nice now all 3 realms last successfull relic raids were all done at primetime

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Originally posted by noaim
Admit it, you all got home from work, set alarmclock to 20.00 cet and went to bed!!!

How else could you be awake as late as that, dont everyone sleep after 19.00? (still cet).
damn! who told you our secret tactic? :(

Was a damn nice raid, just sad that the keepsieges we had earlier this week with you hibbies prolly wont continue now...they were really alot of fun.
won't be with the same frequency, but hopefully we can still do them.. otherwise it'd kinda be a loss.. just gotta find someone to organise it all while nol's away :p


Originally posted by AbPoon
Aye good job hibs

Now will shit cunt LA start going in 1fg now youve got 20% bonus.

Might win a few fights who knows :E

lol i love it when u talk dirty


Originally posted by Ekydus
You're funny.

Nursery tomorrow?

Albs..... after almost 2years playing Daoc and they cant communicate....:rolleyes:

Just ignore them:sleeping:

Btw...gratz to u hibs ...very nice raid indeed:cool:

Garbannoch Nox

Originally posted by Ekydus
1: I don't care you have the Relics.
2: I didn't even try defending for the Middies.

K? :rolleyes:

4: you are a moron

if 9.21 gmt (that's when first guards went down) is not primetime then nothing is...


UK server, 9pm-10.30pm start-finish has been well in primetime for every night of rvr I've done over a year of daoc.

Go play on the german or french server or something.


Originally posted by Ekydus
Will you get the idea of me caring out of your heads please.

I am merely stating it isn't the most convenient time.

You do care, you just can't accept being proven totally wrong by every poster on these boards, so you keep repeating the same -wrong- statement.

Primetime is when most people are on, whether or not that is convenient to you is your problem and does not change what primetime is. Oh sure you'd like primetime to be something else. But it's not. Live with it, torment me with your stupidity no longer. It's so hard to rid these boards of sore losers and miserable whiners already.


Originally posted by Ekydus
Will you get the idea of me caring out of your heads please.

I am merely stating it isn't the most convenient time. Personally I couldn't give a shit about the raid. I'm an Albion and TBH I don't even go on my own Relic Raids.

Will you also stop calling and drawing simularities to Alarm Clock raids. They are named so becuase of the fact it is insanely early in the morning. Just because it isn't Primetime doesn't make it a fucking Alarm Clock raid. This raid WAS more acceptable then those done in the past, I'm entitled to my own opinion too. Which just happens to be that this wasn't a Primetime raid. That is debatable in itself, but the collective here are more satisfied with flaming. Seriously, if you're going to say something post something constructve rather then trying to attack my ego or flame. It doesn't do anything for you.

prime time raid doesnt mean when UR online dood - this was primetime, a whooole lotta ppl are logged on at that time on any given day - ur opinion dont mean crap, as its not an opinion that tells when its primetime, but a fact of numbers.

and gratz hibs, well done :D


Nice going hibbies :clap:

Got hit by chanters for 550+ a pop after that rr, youch :wall:


Ekydus, look at the server stats for Excal tomorrow, and look specifically at the hours past 17:00.

You will note they continue to climb, well until midnight or so.

Now, please tell, what is primetime, if it is not when there are in excess of 2000 players on the server, 500+ on the attacking realms side, 650+ on the defending realms?


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
Ekydus, look at the server stats for Excal tomorrow, and look specifically at the hours past 17:00.

You will note they continue to climb, well until midnight or so.

Now, please tell, what is primetime, if it is not when there are in excess of 2000 players on the server, 500+ on the attacking realms side, 650+ on the defending realms?

well said.

Primetime is defined by server usage, heres a graph, where the graph is high thats primetime, by definition.



Grats Hibbies :)

I just wish mids will learn that a JARL is a relic keep guard and not a normal keep guard...


lol so so true couldnt believe that was all over as chat ah well guess there some teaching to be done :)


if mythic wanted primetime raids they should have added a certan bonus for grabbing a relic within a certan timezone, like 50% more bonus or something if you take the relics between 18:00 - 22:00 or something

Molten Lava


Grats Hibs....nice raid (again) I can only hope that Albs ever get a powerrelic back (seeing that my main is a caster) last time we had that was like 1+ year ago, when Albion had all relics (and 50% population advantage)



Originally posted by Ekydus
Yeah I'm sure If you have to be up at 7AM you'd be up until 1AM playing a computer game.

hey i have no problem with going to bed at 1am, and i get up at 6am. and i think it was a nice rr, i just heard about it to late, and logged in to late, but still was nice, had som serius mid action at hmg hehe, just dont know how they got past hmg with the relic, but thats just me, there are prob somethings i dont know about :D still some nice action and a good rr


Grats HIbbies,

Ekydius - you started off by telling someone they were an idiot for claiming that 9pm was prime time. If thats not flaming, nothing is.

Imo - prime time for me starts at 8pm BST *sod this cet shite - its an english server :p* . My prime gaming time lasts til around 12 midnight - altho recently I have found that old age is making me log from daoc between 10:30 and 11pm - and I'm snug in bed like an old fart by 11:20 at the latest ;)

I think server stats would support this to give evidence that whilst YOU might think it isn't prime time to raid at 9pm - the majority of daoc players would.



** Nb * denote sarcasm, just stating for the sense of humour impared ;)


Originally posted by Ekydus
Yes. I'm sure everybody gets home and turns on DAoC at that time instead of logging off.

Idiot. :rolleyes:

not all of us are in our bed by half past 7, ekydus ;)


Originally posted by Ekydus
the collective here are more satisfied with flaming. Seriously, if you're going to say something post something constructve rather then trying to attack my ego or flame. It doesn't do anything for you.

You were the first person to throw around the idiot remarks..


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Whatever, 9 pm is prime time for enough people so stop whining.

Totally 9pm is absolutely prime time, I'd say 7 till about 11 is when there is the biggest crossover between us people who have to work for a living and all you others who spend our taxes on beer, pie and Daoc ;-)


Originally posted by Ekydus
Yeah I'm sure If you have to be up at 7AM you'd be up until 1AM playing a computer game.

luckily the raid were done at 9 so foad ?


Ok Prime time is when the server is nearing or close to max population, if you look at GOA homepage its quite simple to see when there are enough people online for anything to be called primetime, to me there need to be atleast 1500+ online..this would qualify the hours 1700CET to 0100CET as primetime.
Morning raids are NOT primetime but neither is it offpeak hours like late nighthours. Anyone who want to discuss if a raid is primetime only need to look at server population, you dont get much simpler proof than that.


All times are UK time.....

1700-0100 : Primetime
0100-0800 : Nighttime
0800-1200 : Alarmclocktime
1200-1700 : Primetime at weekend, not during weekdays.



Originally posted by Ekydus
It's not a whine. It's a fact. 9PM is debatable and you just can't admit that you're atleast half-way wrong.

Mate, in my last job I very rarely got hom before 8pm, which meant that after eating, I didn't even start playing till 9pm. Not everyone gets home from school at 4.30, you know.

9pm is prime, unless you are under 12.


Originally posted by old.Nol

<edit> Plus the fact that we have beseiged Midgard all week kind of made it obvious we were gonna raid.

- and made the Mids tired of defending. Good tactics, imho.

Gratz to the hibs for a well-done prime time raid (ignore those who say 9pm isn't prime, they're just being silly). Typically, last night was the first night for a week that I wasn't online!


Originally posted by brommix
Ok Prime time is when the server is nearing or close to max population, if you look at GOA homepage its quite simple to see when there are enough people online for anything to be called primetime, to me there need to be atleast 1500+ online..this would qualify the hours 1700CET to 0100CET as primetime.

I think you're mostly right, but I think 1700CET would be too early. That would be 4pm in the UK - way too early for anyone who works to have a chance to defend/take part. Hell, I work at home and even I don't finish work then! :)


Originally posted by Ekydus
It's not a whine. It's a fact. 9PM is debatable and you just can't admit that you're atleast half-way wrong.

Congratulations, because atleast 9PM is WAY more respectable then 5:00AM.

heh, imo at 9 pm is when there is the most action. going on to 11-12pm when it really starts to fall of and it usually kinda dies 1-3am.

and that's on weekdays. at weekends it's pretty much the same thing imo, but the difference is that the fall of and the dieing starts an hour or three later.
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