Nice relic raid albs



Paris......u better not post it...ur Relik...dono how to call it..."rAiD" that u planned on SWE vs ENG mathch ended like in 1.5 minutes from it's beginnig lol. U didnt even passed the guards.....this is what i call OWNED BY NPC's ;p


Hey anarki at least i dont dbl team (ie play two realms like u)
For those that dont know anarki is played by uger and pomka the majority of the time =///
Oh and all u do is stun and run like the lil whore u are so fck off mmk?


Arthwyr i think it's more than obivous u don't go for a relic raid if you're not rdy to do it.

When i found filip in Cotswold i have told him not to split the army again and the answer was something like this:

We should have tryed the hib relic it was funnyer

I think if it was to have some fun the target should be keeps not relic.
There yes we go there for fun prepared or not we just go and hope to get some RP's too ;)


Dono about who is whore paris, but i still better stun ur dumb brainless scald and w8 4 more ppl to finish u off nice and slow, u r 2 stupid u always stand mezzed :/ About Pomka and Uger, they are my RL m8s and i give em to play my account when we play from once club. So beat it.
I can say same that paris is played by Treniel and Finster ;p


Originally posted by Treniel
Exiled Mage : i think u find mids have probably done the most relic raids yet...then us then hibs...with only 2 attempts

We have tried 5 times.. not 2


you've got it backwards

Atrophy the only thing that fucked over that relic/keep raid were the people who weren't leading anything yet still felt the need to talk trash and question/refuse to follow every move that was "ordered". Maybe if people would respect the raid leaders a bit more instead of being newbies with attitudes the leaders would have more time to figure out plans/tactics instead of listening to pathetic people like you bitching and moaning at every turn.

- Odies


Rofl just for info I was 1 of the people who stayed silent all way there, in the belife we had a plan to follow. But hey nice to see the uber elites blame yet another failiur on Noobs...

Got 1 thing to say UMM CHARGE!!!!!

rofl if thats not a nooby plan what is after all dont most flames yell how noobs shouldent yell charge? and also its normaly all you lev 40+ that are spamming with yells with your "why the fuck should we follow anyone" elitist crap.


Nice server :)

albs and hibs whinealot, and ive got info about alb-ppl who had knowledge about mids relic-raids a couple of days before... find it kinda boring atm, hope patch will have some positive effects on it :rolleyes:


I have no clue who you are or what lvl but judging by that crap you just posted I asume you are not 40+ in which case you prolly weren't in the cg or had the foggiest clue as to what was going on, you just followed blindly without any motivation or personal initiative and got pissed when it didn't work out. Don't make this thread into a nonfactor vs uber post cause that has nothing to do with what went down, we tried, didn't have the force we needed, some misunderstandings led to the group splitting in 2 and we died, you comming to these forums to bitch at the raidleaders shows how little insight you had into what really happened.

- Odies



So why did pomka say that the anarki account was shared between him and uger hnmm?Then when asked how he could play two realms at once he responded (in usual ignorant fashion) fu go away ur on ignore ect( what else do u expect from someone with the intelligence of a 12 year old lacking self security?) so when i said i was going to send screenies into goa of him admitting he owned the anarki account he started blabbling on about how he was in fact uger not pomka playing and he owned the anarki account?
Face facts u are nothing but a mindless ignorant egotistical prat with the intelligence of a 12 year old.I seriously hope for your sake u grow up and grow a pair =/
Also i suck yer... thats why iv dropped u more times then i can count (stick to hunting yggdra its all your good for)
Its just saddening to see u denie this obviously well known fact and then either uger or pomka continue to double team between realms and slay some of pomkas own guild with this character.
U anarki(aka uger pomka) are nothing more then a blatent liar.
Also its no secret i have friends on other realms (i played uo with them long enough) but believe u me i wouldnt think twice about killing any of them and i know the feeling is mutual....


Re: you've got it backwards

Originally posted by Odies
Atrophy the only thing that fucked over that relic/keep raid were the people who weren't leading anything yet still felt the need to talk trash and question/refuse to follow every move that was "ordered". Maybe if people would respect the raid leaders a bit more instead of being newbies with attitudes the leaders would have more time to figure out plans/tactics instead of listening to pathetic people like you bitching and moaning at every turn.

- Odies

sometimes the person who is leading the raid has to have there orders questioned . im not saying all spam abuse at him . "i wasnt at mid raid other day2 but if the person who was leading it . his comand was just CHARGE then orders like those should certainly should be questioned on relic raids its a lot more technical than just running up n ganking the guards . also your 2nd coment in latar thread about if u under lvl 40 we dont know jack shit . well you are quiet dumb .. cos im sure as hell there are prolly some peeps lower than 40 that have been on more relic/keep raids than u have .. also quit the high lvl uber sh1t talking cos high lvl does NOT = uber , it just means u sit at ya cpu exping more than others .. there are prolly a lot of folks who go rvr everyday for quiet a while and aint got patience to lvl all day and night ... thus learning more about rvr and raids etc etc . ive seen plenty of high lvls "some lvl 45+ " that aint got a clue wtf they have to do in rvr ,


I did NOT say that all lower lvl people were newbies, I refered to his lvl not to dismiss his abilities whatever they may be at rvr or keep raiding in general, i dismissed him as a reliable source of information regarding that specific relic raid. He had no clue as to what was going on and he is bitching about the final result and the final plan which was in no way intended but due to a chain of events in which the raid leaders had no control ended up being the only possible choice, however bad it may have been.

Oh, and btw, a raid leader should NEVER be questioned during a raid, if you disagree with the way the raid is being run you either leave or keep quiet and discuss it afterwards, (you really should have dealt with any possible problems before hand but that's besides the point). No good has ever nor will it ever come with discussing/arguing during a raid.

- Odies


Just to backup paris..

He's a friend from uo.

I play hib.

If I see him on the battlefield, i'll try to kill him, its what the gme is designed for.

We'll also still be friends after.

As to playing in 2 different realms on the same server. I can't think why anyone would do it other than to gain an advantage they weren't designed to have.

But there again I'm amazed anyone would want to run 2 accounts of daoc at all :p


at the moment im lev 10 (keep geting bored by time i get 35+ and deleating) just like to point out iI wasn't bitching at the outcome as it was a failed attempt before we even left odins as most have already stated.

few msges yelled during on raid

1 All scouts goto yggdra and kill stuff!!

2 Hibs are already attacking relic, we will go steal if from them.

(this might sound good plan but we all know Hibs cant take a relic, so going there after they fail is going to fail as mids will be majorly guarding relic)

3 umm CHARGE

From what was told after lots of us were dead you had acctualy intended to bring rams but guy who makes them logged on just as we died.. Also like to say I acctualy enjoyed the raid was fun seeing lots spears from old odin :p

ps as for my rvr skill its not too bad, im smart enough never to charge dun crim just coz someone gets urge to hand hib free rps :p

pps Btw if you didnt notice my first post had smiley face on it not grumpy face it was ment as humour but forgot most seem to have lost theres :)


" Alb relic attempt faiiled moment we arived, when the leader stated his amazeing plan of UMM CHARGE? most of group i was in died not from mids or guards but from totaly being stunned by such a well thought out plan.... "

If you enjoyed the raid then I have no idea why you would post something so negative and disruptive on the forums, the fact that you have never had a char above lvl 35 pretty much shows that you lack the dedication and devotion it takes to not only get lvl 50 but also be a competent and attentive raid leader, so why take cheap shots at people who try hard (and believe me it's hard work) to create something interesting and exciting for everybody to participate in?

- Odies

Ps. if it really was just an attempt at humour i'm sorry to say that I didn't find it the least bit funny, sarcasm never seems to induce that type of response.


Nobody has ever taken a defended relic keep so stop bragging about nrs. You've encountered yourself time over time even at a time when you were with 80 and we with a few (10 albs). It's just not possible to take a defended relic.

Sure I got info about relic keeps but at the day we were meant to do so I got 0 info and so wasn't even at 1 of the attempts.


I think its more fun killing IRL friends.. cos then you can taunt them enlessly over lunch or something =), or get taunted ;).


Ok paris u asked for it. How to prove Paris IS stupid:
1) Pomka doesnt know english so u was talking to Uger playing him. And yes they share their accounts because they play from I internet cafe. It's really not ur bussiness who is playing Pomka or Uger.
2) I gave Uger my pass he gave me his. I was bored of minstrel ge was bored of RM. And i dont want to start RM on prydwen and waste mouths to exp him. Check Sub's thread 4 that, i dont want explain this 13453451 time.
3) What screenies u want to send to GOA? lol? Paris u dont know sh1t about that even if there was smthn agains Code of Conduct in my opinion u r 2 little and laim to do something about it. Uger couldn told u that he owns my account cause he DOESNT. And when u started ur stupid insults about spying with Pomka he was just worried that because of U MR.I KNOW ALL. Pomkas char can be in trouble.
4) Show me 1 prove of that i spy b4 talking about it on forums
5) I'v been in Ygddra 4-5 times ONLY when we raided reliks. I dont go to Yggdra to kill n00bs (i go uppland actually :p)

Now this all was writen to TELL u that u dont know SH1T about u r starting accusing me, and that u are a bit low on brains.... :(

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