Noob activex query (from templates)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004

Thanks in advance for help. Trying to put together a simple webpage so plan to use a template as thats pretty much all im capable off.

I like a few on but the problem i'm having is when i preview the webpage (even before editing) that annoying top row bar on IE says activex content blocked.

What is the activex content that causes this? Its a pain because its one of those things that would instantly put anybody off a website!



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not sure what you mean; do you mean that you are already using a template and that your own site causes the warning to appear, or that the site with the templates on you linked to causes the warning?

Activex is just a way to display graphics and stuff on a web page, if the warning comes up it's because you have activex disallowed in your Internet Explorer settings, I think you can do this because a lot of spam email marketing types use activex to display their graphics, though I don't think there's anything evil about activex in itself.

There's all the info about it here:,GGLD:2004-44,GGLD:en&oi=defmore&q=define:ActiveX

But you might not care to read all that. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Just the downloaded template without modifications causes this message.

My main problem is i get this error with the templates as soon as i preview them but on no other sites on the internet with activex content.

Im confused about what is causing this on these templates and whether there is a way to prevent it, or a way to spot it within the code?

Is it possible dreamweaver is adding the activex aspect to the webpage and its not related to the templates at all?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Activex stuff in Dreamweaver has a little AX symbol. Do you mean that you get the error thing only when you preview your page on your own machine? If you are it might be that you need a testing server because the activex code is server side and not client side, on your machine.

Or are you actually uploading the page to the internet and it's doing this?

P.S. If you want to look in the code for it, it will be in tags like these:

<object width="32" height="32">


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Maljonic said:
think you can do this because a lot of spam email marketing types use activex to display their graphics, though I don't think there's anything evil about activex in itself.

Other than the minor issue that it'll download and run arbitrary binary files, usually with administrative rights and a browser tied right into the operating system? ;-)


FH is my second home
Mar 25, 2004
Are you getting the ActiveX error when you view the pages as local files (i.e: double click on the main HTML file) or through a webserver.

If its the former then you want to put "The Mark of the web":
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
on all your HTML files, its a workaround for IE6SP2. Basically IE6SP2 put a load of "security" features including one to stop ANY script/ActiveX object loading when viewed as a local HTML file. This even includes simple image rollovers in javascript.

If its the latter, then WTF are you doing putting ActiveX in your HTML files, its the worst thing possible as a) it only works in IE :puke: and b) even then only when using people who have got lenient security policies.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
JingleBells said:
If its the latter, then WTF are you doing putting ActiveX in your HTML files, its the worst thing possible as a) it only works in IE :puke: and b) even then only when using people who have got lenient security policies.

Thats exactly the problem! I dont want it ! And my design ability isnt great enough to do one from start currently and this all seemed to come with the template.

I have been previewing locally; I'll try uploading it to see the difference


FH is my second home
Mar 25, 2004
Just downloaded a random template from them, the error you are getting is IE6SP2s security warnings for javascript. The page has a simple* rollover script which makes IE6 SP2 moan.
To fix, just add]The Mark of the Web to the top of the HTML page.

* It's simple in what it does, but it uses the wonderful macromedia dreamweaver code, which is about as readable/maintainable as a newspaper thats been through the washing machine.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Maljonic said:
though I don't think there's anything evil about activex in itself.
Nothing other than the flawed concept and piss-poor implementation.

The real problem here seems to be that hes trying to use ActiveX in the first place. Dont.

The only valid excuse for using activex is, uh, sorry, I lied. There isnt a valid excuse!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
JingleBells said:
Just downloaded a random template from them, the error you are getting is IE6SP2s security warnings for javascript. The page has a simple* rollover script which makes IE6 SP2 moan.
To fix, just add]The Mark of the Web to the top of the HTML page.

* It's simple in what it does, but it uses the wonderful macromedia dreamweaver code, which is about as readable/maintainable as a newspaper thats been through the washing machine.

I owe you a beer if ever i pass manchester!

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