NO1 fucks with me



Originally posted by old.FIN
AS i said , u insult me, i wil turn to your worst nightmare, just got insulted 24/7 because i was trying to tell peeps some sence in their heads, and lvl's dont count shit, u DONT have to be lvl 50 to KNOW this SIMPLIEST game what i have played last 6 years...

U insulting peeps just needs to learn how to listen , and HOW to play this game, EVEN if im in RVR with "lowbie" blue character, it DOESNT mean i havent been there earlier, and peeps that r 50, and chainied all their lvl's , pwr stuff etc etc, DONT even have a clue whats AMG, so stop insutling me little kids, and moan to your mamma more.

And u dont need to flame here, because i aint reading answers, because i dont give a shit what u think, i turn now to selfish solitaire fuck player like the most of u r, dont even try to speak nothing, u sau 1 wrong word to me, i ignore u asap..

lets c how fun its playing this game when u r almost getting some help, what u need, but still u dont get none, and etc etc

Shut up u noob. :)

No what i mean is:
If ppl tells u to follow up, or stick or something els, it's just to remind u. Ppl still say "necky check" or "remember to mez" or "remember to look out for mezbreake" etc.
EVEN throu i have played daoc from the start (almost :)), im sometimes happy with ppl reminding me, i hate to miss a port - or die in emain coz of my own stupidity.

So relax :), ppl just want it for ur own good.


OMG .. Fin as in Fin The TellMeAtKeepRaidToShutTheHellUpAndListenToWhatHeSays?


At keepraids ppl have to listen, for an undefended keep it is unimportant at a defended one it is the difference between victory and defeat. Either you are with the sheep or you are with the shepards and albion is running out of shepards and the sheep are getting replaced by piggs.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Re: Re: NO1 fucks with me

Originally posted by Karam_gruul

now, down to your aweful grammer and rude attitude, im guessing your spanish. maybe french. am i right? bet i am.

nuff said

Would that be grammar? I am guessing you are an asshole, maybe a fucktard. Am I right? I bet I am...

Nuff said.


Wow! So much testosterone flying around...

Why is this? , is it a man thing thing to act like this? OMG if it is Im glad Im not a man !!!

Surely life is too short....

Why cant you guys just chill a bit? Dont keep on sinking to each others levels.

My opinion here is that there are too many jerks posting. Please dont prove me right !


Re: Re: Re: NO1 fucks with me

Originally posted by sickofit...

Would that be grammar? I am guessing you are an asshole, maybe a fucktard. Am I right? I bet I am...

Nuff said.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by Arthwyr
At keepraids ppl have to listen, for an undefended keep it is unimportant at a defended one it is the difference between victory and defeat. Either you are with the sheep or you are with the shepards and albion is running out of shepards and the sheep are getting replaced by piggs.

I actually think u were leading, or another - and Fin got mad :p

U might wonna be the untimate-leader, Arthmyr, but u aren't always 100% right about choises, therefore u got followers next to u, giving good advises.


Do you guys even realize how serious you sound? I really think some people have to much of thier lives invested into a game. Come on guys, it's only pixles.

Re-read this thread, try to detatch yourself, read it as if you had never heard of DAoC before.

Now, how pathetic does all this sound? Someone need to get a life? Hmmm, just something to consider: If albion has all the relics and keeps them for 6 months will it make your boss give you a raise or will it make that girl you like ever notice you? I don't think so, it's really not that important!


Oh boy, Fin cracks up and loads of peeps have fun at it.

First of all, this is a G A M E (say it slowly so the idea of this being not real slowly gets to some of you). It is meant to be fun ... if it isn't, take a break ... go do something else, whatever but at least realise you have just waisted time on something you 1) didnt like 2) got you highly frustrated.
Sometimes you do go 'WHAT!' if a complete ignorant and moronic shortsighted pigsticker calls you names (not writing down names here ... post would get too long :p) but so what ? Ignore it, they need help if they act that way.

Forget getting to 50 asap, forget having the highest amount of rp's. You can't measure 'fun' by lvl and rp, you measure fun by the times you fall from your chair laughing at jokes or actions, by the times you at down with your group for I don't know how long and just chattered away, learning to know each other, ...
These things are what makes this game worth playing imo


Fin take a couple days out, dont matter in this game if you are good or bad people will always moan & complain at anything as long as it isn't them selves :(


Originally posted by Cowled

Cowled Scout - lvl 50.05 scout - retired
Anderial Lockheart - lvl 45 cleric - retired
Daring Female - lvl 1X minstrel - retired
Pbt Slave - lvl 1X theurgist - retired
Feminine Shade - lvl 35+ SB

You seem to be a little lost here cowled.
Had no idea fin was playing in mid.
Cause u ARE "retired" right?


Originally posted by old.Zerathol

You seem to be a little lost here cowled.
Had no idea fin was playing in mid.
Cause u ARE "retired" right?

Was ages ago. Hib-raid.

FinTheSomething has been around quiet some time.


Cowled is just James Bond Wannabee, he was also a spy
but because cowled is so out of this world , he lives in dungeon and in middle of snow, and his hairy ass is freezing, and is father of retards. let him be =)


fin m8

we've known eachother long enough,and i see u as a m8,hope that is both ways

tbh i think u let other ppl get to u too much,which u should not allow to happen.u are who u are.there are ppl who respect that,there are ppl who one is loved or respected by everyone.

dont let other ppl change u the way u are and the things u do(that u know for urself its right to do)


Re: Re: NO1 fucks with me

Originally posted by Karam_gruul

now, down to your aweful (awesome or awful) grammer (did you mean Grammar?) and rude attitude, im (Err - what is an "im" or did you mean "I'm") guessing your spanish (your spanish what? Or did you mean "you're Spanish?).
nuff said

A case of pot calling the kettle black?

Fuck me; who'd want to be this muppet's English teacher and be forced to mark that dross? I hope whoever it is gets paid danger money and is treated for PTSD.

ROFLMAO - best laugh I've had so far today Karam, so thx for that, m8. :)

<Disappears quietly back to forums he is welcome at (or not)>


Originally posted by old.FIN
Cowled is just James Bond Wannabee, he was also a spy
but because cowled is so out of this world , he lives in dungeon and in middle of snow, and his hairy ass is freezing, and is father of retards. let him be =)

Oo.. made no sense to me, sorry.

Grow up if u think im spying :)

Sigh, kids.


Originally posted by old.Kiarra
Wow! So much testosterone flying around...

Why is this? , is it a man thing thing to act like this? OMG if it is Im glad Im not a man !!!

Surely life is too short....

Why cant you guys just chill a bit? Dont keep on sinking to each others levels.

My opinion here is that there are too many jerks posting. Please dont prove me right !

you call them men? LOL

I would call them kids :p


Problem with DAoC and the con thing..

you click on someone, see blue and instantly think 'easy'... it's been conditioned since the first ghost hound you killed outside Humberton.

And it's a git to break out of :)

Someone level 37 says 'how about we do this?' and gets ignored out of hand...

I've caught myself doing this a few times.. scares me ;) maybe I'd better not turn 50:I'll turn into an arrogant prick...

(or more of one? :))


Don't think it has that much to do with Fin's level so much as that he yells/spams so much. After awhile you just tune it out...


Originally posted by old.Kiarra
Wow! So much testosterone flying around...

Why is this? , is it a man thing thing to act like this? OMG if it is Im glad Im not a man !!!

Surely life is too short....

Why cant you guys just chill a bit? Dont keep on sinking to each others levels.

My opinion here is that there are too many jerks posting. Please dont prove me right !

I really must start playing with more women.


Possible, he is hard on the ears

(probably down to his Finglish, he comes off very harsh and demanding)

One thing:

can people stop using 'U' instead of 'You'... it's not faster to read, it's a bit faster to type, but then it takes longer to interpret.

And it looks stupid. It demeans you, now get typing :)

Fair enough in game, but on the forums you have time to think things over and type them out fully.

My brain switches off if I see 'u should try this' rather than 'you should try this'.

Oh yeah and it is a game :) so try and enjoy yourselves people, if yer not, go do something else for a while till you can enjoy it again.


I actually think u were leading, or another - and Fin got mad

Actualy I have no clue what happened, I wasn't even remotely close to fin when it happened, I was just generalising. And no i really don't feel the urge to lead haven't done that in a loooong time unless specificly asked. As for not making the right choises its obvious you are a woman and never did any time in the military since you are missing the basics of the command structure. Once you have accepted someone as a leader for a certain thing you do as asked, no questions asked. If he says all jump of a cliff thats all right as long as all do it.


Err in defense of certain ppl like myself I don't have any sense of direction whatsoever so I don't know the Alb fronteir (or any other for that matter) which don't make me a bad player as long you don't want me lead raids etc.

I do know how and when to use my characters in a fight and do so effectively (well when i'm sober at least hehe)

Beleive it or not there are some of who go RvR for giggle, just want to have a good fight every now and then and who don't see RvR as a battle ground for the expansion of the repressed ego. Judging from the replies on these boards it seems alot of folks are taking this WAY too seriously. Mostly in RvR I am laughing my ass of fighting and having a ball! If you ain't I suggest you put your anger/frustration into a job of some kind and at least get a tangable reward you will still be able to enjoy in 3 or 4 years time unlike DoaC which you will have forgotten...


Originally posted by Arthwyr

Actualy I have no clue what happened, I wasn't even remotely close to fin when it happened, I was just generalising. And no i really don't feel the urge to lead haven't done that in a loooong time unless specificly asked. As for not making the right choises its obvious you are a woman and never did any time in the military since you are missing the basics of the command structure. Once you have accepted someone as a leader for a certain thing you do as asked, no questions asked. If he says all jump of a cliff thats all right as long as all do it.

Oo, like lemmings? New military strategy :p.

I asked a simple question a few month ago, at a hib-castle-raid, and got lots of crap comming my way :). So no compassion from me :).

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