Nopbot, satens litle helper and the twats that use them ....



i have got really fucked off this week . . . .

iam sure you no the story, ppl making amazing rail shots, hpw's puuting a Shot gun thro the back off me head, ppl who seam to be able to predict me evry move and always manage to be waiting when i go thro a door way etc etc etc

by and large, i try and be a good loser and keep me gob shut and not make the bot comments, after all ive been called a bot enuff times to how anoying it is . . . . . .


i decided to look arround the internet and see what these "bots" actually look like in use.

the bad news is that it took me about 10 mins to find ~10 different bots :(, and this is what i found -

the 1st class (eg nopbot) of bots "snaps" onto targets and is very easy to spot (even a newbie could spot it), personally this one does not bother me to much. :rolleyes:

the 2rd class (satans litle helper, NoWalls etc) make ppl show up thro walls, when someone always no's where you are (even when u walk silentlty arround the map) this is a deffinate suspect. This is a pain but i can live with it. :eek:

the 3nd class (eg satans litle helper) of bots "autofire" when the crosshair goes over a player and are damm hard to spot ! :(. illl be dammed if i no how to tell if ppl are deffinately using this one, what i can say is that i am SURE that i HAVE played ppl using this class ..... and i be angry ! :mad:

what i want to no, is if there is an equivilent auto fire bot (like satans litle helper) which works on ra3 ?
i couldent find one for it but that doesent really prove anyting, so PLEASE SAY THEY DONT EXIST!

in a ffa i can hlod my own with a bot user so i dont really care, but in ra3 (which tbh i am not that great at) its a big deal :) and i find it far lammer.

anyway pls add your comments especally on ways of spotting thier usage or any types i have missed. if we can all accurately spot tehre usage at least we can leave the server and leave the arseholes to get on with it.


a sad and depressed quake3 palyer called Jaguar :(


Hmm tough one. There are definitely ppl using them, and I would wager there are ppl using them in RA3.

I would try and not let it get to you, and hope that 1.25 has some half decent protection against pure cracks etc. Knowing Id it will be a lame attempt that will be hax0red in 5 mins, but have to hope.

I would say tho, that altho there are some ppl out there who use them, they are a VERY small minority. I was on a server yesterday where someone was being called a bot, but when I speced him, I could tell he was just a very good player. I've been called a bot, others I know well have too, but I know none of these ppl use them. That's whhy I think it's a bit exaggerated sometimes.

Anyway roll on 1.25 with *cough* sv_pure protection.


Cheating is a fact of life online.

SLH is the more annoying of the bots, as it's difficult to spot.

The only way you're going to prove a person is using it or not, is to get the players to take screenies (to be sent to an admin). One with an enemy in sight, and the other with the scoreboard showing. Both show that SLH is being used (unless the SLH source cose has been edited). I can't see many players agreeing to this though. Flametop had a bit on this in his last column.

I don't think there are bots for RA3, though that doesn't mean there isn't.

The fear of being cheated is probably far commoner than the practice of cheating, but sometimes something happens that is just so out of the ordinary that suspicions are aroused.

I was on Barrysworld Q3WCTF server last night (busy again since osp has been removed...hmmmn), and there were some things that were very odd. I was hiding to the side of the central (base) jump-pad on q3wctf3, when up jumps an enemy. Before his feet hit the ground he's turned and fired a rocket at me. I wasn't moving (so no footsteps), so how did he know I was there? It could have been luck I suppose, but the manouver was so definite....

I tend not to go around calling people cheats, I just can't be arsed, but sometimes you just *know* something is not right.

I guess the only way to be sure that you're not playing against a cheat, is to not play at all...and I'm fucked if I'll allow the twats to drive me offline.


yep, you are right.

also i DONT go arround caling ppl cheats, if i dont like it i leave.

i have been on enuff servers on which a pratt keep spaming "X is a bot" every 5 secs, which imho is way more anoying :), plus if i had a quid for every time id been called a bot ...... ;)


Well, there are cheats out there and there are players that use them. However, I feel its always less than you think.

I use a personal yardstick; while on a server I mentally note any lucky or fluke shots *i* make. Only if another player is making more flukes than me would I get that concerned. Lets face it, we all pull off some kills by luck. A speculative rocket hit someone just as they come around a corner. A rail shot that misses the player you were aiming for and takes out one you had not even seen.

I think you will always get the 'wow, how the hell did he hit me then' moments. Many will be flukes, a few might be cheats. Apart from some demos, I have yet to see 100% certain cheat usage on the CTF servers I play on. I have seen alised players join, make 10 rail kills in 10 shots and leave. While that was probably a cheat, its not like he/she effected the game much.



please dont get me wrong i dont mean to whine (too much :)) and yes i do get my fair share of lucky shots :)

the reason for my invetsigation/post is simply that the number of suspect players i have seen, has rocketed (i am a sado and play this game way to much) and where a month ago id think damm, is he good or what .... maybe 1 a wk, now its every other game (well almost every day i have played) ......

i may not have a q/qw/q2 background but ive been playing this for long enuff now to no there are players MUCH better than me (even on a ffa :)) and when you spec them its easy to see why (the way decent players predict is amazing in my imho) and i no that they tend to have more "lucky" shots (if thats the right word) but l8ly, ppl arnt playing well they are simply shoting well and to me there is a big difference ......

tbh i was amazed how easy these cheats are to find/use even a newbie could find/install/use most of them ... scary :(

anyway, the main thing is enjoy playing, which intend to do ;)


"tbh i was amazed how easy these cheats are to find/use even a newbie could find/install/use most of them ... scary "

If that is the case, I can't see how ppl beleive that cheating is a very real minority.

I've heard other ppl in other leagues say the same thing "It aint widepsread"

I hope so.


funny really .....

i guess bots are like porn . . . . . we all no it exists. . . . . but no one admits to USING it ;)


Bots n stuff

How nice it is to be pretty useless at this game. I dont worry about other players skill, I dont worry about cheats, bots, anything much at all in fact....cos I dont bloody care.
Someone wants to shoot me - fine, next time I'll try harder to get them first. They can see me through walls
- fine, next time i'll try and suprise em. They have somat that auto aims - fine, I've got sidestep (i'll have to learn how to use it).
I dont want or need bots n' cheats, I only play for FUN.
I enjoy it immensely whether I'm killed umpteen million times or not. (gets up from the pool of gore and starts again)
You guys wiv all the skills, that can whip my arse any night of the week seem to be losing that. I aint the best, i'll never be the best, I'm not even trying to be the best.
I am trying to enjoy playing quake and it seems that I'm beating you all at doing that.
Don't take it so seriously, I promise you WILL enjoy it more.

PS. This post is not meant to offend in any way, If it does offend anyone you have my apologies in advance, you also have my permission to frag me whenever you can, if it'll cheer you up.


Well said Gator, love your attitude, I feel exactly the same way.

I must admit I tend to enjoy it more when I am playing well, but I still stick with it even when getting my arse kicked.

I found this particularly when RA3 came out. I had never played RA2, but decided to give RA3 a try. Most of the players on the BW servers are hardened l33t RA2 veterans and consequently I got such a kicking. When I came on the servers initially, I got such a ribbing for my crapness, peeps sayin things like "it helps if u dodge the rockets you llama", and generally dissing me for lack of "skillz", calling me "dead meat replacement" etc etc.

But this didnt bother me at all, I just kept playing away, sticking up the middle finger as I went, not caring whether or not I did well. Its only a bit of fun after all. :)




"I dont want or need bots n' cheats, I only play for FUN."

I'm with you all the way there. I play too leisurely and dont praccy enough to improve greatly. But I am improving. :)

One of my reasons for leaving q2 apart from boredom was I finally stopped deluding myself that I was on a leve playing field (PC, connection aside)

I want to enjoy my game, but can't do that if you play against who ppl are using aimbots and hacked installations, since you cant even improve your skills enough in order to ENJOY the game in the first place.



"it helps if u dodge the rockets you llama"l
"dead meat replacement"

u really called that ?

i am not brill at ra3 ;) but ive never heard ppl get nasty in that way :), one of the things i like about q3 is that by and large the peeps playing are fairly nice and chatty (try playing q3, then pop into a UT game and u cant tell the ppl from the bots - u just here auto taunts :))

K, lets clarify one thing, i dont "mind" playing a lower classed player using a auto fire bot (the aimbot is shit, so like i said they can come and have a go if they think there hard enuff :))


when a decent player uses them, its a completly different story, there isent much u can do when someones rail rate is over 90%, u simple die within a few sec's .... not much fun for anyone inho :(

anyway, i made this post last wk after a lame game (which left me fairly naffed off), i dont wont to here lots of "Cheat" "Cheat" "Cheat" chants on servers, i ust wont to play on a server and have the best player win (which prob is NOT me in ra3, and IS me in ffa :p)

so lets all stick ouir heads in the sand and assume that the other guy is just better than me :)


I play a fair bit of RA3 (BW servers), and I've also never heard anybody taunting another player like that (unless they know each other and are taking the piss). I guess you were unlucky.

Generally speaking the players on BW are good types. There are a few exceptions of course, and it's really annoying when a gobshite also happens to be a good player...means I can't even frag the lippy bastard. :D


"it helps if u dodge the rockets you llama"
"dead meat replacement"

Yeah those comments are a bit ghey and childish. Just someone sounding off. In a game in context they may give different impression tho.


Yes guys I have actually been called those things but it doesnt bother me one bit. I was probably a bit unlucky because I am on fairly regularly now between 6-7 every night and most of the peeps are brill :). I would like to think I have improved since then anyway (one night during a purple patch I was actually asked to join a clan!!) , still nowhere near the levels of B0se, for example, but now I seem to be usually midtable at least.

And just coming back to the person who originally made the point about lucky strikes, last night on map 1, myself and ODEE were duelling in the central area of the clan arena. I was on top platform, he was on central platform some distance away. I r/j'd out into mid air, just as he jumped from the platform, & I pulled off this mid air rail shot which if I was looking on as a spectator would have seemed hugely improbable. I immediately said to odee that it was the best rail shot I have EVER gotten. Anyway, my point is that sometimes these things DO happen. Last night I think it was luck as much as anything, he just happened to come into the crosshairs and bang.

[BTW, ODEE then proceeded to kick my ass, so maddened was he at this :D]




well, after watching a demo of a chap using the autofire and aimbot and then just the autofire bot i no longer worry. whilst the aimbot & autofire bots combined are devastating in instagib it is extremely easy to spot the former so only a complete moron would use it, but when the chap turned off the aimbot and used just autofire he was shit.

now if somone wants to use one of these autofire bots against me then fine (should some1 use aimbot they are very stupid), because i know i will get in 3 rails to his 1 judging by what ive seen. no doubt mg and sg will be effective with autofire but tbh i dont really care.



aimbots, autofire bots, autodoge and do somersaults bots, rocket jump scripts...........

Bah people are too used to a pre-packaged microwave ready auto spoon fed world.

All the above amount to nothing more than the electronic equivalent of water wings or stablisers on your bike.

WTF is wrong with people - winning with artificial aids does not impress and in fact belittles the effort most people make in learning how to pull off moves such as map long rail shots and hit. The rj script irritates me in particular;

The Rocket Jump is a special move like Ken's Dragon Punch in Street Fighter. Imagine if all the special moves in MK and SF were bound to a single key - somehow they become less special and would reduce the game to an equivalent of way of the exploding fist on the old 8 bits. Somehow I feel the games would not have been as popular if they had fell foul of this.

Special moves by design should be hard to pull off and deliver massive benefits when pulled off successfully and leave u vulnerable for a shoeing when stuffed up. The ability to use these moves effectively is what seperates players.

If i wanted to just push buttons I can play with me tv remote.

I agree with the attitude that this shouldnt be allowed to encroach on the enjoyment of the game and during casual play on public servers it doesnt bother me. What with being a modemer and having to face players with shiny new adsl connections I am used to being at a disadvantage. (BT wheres mine??????????).

Having said that however use of such devices in proper competitive play ie leagues etc does irritate. I havent yet identfied anybody doing this in game - need to investigate bots more and learn to spot the signs - but I do know of Clan members who use rj scripts and aimbots etc.

These sorts zimmer frame add ons have no place in Clan play and the argument 'well everyone else uses them' carrys no weight with me I am afraid.

To all u 14m3r5 out there - get a life - make the effort - your victories will be that much sweeter for doing so......

I dont use cheats, never have, rely on my own ability - I cant understand doing it any other way.

Scuse me while i go get me flame proof jacket in prep for replies...........



[Life is harder now because life is easier now]


Top Shot

Anyone know [cn] Plop
I played CTFagainst him this morning before work and
he played really well - top name on winning side, I couldn't get near him. I even congratulated him on playing so well i enjoyed it that much. The next map was the space thingy with high up opposing platforms with the railguns. (sorry you die hards but they are just maps to me)
Once he got up there, our side couldn't move without dying - excellent player. For some reason all my teamates started to disconnect tho' til I was the only one on my side, some even commented on his aimbut I couldn't read em - too busy picking myself up out of the gore, mind you it was 8.45 (UK) and I had to start work at nine, I'm sure that's why they left.

PS. If you know him, lemme know if I've got it wrong cos i'm new to this posting lark.



Havent seen Plop before but [cn] is Clan Nemesis's tag.

Dont have their site url off hand but a couple of me Clan memebers do - I will get it off theml8r and post here if I remember.




Hi Gator,

Heheh I lie, sort of -

While [CN] is the tag of Clan Nemesis - a quick scout of the Barrysworld CTF leagus page has shown that Chopstick Ninja's also use the tag.

Plop is one of theirs - should be able to get contact details from their site;

Hope this helps.



Rail Terror Strikes

Ta KiD,
With a team tag i'd expect him to be good.
i'll drop by their place for a shufty.


Gator - I wasn't sure, but I think you were saying that u didnt think Plop was using, but others thought he was? Anyway, no matter. Plop ...... and the rest of the CN team are very very good players. They are a top ctf clan and I doubt very much that they would be using bots. The players who left probably made the usual mistake of assuming that a player is cheating, rather than just being very good at q3. It is just as frustrating to be wrongly accussed of being a bot, as thinking your being w00ped by one.
It's a shame that some of the winging newbies can't think about it more sensibly like you seem to have mate. They are all too eager to start with the "JoeBloggs is an aimbot" rubbish.
Personally, I don't ever remember playing on a public server and thinking someone was using an aimbot. Maybe they have, but like someone else said in here, I guess I just think "git!, i'll get you next time" and don't really think about it.
It seems to me that these bot users must get pretty bored of playing if they use these kinda things. It can't make for much enjoyment surely? Maybe it's the attention they get from suspicious players (speccing) or the frustrating moans from ppl they frag that keep them going. I wonder if those who use them would continue to do so if ppl just ignored it, accepting them as 'sad gits' and got on with the game.
It's a emmotive issue that comes up a lot, but I dunno if you can do much but just let the sad, no skillz losers carry on playing and not getting any better, while the rest of us just play fair, learn from the experience and get better as a result.

Ch@m (CN supporters club ;) )


seeing as i started this. . . . . .

1st, the aimbot sucks, so will ppl stop going on about it :p

2nd, most ppl dont use bots

3rd, there ae way better players than u/me out there

4th, twits who keep screaming "aimbot, aimbot, aimbot .." are complete pratts

5th, ive been called a bot on many occasions (but not when i actually tried one to see have they work, wierd or what:))


7th, I have followed (imho 2) ppl using bots on public servers

8th i do just get on with it and enjoy the game, but that time ..... :)

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