 people from 3 different factions all fighting it out in the same location.

DAoC embodied what MMORPG PvP should be like for me, unfortunately it doesn't seem that many other developers have taken the same view so I've kinda been in limbo between different MMOs since I finished with DAoC but I'm ultimately always disappointed. Here's hoping WAR is going to give me, and many others, the same buzz that we've been unable to find since quitting DAoC.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
To much good memories in this game.

The best memories are from pre SI though. the elitism was lower then.


Fledgling Freddie
May 16, 2008
Just made an account to thank everyone who posted their own little stories! Forgot how much I used to love this game, nothing will ever compare, but I think it was special, like many say because it was the first MMO they played. 3 way RvR was one of the best gaming inventions created, nothing has ever matched it!

Screw WAR, they should make DAoC 2 :)

Ralgedi Smurf

One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
It was such a great time, i dont think ill ever get to like a game the way i liked daoc =)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
It was such a great time, i dont think ill ever get to like a game the way i liked daoc =)
Same for me, but still, 80% of my enjoyment comes from the players alongside me, 19% from the game and 1% keeping me wearing headphones drowning out the missus whining.

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