Noob Theurgist seeks advice :)



ffs I came to alb to get away from you chosen :(


Originally posted by Rulke-RM
ffs I came to alb to get away from you chosen :(

But i came to alb because my love moved there :( (YOU)


The ice pets do a lot more damage next patch, something like 150-200 a nuke I read, and ofc the nuke snares. The earth pets also do a very nice amount of damage but die easily.
Air pets stun at any level, the lvl 1 air pet stuns as much as the highest level one.

Im actually quite looking forward to playing my theurg next patch but im not entirely sure how I will spec him till I have tested the pets for myself. Atm he has 35 in earth for 8 sec pbt cus I use him in pve sometimes :)

Tbh from reading how you want to use your theurg the 48 earth spec sounds best. Whack a couple of those earthlords on a healer and not only will you interupt him for 60 secs but he will die if he doesn't receive any heals. 6 sec pbt is under-rated as well.
You could then put the rest in air and use the 2nd best air pets if you really want that stun proc effect :) That would also give you the 18 sec ae mezz, considering you have ST root even an 18 sec mezz is prolly more useful than a ae root (cus as you said ae root is almost root immunity for tanks with det 5).

The spec you suggested 40 earth 32 air seems ok, but why not go to 35 air and get the 163 dd instead of rest ice which won't really get you anything.

It really depends how much better the 48 pet is compared to the 40 and the lvl 32 pet (which gets boosted to 60 seconds as well) and if all you want it for is duration then going:
32 earth - 60 sec earth pet
35 air - last air pet and 163 dd
25 ice - ice pet and less variance on baseline dd

Would give you 2 nuke damage types and all 3 pets to play with, quite a fun looking spec :)

Personally I will try 35 earth 40 ice (best ice pet) rest air first as I heard the ice pets really do rock next patch, and will be a lot better vs hib pbae groups as they cast outside of pbae. If it turns out they suck then I will try 48 earth rest ice or air.

All in all next patch looks good, especially as my sorc gets a new lifetap and savages/chanters gets nerfed but lets not get off topic :)


Originally posted by old.Lethul
Rolke sucks
Only if you ask nicely :kiss2:

Anyway, gonna give up on the theurg, cant get my hands on a necro, cant be arsed to exp normally and my current sleeping pattern means no groups around.


Do like i did ...

Full earth speced untill 45... at 50 buy respec stone for what ever spec you want

at -40 exp can be a bit hard .... but doable if you make groups ..

tell the groups i pull or i afk ... no matter what they pick it is good for you

i had lvl 50 + lvl 43 epic at 6d 19h

had a few PL hours from necro but i think would be the same with the time i wastet at some stupid quest's ...

allso you need to time the epic/soa/freeTheRogue/bracer quest a bit better than i did .. so you ding on lvl 48 epic instead

but then lvl 50 should be doable in normal exp groups in around 6d played...


OK so I started exping again :p

I'm pretty sure I want the lvl20 Air pets, so that leaves the question, do I want the lvl40 Earth pets or the lvl32 Ice one?

Or will I be spreading myself to thin with such a tri spec?


Ah ha! I think I have it :)

35Earth PBT pet etc
25 Ice lvl 25 pet, ice nuke variance
32 Air pet

Comments? :)


Originally posted by Rulke-RM
Ah ha! I think I have it :)

35Earth PBT pet etc
25 Ice lvl 25 pet, ice nuke variance
32 Air pet

Comments? :)
Yep a nice spec, very similar to the one I suggested however probably slightly better (dunno why i said 35 air instead of 35 earth :p the 163 dd is nice but 8 sec bt is much better :) )

Im actually almost tempted to respec my theurg to that as well, what worries me though is the low ice spec and the fact im a avalonian with 15 in int at the start (built for nuking not petting :( ). Wish I could reroll to a briton with 15 dex and 10 con.

Just depends how much better the 40 ice pet is compared to the level 25 one. It would be fun to send all 3 pets onto each and every enemy support class though :) In theory that should stun them a couple of times in the first 20 seconds, do around 1000 dmg in the first 25 seconds and keep them interupted for 60 seconds :)
Your spec also has the 23 sec ae mezz which is quite useable in the right situation, mine does have a useable ae root though.

My theurg is 35 earth 24 ice atm so I can still go to either spec without wasting a respec stone, decisions decisions :m00:


wtf for. Anyway, I hear you want to help me exp mumin? :p


Originally posted by old.Lethul
naab rolke...

45 air
26 earth
14-15 ice
Although high air is a common spec most people don't group a theurg for their nuking ability.

Im with Rulke in thinking you should focus 95% on putting pets on enemy support, and if all the enemy support has pets on them, put MORE pets on them :)

Thats why the tri spec is quite nice though cus you can start with the most annoying pet (air) then the nice long duration one (earth) just in case your interupted, then finish with an ice pet to do some decent damage (i think, gotta test it next patch first :) ).

Really looking forward to playing my theurg next patch but I fear he won't get many groups because I really like playing my spirit cabalist atm but FC always wants my sorc so I rarely get to play her :(


It's all academic anyway, since i've got bored exping and gave up again ^^

Cba levelling to 50 and only having a month to play before I quit for good with the release of ToA


Originally posted by hotrat
Although high air is a common spec most people don't group a theurg for their nuking ability.

Im with Rulke in thinking you should focus 95% on putting pets on enemy support, and if all the enemy support has pets on them, put MORE pets on them :)

Thats why the tri spec is quite nice though cus you can start with the most annoying pet (air) then the nice long duration one (earth) just in case your interupted, then finish with an ice pet to do some decent damage (i think, gotta test it next patch first :) ).

Really looking forward to playing my theurg next patch but I fear he won't get many groups because I really like playing my spirit cabalist atm but FC always wants my sorc so I rarely get to play her :(

that spec was for this patch, as air pets are the best pets this patch patch i would go have 40ish ice and 35 earth. maybe :p


Originally posted by old.Lethul
that spec was for this patch, as air pets are the best pets this patch patch i would go have 40ish ice and 35 earth. maybe :p
Ok, I agree there :)

Rulke don't give up :p alb is a challenge, to win a fight you have to play perfectly, and theurg will really be fun next patch :)


Originally posted by hotrat
Ok, I agree there :)

Rulke don't give up :p alb is a challenge, to win a fight you have to play perfectly, and theurg will really be fun next patch :)

i agree there :)

albion is teh funneh!




Ding RR2!

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