Nitro Proxy



On the Mega game on Sat night I picked up on the chatter that the person in the lead was using the 'Nitro Proxy' - they admitted it.

So WTF is this Nitro proxy and what does it improve? Is it classed as cheating? Where can it be found? etc., etc.,


Mr B

The Nitro poxy lets you:

a) Give yourself a l33t coloured/fancy name
b) New location codes (you know %l) so that the standard ID ones can be replaced with your own (more accurate) ones.

That's it.

Proxies are banned from most leagues (I think) as they normally connect on a different port and sometimes are detected as Bots (not often).


It's only banned in Savage - ironically where it is most needed :/

It's damn good - I recommend it!


[GA] Shovel

thankyou all, I've been wondering how the hell you do coloured names for ages now....

I wonder how many people will have multicoloured names this evening though?

Should be quite cool though, get the name to actually match my skin.

[GA] Shovel
--Insert gif here--

See GA @


that's Riz trying to get his *cheating* back on form again

[GA] Shovel

It's not cheating, the average gamer (with average knowlage, averrage scores ect eg me) cannot even work the bugger.

Can anyone please just tell me how to chnage the colour of my name, nothing else, just that. and then how to get gamespy to work with it on the English version of QII (I think the readme was written in the German release??)

Please help a poor, gimmik starved lamert who seeks a name to match the color of his icon.

[GA] Shovel
--Insert gif here--

See GA @


From a quick perusal of the readme

To Get funky characters in your name:
/me cuts and pastes

>#character : this will color the character red (only usefull for names because messages are red by default in quake2
> example:
> name #Niew#i (typed in the console this will set the name Niewi with a red 'N' and a red 'i'!
> this feature is automatically disabled in RocketArena2 because it causes troubles if you create a new team!

>@( : the left end of the regulators used in the quake2 options
>@= : the middel of the regulators used in the quake2 options
>@) : the right end of the regulators used in the quake2 options
>@a : the controller of the regulator
>@< : the left end of the underline
>@- : the middel of the underline
>@> : the left end of the underline
>@. : a red middel dot
>@, : a white middel dot (only in names!)
>@[ : a big red [
>@] : a big red ]
>@_ : a space sign, use it instead of the normal space between grafical characters
>@b : a filled red block
>@c : a filled red arrow (pointing to the right!)
>@\ : this can be used to hide your name in messages! all in the message before the $\ will
> be deleted! the effect will be there even when clients don't use a proxy!

>name @[#N#F@]@,#Nie#wi@,

And in order to use it with gamespy you need to edit the nitro.ini file with your q2 path then change the command line for quake2 in gamespy to 'nitro2.exe -g :'

Hope this has been of any help, and that it comes out formatted right :-/



Hi there,
i have released a new version of Nitro2!

you can get it at

it has a lot of new features and a possibility for server admins to disable some features that may be called cheat by some leagues easily by changing the dmflags value on the server!

it's well hack protected and offers possibilities to detect the proxy and to check with what dmflags it is working!

if you have bugs or questions head on to the Nitro2 support page at


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