NF = working as intended


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

Server A H M
Bors - 0 0 6
Bedevere - 3 1 2
Tristan - 0 5 1
Guinevere - 2 2 2
Pericval - 2 4 0
Lancelot - 5 0 1
Igraine - 6 0 0
Pellinor - 6 0 0
Iseult - 6 0 0
Palomides - 6 0 0
Gawaine - 6 0 0
Nimue - 6 0 0
Kay - 6 0 0
Galahad - 6 0 0
Morgan - 6 0 0
Merlin - 6 0 0
Total - 72 12 12


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
A shame its not too likley to change if Mythic keep up with their current passive adjustments to the realm population. Still, atleast when NF hits EU all us Hibs/Mids can whine about Albs - instead of the other way around :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Thats just a lovly sight, cant remeber Alb having power relics EVER, we had str a bit, but i got 1 50, sorc, so power relic, would make me happy like hell :)


Dec 22, 2003
Totaly fair! it's not called dark age of camelot for nothing ya know :)

Well they lost my US sub, hope they are QQ'ing atm :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Server A H M
Excalibur 0 3 3
Prydwen 0 3 3
Broceliande 3 3 0
Carnac 3 3 0
Orcanie 0 4 2
Ys 3 3 0
Avalon 0 3 3
Dartmoor 0 3 3
Logres 0 1 5
Lyonesse 0 2 4
Stonehenge 2 3 1
Total : 11 31 24
%: 16% 46% 36%

% for NF servers: 75% 12.5% 12.5%


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
NetNifty said:
Server A H M
Excalibur 0 3 3
Prydwen 0 3 3
Broceliande 3 3 0
Carnac 3 3 0
Orcanie 0 4 2
Ys 3 3 0
Avalon 0 3 3
Dartmoor 0 3 3
Logres 0 1 5
Lyonesse 0 2 4
Stonehenge 2 3 1
Total : 11 31 24
%: 16% 46% 36%

% for NF servers: 75% 12.5% 12.5%

exactly. It wasn't fair for Albion for 2,5 years. Now it's not fair for Midgard, every mid whines and Mythic finally try to balance the game ... :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
great i cant wait :p would be funky to hear the middys and hibbys whine :D give NF :D


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
um working as intentd meaning realm with highest population can hold relics easyer, which TBH is a sign that the realms are balanced (as far as that part of RvR goes). Of course this won't be much fun and is why they are introducing handycaps for realms holding relics other than there own and realms holding lots of keeps.

Its funny that for over 2 years albs have the hardest time defending/taking relics, and the only realm that cannot hold a keep defended by more people than the attackers, let alone unable to take keeps with any number of attackers defended by just a handful full of people without the need for a large number of Trebs (i don't think i've ever seen mids or hibs have to resort to a using Trebs in the same manner as Albs). Now as soon as thing turn in favour of albs they come out with a fix asap, wounder which realm the people at Mythic never play.


Dec 22, 2003
Balbor said:
um working as intentd meaning realm with highest population can hold relics easyer, which TBH is a sign that the realms are balanced (as far as that part of RvR goes). Of course this won't be much fun and is why they are introducing handycaps for realms holding relics other than there own and realms holding lots of keeps.

Its funny that for over 2 years albs have the hardest time defending/taking relics, and the only realm that cannot hold a keep defended by more people than the attackers, let alone unable to take keeps with any number of attackers defended by just a handful full of people without the need for a large number of Trebs (i don't think i've ever seen mids or hibs have to resort to a using Trebs in the same manner as Albs). Now as soon as thing turn in favour of albs they come out with a fix asap, wounder which realm the people at Mythic never play.
Pure comedy xDDDDDDDDDD


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ning said:
exactly. It wasn't fair for Albion for 2,5 years. Now it's not fair for Midgard, every mid whines and Mythic finally try to balance the game ... :puke:

NF relic status isn't balance ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Balbor said:
um working as intentd meaning realm with highest population can hold relics easyer, which TBH is a sign that the realms are balanced (as far as that part of RvR goes). Of course this won't be much fun and is why they are introducing handycaps for realms holding relics other than there own and realms holding lots of keeps.

Its funny that for over 2 years albs have the hardest time defending/taking relics, and the only realm that cannot hold a keep defended by more people than the attackers, let alone unable to take keeps with any number of attackers defended by just a handful full of people without the need for a large number of Trebs (i don't think i've ever seen mids or hibs have to resort to a using Trebs in the same manner as Albs). Now as soon as thing turn in favour of albs they come out with a fix asap, wounder which realm the people at Mythic never play.

That’s some twisted logic that says the highest population realm holding nearly all of the relics = the realms are balanced. It is no indication of balance whatsoever and instead just reinforces the fact that zerg >>> all. Realm population forms a major part of the balancing equation, throw enough enemies at even the most skilled players or most overpowered classes and they will eventually cave in.

“The only realm that cannot hold a keep defended by more people than attackers” and “unable to take keeps with any number of attackers defended by just a handful full of people without the need for a large number of Trebs” are HIGHLY debatable points indeed and ones I certainly don’t agree with (from first hand experience) but even if they were true the extra reliance on siege equipment allows a for at least some redress to the balance / weakness issue. In NF Mids and Hibs have no way to address the pure domination of the zerg.

There is a big difference between things turning in favour of Albs and total dominiation. QQing over the fixes Mythic are implementing/planning is just plain stupid and only shows your own short sightedness.

Seeing people in this thread saying how great it’s going to be really makes me despair. This sort of RvR imbalance is not good for anyone.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 15, 2004
haha give url to that flash movie Funkybunny/mts, its le funny :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
well, personally respect albs in prydwen, there is skill and leadership take relics same effectiviness what mids have, hibs is getting every day stronger and we all have seen already what they can do when everything go nice.

mids was several months whiout any relics, after several weeks hammering excal, dagda, we sit suddenly whit 4 relics.
after few weeks whitout any relics, prolly we love too much relicraids? few week ago grab 3 str relics in 2 day from albs.

NF change alott rvr in this game, who benefit most? some hints allready can find from US servers.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Jace said:
That’s some twisted logic that says the highest population realm holding nearly all of the relics = the realms are balanced. It is no indication of balance whatsoever and instead just reinforces the fact that zerg >>> all. Realm population forms a major part of the balancing equation, throw enough enemies at even the most skilled players or most overpowered classes and they will eventually cave in.

“The only realm that cannot hold a keep defended by more people than attackers” and “unable to take keeps with any number of attackers defended by just a handful full of people without the need for a large number of Trebs” are HIGHLY debatable points indeed and ones I certainly don’t agree with (from first hand experience) but even if they were true the extra reliance on siege equipment allows a for at least some redress to the balance / weakness issue. In NF Mids and Hibs have no way to address the pure domination of the zerg.

There is a big difference between things turning in favour of Albs and total dominiation. QQing over the fixes Mythic are implementing/planning is just plain stupid and only shows your own short sightedness.

Seeing people in this thread saying how great it’s going to be really makes me despair. This sort of RvR imbalance is not good for anyone.

I think you have misunderstood me, for the purpose of taking keeps and taking/holding relics, if the abilities of all classes were balanced then 'only' the side with the greatest numbers should be able to dominate (tactics in larget battles are pritty low dure to the lack of character collition which is needed for smaller forcer to beat larger ones). If a realm with a low population were able to take all the relics and then hold on to them indefinetly then the game would be very much unballenced.

I'm not QQ over the changes being made, i called for the enemy relics in normally keeps long ago, before PvP servers where about. If you had bothered to read other post about the changes you will know that not only am i totally happy with them but i have stated that ...

Balbor said:
enemy relics in standard keeps is probably the best thing to happen to RvR. this will probably see multipul RRs every day once a realm captures a relic, with both enemy realms racing to capture the keep, and its gonna be much hard to hold on to 2 enemy relics let alone all 4. This change to RvR is probably bigger than all of NF put together because it would of dramaticly change RvR even before NF was implemented.

Taken from Future plans for DAoC + NF RvR 31st July 2004, 12:20 PM


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
It's not like Albion has been bad the last 2 years, more like the last 1 year, I remember when people were whining about the game being so unfair and called dark age of camelot and so on, you look at a short span of time and say, it's been like this always.

Well, but sure it's time for Albion to be "1337" again I guess :p


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Jace said:
This sort of RvR imbalance is not good for anyone.

RvR will never be balanced.
It cannot and will not ever be.
Unless there was a turnstile system for people starting characters in a realm based on the number of characters in the other realms on that server (which would suck), and each realm had the same classes and the same numbers of classes (which would also suck and be very boring, would just be Quake Team Deathmatch with swords...Red Fighter hits Green Fighter! Blue Fighter hits Red Fighter! Yawn), and no new classes/abilities/items were introduced into the game (which would suck beyond the telling in a MMORPG) and even then that assumes that every one of those players is going to be RvRing (and most people aren't RvRing most of the time anyway).
So it's not going to work.

In a game like this, RvR could only ever spiral further and further out of whack as time went on...which is exactly what it's done.


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