Night Shades



in terms of PA damage

sb > inf > ns

but without pa it's gotta be inf > sb > ns as long as the inf is level 50 in thrust for dragonfang - gotta love 9 sec stun :>


i mean, shades have never killed my minstrel (level 44) because their PA is like 450 dmg max and i stun before their stunmove

but SBs can PA me for anything up to 900 (we're talking red level 50 against lil me) - and my unbuffed hp is 870 :(
ive only ever survived against red SBs if i've been buffed (hp 1200 odd)


a duel some time ago at the grogans at mmg....

me vs lvl 50 mid troll warrior (cant remember his name, i'm sure some ppl will)

result of fight ? me 100% health, warrior 5% health
how come ? i evaded his first hit and dragonfanged him (nearly) to death

now tell me again that dragonfang isnt worth it


I find the complete opposite, m000...
Most of the nightshades I've fought had extremely fast little weapons; i've usually been CD'd before i have a chance to react. SB's on the other hand would be very lucky to hit me fore more than 350, with a 2Handed perf. For example, Lopez hit me last night while i was sat down and rezz-sick, for 700 on the dot. Alright, had i been standing up that's down to 350....

Novamir: High perf doesn't really matter in 1.50 because even one-shots destealth you. Important thing is getting the target stunned, as far as i can see. Certainly I die from fast CD's, not huge PA's.
"plus a briton can have 70 base str which is comparable to a norse" - no it isn't, a norse has 70 base = 80. Alright it's comparable but then in that case my highlander with 80str is comparable to a troll with 100....

"i personally would make a SB or brit blade inf for PvP. no way would i choose thrust. norse doublefroster sounds naaajce"
Well i can't necessary argue with that, but bear in mind with the new dmg tables in 1.52, alb thrust is 'naaajce' and also I'd expect that you get caught unawares a lot more on the PvP server? In which case dragonfang would strike me as being even more useful....

Also we're only one patch away from Doublefrost doing reasonable damage (i.e. not what it does now :> )


Originally posted by Ninjastyle
a duel some time ago at the grogans at mmg....

me vs lvl 50 mid troll warrior (cant remember his name, i'm sure some ppl will)

result of fight ? me 100% health, warrior 5% health
how come ? i evaded his first hit and dragonfanged him (nearly) to death

now tell me again that dragonfang isnt worth it

Face down, albs got best rogue classes.

And an infil w/o DragonFang´s like a scout w/o slam, v true.


dragonfang is hyped

it's like people say you should choose LW just for annihilation, but it is actually very hard to pull off often, ask Cuth or Lews. takeing less in LW is just as good, means you can spec to Slam, or more 1H, etc.

thrust damage isn't that nice, most classes who wear chain are the ones that its suicideal to try a perf on (skald insta mez, healer insta everything, warrior/thane slam if they are smart).

its even worse for a NS, cleric + minstrel are suicidal. only one good to attack usually is solo Merc :p


no one said pierce was a good damage type for shades.
I think? :)
Instas as a defence vs perf+CD is overrated. Perf +6secs of stun in which to attempt to kill the skald doesn't exactly make it suicide for the inf. Healer though, yes.... that's just asking for it.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Instas as a defence vs perf+CD is overrated. Perf +6secs of stun in which to attempt to kill the skald doesn't exactly make it suicide for the inf.

More so with thanes... 1 word. Hitpoints. Or is it 2 words? Some non-gimp enlighten me!


Novamir you underestimate dragonfang and inf's overall. Haven't played 1.49 so all my experiences come from 1.48 but I would expect similar results (or even better for the inf due to epic armour....longer to kill = larger chance for an evade). Below is a summary of what happens in open melee (no perf) with different classes.

Vs Skalds

Can beat them in open melee WITHOUT dragonfang. Complete annihilation if I get an early evade (ie. Skald dead before stun wears off). If skald dd's, dd's, mezzes, dd's, dd's I can still win without an evade but come pretty close

Vs Warriors + Hero's

Need 1 evade to win, which is highly likely since I evade over 35% of all hits. Warrior trying to slam me = no bonus to hit so higher chance to evade. Hero's are of course a lot harder when moose is up and the fight is often tilted in their favour unless I get a few evades

Vs Thanes + Champs

Extremely easy with one evade. Possible with no evade but comes pretty close

Vs Healer + Druid + Bard

Easy, evade or no evade

Vs Assasins

Critblades are pretty easy when no perfed involved, which is most fights with other assasins. Only SZ I have fought is Varg who is always fully buffed and I am not so can't really make a comparison. However, with next patch and DF nerf I expect they won't be too hard. Nightshades very easy assuming one evade, close if not but usually in my favour.

Vs Berzerker chance in open melee :(

Vs Blademaster

Whats that? Only seen one before and that being Taliver. Easy fight but he is a lot lower lvl then me :)

Vs Hunter + Ranger

Hunters extremely easy, evade or not. Rangers, if decent melee spec, put up a good fight with me winning in the end. However, not lost to a ranger before with full hp and no rezz sick (despite what eleasias says ;) )


Its strange, I dont think I hardly ever get killed by NS's, always Inf's. Rangers get me alot though

ive killed ya before and ill get you again ;)

Hi lone-wolf

I dunno if anyone posted this BUT:

After next patch (1.50), u'll only get HIT by a NS, in normal hit.. and u'll be dead!


Viper Active 30 min. 14 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A For 30 seconds, all of your DoT poisons will do double damage.

480 dot *2 = 960 dmg
then u have to plus with the dmg from the hib .. about 1000 dmg.

Anyone want a little hit?

ahem, do you have ANY idea how much of a waste imo that is for 14 points. it works for 1/60th of playing time at best, can be purged, and costs 1.4 rr's of points. those points are imo better spent in wild arcana to get up to a 25% chance of double-damage dot's, aswell as double-debuff's :) then again i play by %'s ;) btw where did you get the 480 dot from? lifebane is about 80\tick :p

down to "ownage". i have piercers. i have capped qui. with druid buffs i hit as fast with a rapier (2.7) as i do with a dirk (2.2). with druid buffs i have up to about 300-350 extra hp, about 100-125 extra dex, con, str, haste, extra qui blahblahblah and last time i caught a solo red con hunter with uber druid buffs i killed him. of course now the only non-yellows are level 50 oranges.

btw the reason, envenom, that so many shades respecced bladeshade is cause of the armour changes effectivley making pierce EXTREMELY weak against a few classes. as much as respeccing blades makes sense i think that when 1.52 arrives ill give my piercers a chance. it will be hard to give up the weapons that i have spent so long gathering simply for more damage, i have been a pierce shades for many months and i fear it will take more than the changes to make me respec :)

btw envenom i almost killed Ninjastyle with 1 hit the other day. pa + insidious + proc dot hurts, dont it ninja :)

final thing, with druid buffs then i get 4 hits off in the time it takes for CD to run out with a 2.7 speed weapon :) that will hurt anyone ;)


i agree aeiedel im thinking about giving pierce a try tbh i duno just see what works best i guess but im happy as i am atm.

btw how many respecs do i get at lvl 50?

wolvon fury

I was At Emain other night with my main on US,

A night-shade (that everyone knows on the server)
Cuz his name is Errr,

I was sitting down, he hit me for about 320 with PA, i seriously think they need loven,

Tho night-shades when teamed up are the funnest of folk when there lurikeens, so skillfull and sneeky:clap:


it's like people say you should choose LW just for annihilation, but it is actually very hard to pull off often, ask Cuth or Lews. takeing less in LW is just as good, means you can spec to Slam, or more 1H, etc.

Reactionary styles are hard to pull off but thats why Mythic added the ability to have a backup style, in the future expect Dragonfang to be executed by an Infil everytime they evade, with whatever anytime style they use in reserve if they don't.

thrust damage isn't that nice, most classes who wear chain are the ones that its suicideal to try a perf on (skald insta mez, healer insta everything, warrior/thane slam if they are smart).

Using slam doesn't seem very smart to me, sure if it hits the assassin is screwed, but with no +to hit theres more than a good chance it won't, and if its evaded then its the warrior/thane who gets stunned.

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