Nice animated gifs


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Crikey, I've never seen anything like that. Can't say it has a huge amount to do with Web Development ;)

I have no favourite GIFs, on the whole the piss more off immensely, though I have theories that I could create something tasteful in combination with CSS opacity and :hover effects.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Shovel said:
Crikey, I've never seen anything like that. Can't say it has a huge amount to do with Web Development ;)

I have no favourite GIFs, on the whole the piss more off immensely, though I have theories that I could create something tasteful in combination with CSS opacity and :hover effects.
I know the one I linked to isn't really a web dev thing, but animated gifs are; I think they're often overlooked (perhaps because they are an old technology) with people going straight for Flash when an animated gif could have done the same thing with a lot less trouble all round. Can't say I've done a lot myself though, just the odd banner or two like this for instance: which is nothing special I know, but I wondered if there were any people into putting animated gifs on websites still and what they've managed to come up with. :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I like the one where he smashes his face into his keyboard.
And the one where he can't open the door.
And the one where he kills 100 school girls or something.

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