NO1 fucks with me



AS i said , u insult me, i wil turn to your worst nightmare, just got insulted 24/7 because i was trying to tell peeps some sence in their heads, and lvl's dont count shit, u DONT have to be lvl 50 to KNOW this SIMPLIEST game what i have played last 6 years...

U insulting peeps just needs to learn how to listen , and HOW to play this game, EVEN if im in RVR with "lowbie" blue character, it DOESNT mean i havent been there earlier, and peeps that r 50, and chainied all their lvl's , pwr stuff etc etc, DONT even have a clue whats AMG, so stop insutling me little kids, and moan to your mamma more.

And u dont need to flame here, because i aint reading answers, because i dont give a shit what u think, i turn now to selfish solitaire fuck player like the most of u r, dont even try to speak nothing, u sau 1 wrong word to me, i ignore u asap..

lets c how fun its playing this game when u r almost getting some help, what u need, but still u dont get none, and etc etc


Well, that was entertaining, after I decifered what it was he was saying.

so we can add one more the *selfish assholes of albion list*?



omg i cant stop laughing !!

some people take this game waaaay to seriously...
took me a while to understand him lol.


Originally posted by old.FIN
AS i said , u insult me, i wil turn to your worst nightmare, just got insulted 24/7 because i was trying to tell peeps some sence in their heads, and lvl's dont count shit, u DONT have to be lvl 50 to KNOW this SIMPLIEST game what i have played last 6 years...

U insulting peeps just needs to learn how to listen , and HOW to play this game, EVEN if im in RVR with "lowbie" blue character, it DOESNT mean i havent been there earlier, and peeps that r 50, and chainied all their lvl's , pwr stuff etc etc, DONT even have a clue whats AMG, so stop insutling me little kids, and moan to your mamma more.

And u dont need to flame here, because i aint reading answers, because i dont give a shit what u think, i turn now to selfish solitaire fuck player like the most of u r, dont even try to speak nothing, u sau 1 wrong word to me, i ignore u asap..

lets c how fun its playing this game when u r almost getting some help, what u need, but still u dont get none, and etc etc

:clap: :clap: i know, well knew some high lvl albs (lvl 48>) that claimed to be active rvr'ers and yet didnt know their way around their own back yard :( (Alb frontier not their garden) just think that someone who played just to get lvl 50 as quick as they can is just dumb, (points to Fausts wanderings in hib, mid and alb frontier) i stopped lvling for a bit and went wandering, found my way fine never got lost, i was only lvl 17 :cool: and when i told some of the higher lvl's they had the nerve to say and i quote "WTF u doin wanderin around the rvr, your not high eveough to kill anything" my point was that i wasnt trying i was learning, something a few of them need to learn how to do.................................. :m00:


Fin always going on about how people dont listen.....Ive seen it when grouped with him, ppl dont listen and die like lemmings etc. Thing is he is not just telling people to listen to HIM, he is telling people to listen to OTHERS. Most people L50s as said are stubborn and believe they know everything, and so they believe theyre is no need to listen. Well if you can truely say you know everything about this game, your lieing. There are things even its creators do not know (Cue bugs).

Im sad to see Fin finally crack :(

This is only going to make people insult you more, they dont understand what your ranting about.

This has probably been caused by him playing his cabby, taking lead and people ignoring what he says due to his cab only being 43.

From experience i listen to people who give orders that work out right. If someone tells an alb army to charge and they all die i remember it. Likewise if something similar is done but is successful that is remembered too. When grouped with fin i usually kill more than i die. This is usually down to good group layout (Most people in emain just click invite to everyone and dont care having 8 tanks, no speed, no CC, no heals or buffs etc. Then they complain that they got ganked by fewer numbers LOL) and thought out movement.

Usually group is not /stick on TL and just walks about aimlessly with everybody saying to do different things. Group dies, people leave and alb motivation falls.

TBH I dont agree with your thread title m8. Thats asking to be flamed. But obviously you must be real pissed to even write this :uhoh:


Originally posted by RD-Kanor

omg i cant stop laughing !!

some people take this game waaaay to seriously...
took me a while to understand him lol.

Well some are slower than others as u seem to be a good example of.


m8 if the game is pissin you off that bad take a break whats point of playing if youre not enjoying it ?


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Im level 50 and Im always right.

Originally posted by pitspawn
do i detect sarcasm ? :D lol
Isn't Ody lvl 50?

I may not be right, but I'm never wrong.

Well... Thing is, Fin is right.. There are some 13 year old fuckheads that has just got out of the xp grind which knowitall about rvr cause all they see is yellow and below con. Ofcourse they are all low /played. That makes you leet and experienced.

Originally posted by pitspawn
do i detect sarcasm ? :D lol
This is sig material you know :)


Exiled, you're no longer an Alb. Go home you trator! Go terrorise your own realm!


So true Exiled. Some ppl need to know that lvl isn't all. Knowledge of the frontiers and strategy is just as important.


Think you need to take a bit of a break Fin, as hard to decode as your post was, I know what your refering too, some of the biggest idiots on the server are level 50ies and there abouts, level doesn't automatically signify experiance and knowledge. People say Albion needs a leader, they are wrong, we have way to many leaders as it is, what we need is followers, people who arn't pretentious and know there own limitations and will follow sound advice for the sake of victory.


this is only a game, i dont take it serious!!

BUT i hate insulting peeps, they drive me crazy

Leave the insults somewhere else , dont do it in game.

and yes, peeps asking same things and doing same mistakes, and not listening is sometimes hilarious, some times it just makes u angry, BUT the insulting after that when u have died and its only YOURS fault is pointless, u made mistake, u suffer , no need to pass your stupidness and not listenning stuff to others using insults!!


Originally posted by old.FIN
AS i said , u insult me, i wil turn to your worst nightmare, just got insulted 24/7 because i was trying to tell peeps some sence in their heads, and lvl's dont count shit, u DONT have to be lvl 50 to KNOW this SIMPLIEST game what i have played last 6 years...

U insulting peeps just needs to learn how to listen , and HOW to play this game, EVEN if im in RVR with "lowbie" blue character, it DOESNT mean i havent been there earlier, and peeps that r 50, and chainied all their lvl's , pwr stuff etc etc, DONT even have a clue whats AMG, so stop insutling me little kids, and moan to your mamma more.

And u dont need to flame here, because i aint reading answers, because i dont give a shit what u think, i turn now to selfish solitaire fuck player like the most of u r, dont even try to speak nothing, u sau 1 wrong word to me, i ignore u asap..

lets c how fun its playing this game when u r almost getting some help, what u need, but still u dont get none, and etc etc


for starters, if your blue in rvr your a total and utter newbie as far as im concerned. you could have designed and made daoc yourself for all i care, but if you have a blue char, you suxxor my buxxors.

secondly, you've possibly got the worst grammer i've ever seen.

thirdly, wtf are you on about, 'u insult me, i turn your world into nightmare!'. how?

and what in gods name are you talking about, some lvl 50s dont know what amg is... i would beleive that for treniel/novamir, but anyone else does know.

now, down to your aweful grammer and rude attitude, im guessing your spanish. maybe french. am i right? bet i am.

nuff said


Re: Re: NO1 fucks with me

Originally posted by Karam_gruul


for starters, if your blue in rvr your a total and utter newbie as far as im concerned. you could have designed and made daoc yourself for all i care, but if you have a blue char, you suxxor my buxxors.

secondly, you've possibly got the worst grammer i've ever seen.

thirdly, wtf are you on about, 'u insult me, i turn your world into nightmare!'. how?

and what in gods name are you talking about, some lvl 50s dont know what amg is... i would beleive that for treniel/novamir, but anyone else does know.

now, down to your aweful grammer and rude attitude, im guessing your spanish. maybe french. am i right? bet i am.

nuff said

I think you forgot to add, Karam, that the game hasnt even been out for 6 years!


Re: Re: Re: NO1 fucks with me

Originally posted by n3wbie

I think you forgot to add, Karam, that the game hasnt even been out for 6 years!

good point well made


Fin was talking about OL games in general, not just DAOC duh :)


Originally posted by old.FIN
lets c how fun its playing this game when u r almost getting some help, what u need, but still u dont get none, and etc etc

i just don't get that, sorry man but what does that mean?


Re: Re: NO1 fucks with me

Originally posted by Jiggs

i just don't get that, sorry man but what does that mean?

He wants you to see how fun it is asking for help and not getting any etc.... (???)


If Fin the Vasta stop to spawn probably we 'll have less lag in Albion...


Originally posted by -Dreama-
Exiled, you're no longer an Alb. Go home you trator! Go terrorise your own realm!

But you albs are sooooo :touch: able :)



I am surprised by the amount of scornful replies to Fin's post I see in this thread. I would have thought that many of the people who posted here would have known better, i.e. that Fin has considerable experience and is someone worth listening to. Yes, he may be difficult to cope with at times and his commands are sometimes hard to understand (work at being more CLEAR :)), but he knows what he is doing. When someone like him posts a message like this, that is a worrying signal for Albion that we need to reconsider our attitudes, NOT an opportunity to flame away and make the situation worse.

PLEASE remember that behind the pixel-based characters you see on-screen, there is a real person.


Originally posted by Ialkarn
If Fin the Vasta stop to spawn probably we 'll have less lag in Albion...

Heh. Especially this one makes me sick. If Ialkarn usually behaves like this and he stops to spawn I think we'll have a much more pleasant time here. I hope you can prove me wrong.

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