New Years Resolutions



I started putting on weight at 25 years old, I'm 29 now and I'll be 30 in May. I kept active from high school, through college, and a bit after that. Here's what I did:

high school - Track
College - track - injured. later Martial Arts (Tae Kwon Do, Wing Chun, Northern Mantis, and various chinese and japanese weapons)
After college - Martial Arts.

These things kept me in shape. I've since picked up on Martial Arts again and have started jogging. My wife got me a weight bench for Xmas and I'm using it heavy every other day, but I'll be doing something everyday.

In 6 months, I should be back in shape. In 9 months I should be incredible. After 1 year, I should be far faster, stronger, and more flexible than I ever was.

Testin da Cable

Originally posted by logic7
Embattle - I was at 4% body fat all through high school and through college. I didn't start picking up fat until I got a desk job.

true so true

/me cries :(


So that's Logic, TDC and meself.

Think we'll start a support group: BwOPoFAGaDJ

Or "Bop Fag DJ" for short.

"Blokes who only put on fat after getting a desk job"


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