Gamah said:Maybe thats because rr5 is nothing![]()
Fellavader said:"OMFG WTF??!!?!!!111+1+1+1+1 A stupid n00b dinged rr5 and made a post about it??
We only say gratz to our l33t RR12 m8t0rs, go away n00b kk?"
Fits almost all the people who still post here, sadly..
Gratz m8![]()
Muylaetrix said:grats.![]()
dunno, on some classes it is harder to get rr5 than on some others. (sorcs are not a hard mode class imho, but anyway).
For some people it is more of an archievement to get their first char to rr5 on an unwanted class than for a, say, fotm warlock (or sorc/caba/bianshee/other OP class) reroller running a near perfect group setup every night, to ding rr8.
give the man his moment of joy will ya ?
Gamah said:I love how all the retards peg high rr people as talking like cs idiots..get a clue.
Graendel said:Grats on 513k useless FH posts, Necromania.
Gamah said:I love how all the retards peg high rr people as talking like cs idiots..get a clue.
necromania said:same as i asked another on in thread about . wtf is your problem ?
dont you think that your post is rather useless ?
Dorimor1 said:Erm, they are though? Not all of them, just most people, by the time they hit RR10 they get carried away with themselves. Ofc there is the odd dick head, perhaps RR8-9 that also likes to act this way, ring any bells? xD
Gamah said:Dunno what RR are you? And way to go contradicting yourself in the same sentence, takes some world-class retardedness to pull that off xD
Razemouze said:"Preparing warlock for 1.81."
Says it all really ;<
Dukat said:So close, and yet so far![]()
necromania said:same as i asked another on in thread about . wtf is your problem ?
dont you think that your post is rather useless ?
Graendel said:I'm envious, that's my problem.
512999 posts to go and I can post my own gratsthread.
Bubble said:lol...
Gratz for being the biggest idiot i've ever meet on a online game...and i've played on camlann...
Razemouze said:stlong myrmidon-post :worthy:
Gamah said:I love how all the retards peg high rr people as talking like cs idiots..get a clue.
Originally Posted by CuddleBunny!
I tempted to tell you how I feel, but Jupitus will prolly ban me.
necromania said:get out of this section.
really cba listening to you....![]()
necromania said:hehe well never liked warlocks.. but seeing you around makes me run away( if i can
now go play another class so i can pwne you![]()
Ironfalcon said:Oh so you rather wanna meet his 11L1 Runemaster.. think you will die faster on his warcock, than on his runemaster.. xD
Ironfalcon said:Ffs at FH. 10 mins editer time! change it tbh!
Necromania your the one posting shit.. bubble and cuddly bunny is just pointing this out, and it seems your to thick headed to get the hint.. so seriously.. grow up, or fuck off..
Ironfalcon said:Necromania your the one posting shit.. bubble and cuddly bunny is just pointing this out, and it seems your to thick headed to get the hint.. so seriously.. grow up, or fuck off..
Fellavader said:fristration
necromania said:fuck off your self maybe ?, its funny how all have to say shit to me ,just because we're on a forum..
and ye i rather meet hes 11l1 RM cause i KNOW i can beat that one.......
so iron foad.!
necromania said:ive not done anything wrong in this thread,,, so tbh, it cant be me who has a problem, must be you guys.. since you dont have anything better to use your time at...
Ironfalcon said:no really.. I would say shit to you, to your face if I could..
necromania said:ive not done anything wrong in this thread,,, so tbh, it cant be me who has a problem, must be you guys.. since you dont have anything better to use your time at...
a) you post your own grats thread
b) you tell people to foad, and get the fuck out, of your post..
c) you clearly have nothing better to do, than posting your own gratz thread
i only tell you to foad as you post useless crap, just like several others did.. lol like i would get the fuck out of my post if noone innoyed me..
necromania said:i only tell you to foad as you post useless crap, just like several others did.. lol like i would get the fuck out of my post if noone innoyed me..
Morphius said:Iron likes men