(New?) way of xp'ing...



Sorc base str debuff gives you massive aggro, in Lyon i pulled Greater Tela while my Arawn priest smiteing him to 50% hp he i ran around getting hitt just because of 1 debuff.


As far as I know sorc pets ranged attacks dont get aggro for some strange reason...I charmed an avalonian apparition recently he lifetapped/nuked an orc to 40% hp before he got to me the orc started hitting me, my pet could get aggro after he meleed the orc.. (it was a single strength debuff pull..)


but do anyone wana do a grp?
we could play friday/saturday from 15:00 - 23:00 GMT or something? if you now wanna waste your weekends ;)


Well why should I start over a character at lvl 1 actually when I have a lvl 49 char? I think lvl 49-50 will be more faster than lvl 1-50...And once I get lvl 50 I can make free lvl 20 chars..and no I'm not thinking about a new attempt for making one of my other chars lvl 50 before I got my armsman there ;). So if you ask me nope sorry I wont/cant participate but if you want to make one yourself you can better make a new thread so more people reads it...


well, start on lvl 20 ofc... get yah armsman there first :)


Originally posted by Cush
That is not fast fyi

True, but the experience you get from 46 and above gets farther away from cap as you proceed, because the mob's are too low lvl to cap in a fg.

So the exp is insane up until 45, from there it gets slightly lower every level, but it is still very fast - if you got a good group doing steady pulls.


hrm all old news me and Sycho on hi ice wiz in AC .....EVERY pull i did i got the entire taskers camp then went into sewers and got the entire camp next to sewers entrance aswell ...everypull with 2-3 ice wizzies, me and 2clerics......myself tanking them all using chants for aggro holding, mobs just make it back to us instead of walking off in boredom then all try and twat me but instead get pbae'd to death in seconds due to have 2 50 ice wizzies leveled our cleric friend in no time! (around 25mobs a pull) one pull i tried about 35 mobs and we got wiped tho!


Originally posted by thegreatest
Yeah wish she had another char to powerlevel so I could join her group again and get my char to 50 after 1 year of playing ;)

How can you speed 1 year to the to level 50, i started playing in may this year, try some diff class and guild till if found what i wanted to play highlander merc, i think i played him for 2 month now and about 11 days played...I will never understand how you can spend a year to get to level 50


There's just one way to exp fast, thats PBae. Icewizzes got PBae in albion. One of the least played chars in albion are icewizzes. I got Graendal to 50 last autumn, think october, and she was then 3rd icewiz to 50 on the server, 6 months after the game was released in europe. Had hordes of firewizzes though.

There are now a bit more icewizzes, but not close to the amount of chanters and sms on mid and hib. As a result, very many albs have never experienced a PBae group. When running this group i had to instruct every new player to the group carefully to get them to do what i wanted, as many had never seen anything like it. Because of this inexperience with PBae, a LOT of albs end up dinging 50 at 40+ days /played.

I powerleveled Juiliet from 1 (got no /level on new account) to 50 in 3 days 7 hours /played, it might not be the fastest ever but its not slow!


<nods> for all their usefulness, Ice mages are still the exception in Albion.

Roe has been in groups that refused to pbaoe 'cause they did better with mezz/root <sigh>


Originally posted by thegreatest
I know why you actually want to be in such group when you already dinged 50 cause like I said in my post I farmed 1 plat with this group in 6-8 hours xp'ing...
DF = 1plat per 45-mins/hour :<


Originally posted by gareivil
Originally posted by thegreatest
Yeah wish she had another char to powerlevel so I could join her group again and get my char to 50 after 1 year of playing ;)

How can you speed 1 year to the to level 50, i started playing in may this year, try some diff class and guild till if found what i wanted to play highlander merc, i think i played him for 2 month now and about 11 days played...I will never understand how you can spend a year to get to level 50

Eh m8, some people just don't have that much time as you to play a game..I could only spend 1-2 hours per day when I started to play the game (of course some more time in weekends). And I was messing around with some other chars once I hitted 46 with my armsman, cause after that it did go really slow...I lvled my sorc up till 42, my armsman was still 46. Then I rolled a shammy on mid/excali, got him to 24...Deleted him, rolled an FOTM enchanter on hib/excal with a m8 of mine rolling a bard, we lvled up to 16 in no-time but then my m8 married and had no time to play the bard..I rolled an animist, got him to lvl 19, stopt playing him..Then I rolled an enchanter on camlann, got him to 15, stopt playing...I gave armsman another try, Graendal saved my butt :p. Got to lvl 48 in 6 hours, then I kept playing my arms, did some quests at 49 and bingo! lvl 50 now :)

I think my arms has around 20 days /played time, so thats not that much imo :)

Originally posted by Flesh
DF = 1plat per 45-mins/hour :<

You also get at least 1 drop every 2-3 pulls, thats like 50+ drops in 6-8 hours? Salvage them 4tehwin?!? ;)


Originally posted by Juiliet
Because of this inexperience with PBae
Kind of like the inexperience a powerlevelled newb inf has with his class. ;<


1 paladin
2 armsman/infil/reaver/mercenary
2 ice wiz
1 sorc
1 cleric
1 pbt theurg

best fg to xp in alb.


Originally posted by morcheeba
1 paladin
2 armsman/infil/reaver/mercenary
2 ice wiz
1 sorc
1 cleric
1 pbt theurg

best fg to xp in alb.

Change that 2 armsman/infil/reaver/mercenary with 2 paladins and 1 arms/inf/reav./merc and I completely agree :clap:


I tried this setup in excal too and rocked. got 4 bubbles at 49 lvl very fast. But we did it little different that time. 2 ice wizzies and 2 clerics without pbt. Clerics doing spread heals can help along with aplly and reaver keep agro off the wizzies so they can do their damage. And doing that while staying inside the pbaoe was very good. And if things got nasty there was always that button with BoF to help ;)


1: Matter Cab
2: ice wiz
3: ice wiz
4:minstrel/sorc for power crack
5: cleric

uber exp :p

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