NF shit or good ?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
hard to say which one is better having played since day 1 and being very used to old frontiers. but nf is way more fun, atleast for the time being. gotta wait and see what the fotmkids come up with to make the game less enjoyable. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
I think NF is excellent.

It makes RvR much more accessible and enjoyable: you can instantly see where the action is and you usualy are able to get there on your own or in small groups without problems because of the lack of "absolute" choke points and the multiple docks. Frontier BG seems to be up 24/7 so a "/who BG" + "/bg groups" + frontier-wide /invite will get you a spot in a group easy.

Also, an autonomous fg can find it's match around the keep battles: the enemy's fg's have the same idea of going to the hotspots to pick a fight.

And for the solo-ers ... well they've been QQ-ing since forever :touch: so not much I can <cough> add <cough> there


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2004
I like it, much easier to solo in New Frontiers than the old ones. Finding fights is easy, whether they be regular keep/outpost fights or just roaming and meeting enemies in the middle of nowhere. Had no problem finding enemies at all.

It's true that nowadays casters are at an advantage compared to regular tanks. But not long ago it was the tanks having most of the fun. Too bad Mythic can't equal it out for both. Can't really say how it is to play a tank in RvR, only tank I ever played was a 24 Armsman in Thidranki which I really liked - although no ML's or ToA equipment there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 7, 2004
old rvr > NF

is good dont need wait port like old rvr, but mass zerg at all site, water fucker when you on boat

I like rvr but I like more fg vs fg, not all moment zerg, zerg, more zerg :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 25, 2004

nf is good and fun . ppl wekk up the are nf is made as it was in old time when ppl fight in real life so is more fun and i dont hope the will get old emain back .

i play pally and can handel good .


Part of the furniture
Mar 10, 2004
Roadie said:
i like it so far, i do miss my old moc tho :<
Yeh, new moc is crap. Its basically one more way of interupting. Unless you go loco, and put 30 pts in moc :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Nive11en said:
I like it, much easier to solo in New Frontiers than the old ones. Finding fights is easy, whether they be regular keep/outpost fights or just roaming and meeting enemies in the middle of nowhere. Had no problem finding enemies at all.

It's true that nowadays casters are at an advantage compared to regular tanks. But not long ago it was the tanks having most of the fun. Too bad Mythic can't equal it out for both. Can't really say how it is to play a tank in RvR, only tank I ever played was a 24 Armsman in Thidranki which I really liked - although no ML's or ToA equipment there.

soloing as a merc is ok around the bridges at Beno... tried camping PoC/hib once too, yielded some strange and amusing fights because of the PvP-immunity after zoning... just stay well clear of keep def/attacks, merc (at least) have nada to do there but press Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire - Fire on whatever siege equipment is available


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
oh and please bare in mind, there's about 15 between those Fire where you get to stand and look cool

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