new thing to come from mythic :(



read it and b happy "or sad"

Based on Team Lead, tester, and general player feedback, we have created a special "Strike Team" which will operate for the next few months to address key issues that concern our players. These issues are wide ranging and run the gamut from the major to the minor, and having a small and focused team will allow us to focus better on the issues that concern the player community.

Please be aware that there will be many items in addition to the items on this list that the Strike Team will address. And, all of the items being addressed by the Strike Team are in addition to other features we've announced that are still in the works - features such as the PvP Server, Player Housing, Spellcrafting, and the other features that we've announced would be coming in the future.


Mythic has always believed that the player community and its feedback. We have heard the requests for allowing characters to be respecced due to evolution of the game since its release, as well as to be more lenient of training mistakes made by players when leveling characters. We took a long time on deciding to do this, but we wanted to be absolutely sure that it is the right thing to do, as well as be sure of the right way to do it - and it is and so we are. So, partial "respeccing" will be implemented for all players. This means that you can remove points spent in a specialization and "re-spend" them - which allows you to correct any specialization mistakes you've made, or to slightly alter your character's skills.

The way we're implementing the respec for initial testing is to let players convert one of their specializations twice in their career: at 25th level and 40th level. This means they can pick one specialization, have it be reverted down to 0 trains, and be given back the specialization points they trained in it. These spec points can then be used to train in any other specialization, or combination of specializations (or indeed the same one) as they wish.

When implemented, existing characters 25-39 will be given one respec, and then another when they reach 40th level. Characters 40th-50th will be given two respecs. All characters under level 25 will get one respec at level 25 and one at level 40.

personnally i think this would suck . because a lot of folks only add to certain skills so they can lvl ie a smite cleric adds to rejuve so he can heal hence lvl faster . if this was to happen he could respec his rejuve to 0 and add all of them into smite having lvl 50 smite which he prolly would not of spec'd to other wise . prolly similer things would happen to other classes . imo a bad idea and im sure there s a lot of people who like this idea . but imo fully respeccing is silly . maybe jsuta certain amount of points shouild be sufficient to respec :( not all of them


personally, i think its a brillant idea
ive gimped my ranger so bad, i was thinking of deleteing him
but after reading this, i wont be deleteing him ;)



I think it is a horrible idea. You know how great ALL gimped high-levels will become. It was their own fault they screwed their specs. Just like said earlier classes can make themselves group friendly, save respecs and then later become über killing machines since no leveling needed.
I hope Mythic dump this god-forsaken idea!


This covers things like player mistakes when spending points etc yes... but how can you say that it's players own fault when Mythic have changed the game so much.

Take a look at the US boards and you'll see that alot of people stopped playing chars at high levels when mythich moved the goalposts.

I think 2 respec is OK - personally I'd prefer just 1 at 40 or something - but at least my Theurg can ditch his crappy points now on bedevere



I also think this idea is bad.
You should either spec your character "from heart", and not from an über-template you find on the internet. (ie. you spec what you think your character needs atm. or from a more "roleplaying" kinda view...) :)
OR you plan your character ahead (like most ppl have done) and simply dont make mistakes. (you plan what you speccing would be at lvl 50, and stick to that plan).


Edit: oh, and to Eblessair: dont get your hopes up. It will be a long time until we see this on EU, its not even implemented in the US yet.. ;)


Actually I don't know what to think of this.

As mentioned above, many ppl plan ahead, an thus knows early on, what to spec in. But how to we do that? We use various websites created mostly by players from us-servers.

Many players on the us-servers hasn't have that opportunity though. They started playing before those great website was created, and mostly had to spec 'by instinct'. They could easily have made serious mistakes.

When I think about those players, I can understand Mythics arguments.

Well, just my thoughts...


Originally posted by arneduck
I also think this idea is bad.
You should either spec your character "from heart",....
OR you plan your character ahead (like most ppl have done)

So what about all the changes and new spell lines? Some people might have avoided one spec as near to useless, and then new spell lines where introduced... Many people did plan their character, but thet aren't psychic!

I think at least one respec is a good idea, and for those that say OMG we're going to have uber characters running around... erm, the option is open to everyone on reaching 25 or 40.

On the downside though, there will be a tendancy for most characters of a class to be exactly the same as other characters of the same class, the only thing that would define you in RvR would be tactics/skill, luck, and equipment...

Hmm, after reading that back I'm not sure wether I like the changes or not, I'm going to go lie down...


i like the idea, because they are always adding new stuff to classes.

so atm the pally chants only go to 48, but when we get the next patch they will go to 49.

now im only going to take it to 48 as the 49 chant is crap, but if they put a lvl 50 thats good, i cant get it, thats why i like the respec.

i just like know if they add new stuff i can respec


It is good... and bad in the sense that players can "abuse" this feature enourmously when making new characters. Like I said earlier you can be this healing/buffing class till high levels... then use your respecs and make the class a great fighter aswell. But as it is only one line, this is limited.... but anyway....
I have a hard time judging the good and bad of this feature actually. Still on the very thin line in the midst.


I think that is a good idea but I think that they should also have a respec at say lvl 12 or even at lvl 5 so that you could respec points that you spent between 1-5,
Take me for example I spent some of my minstrel points in stealth and as a fact I have a lvl low in instruments than I should be able to have and I am therefore missing out on the power lvl song at this lvl.

And I am sure that when I get to 25 I will think god dam it I should have kept them spec points in stealth that would have come in handy about now or even into slash....

Also if you think about as a person progressing through your career we do change directions in life go from a sales position to a programming position (or choose GCSE's (for those that young))
So respeccing I think is a good idea but as they have stated that they are limiting it is good

I just wish I knew about that website before I created my char and no I am not going back it has taken me a month and a half to get to here there is no turning back.

old.Eiric Vargbane

I have a lot of spec that isnt how they should be compered with powerplayers.

But still I dont wanna change ... hey Im different ... in some regards not as good at fighting or casting spells or whatever ...
but hey Im different ... kinda like the feeling !



this, imo is a gr8 idea, coz i managed to almost mess up my enchanter due to specing, and it would allow people just starting the game (like i did) and not knowing what to spec in to respec in to the right stuff they want. i really would like this to happen, itll help my enchanter so much :clap:


What about the idea of having one chance to redefine a character's starting stats? I know I have gimped one of my characters by putting nothing into STR. Now, if I group hunt, I lose out on a lot of drops because I can't carry enough to fill my pack without becoming severely encumbered. If we were given one chance to re-spec the starting stats, say at lvl 10, it would help a lot. As it is, I think I should just delete my lvl 13 Enchanter :(


lol Keri there is absolutely no reason to put points into a extra str as a robe caster, you would gimp yer char more by putting points in str then yer actual base stats, carrying capacity won't exactly give you the edge in either PvE or RvR :p - and lack of money/drops won't hold you back as a caster either.

On the respec : Mythic decided to implement respeccing after it was asked by A LOT of players (on the IGN boards for example), while v few objected against it.

It's funny to see now Mythic has listened to their player base and makes it possible to respec quite a few ppl start to object against it, I guess you should have made your opinion clearer some time ago ...


I can understand the opportunity to respec if you've gimped a char ( I have a Highlander/Thrust/Minst and know all about gimping :( ) but think you'd see loads of Rej spec'd clerics early on that'd dump the Rej and go Smite when they got to high lvls ready for RvR.

Same thing with the Stealth classes they'd all leave there Stealth then respec and get it for RvR.

But on the whole I think is more a good thing than a bad one, it it had been available I'd have definately used it as I'm not happy with the spec I've ended up with.


its great idea,!!!

u cant say u did not mess your first player u made, unless u played beta.

so it be nice to perfect players


Please do not forget: Many people do not read boards like this. Many people do not plan their characters in advance. Many just start playing and then over time get immersed in the game. By the time I thought of myself of being "in the know" my mercenary was around 20-25 in level. While a fighter is quite easy to spec, there sure can be many mistakes in speccing for other classes. After thinking about it I do not see so many problems anymore. Hell, if people want their characters to be a certain way, just let them. You will still have a diversity basing on how people want to play their characters later on. Of course, many will use this feature to their advantage, but where is the problem? I agree that this has the most uses for classes that can this way solo easy to lvl 25, then become group-friendly until 40, then become Über in RvR, but oh my, just let them be. In the end, a wizzie who wants the mega-AOE nuke in RvR will get it anyway, an archer will always get the super critshot and stealth, and so on. This re-Spec thingy at least gives you the opportunity to try some different things and then think about it after you have tested it, so you can more easily customize your character.
I remember hearing of people who tried for example scouts specced in slash, then rerolled for thrust, then returned to slash etc. With the re-spec option, you can save yourself this time-consuming re-roll.

After all, you do not get more skillpoints to spend, and after lvl 40 all things even out.


Flipping great idea :)

I can change my shield armsman to a 2handed!



I'm not sure if I like this idea.

It seems to me that Mythic are catering to the "I want my character to do everything and beat everyone crowd." As has been said, it would be possible to have an awesome PvE character up to Lv40 and then switch him to RvR for the rest of his days.. this is unfair, especially, it seems, on the classes that are never going to be especially good at PvE - Infiltrators for example. The last thing this game needs is for everyone to have an uber-character, it will begin to feel less like a MMORPG and more like a team-based shooter with bells - every character class will be the same in the end.


I think the primary purpose behind this is that mythic have, and will change spec lines for various classes. Given that taking a char to lvl50 represents a massive investment in someones life, they introduced this idea such that that investment is not destroyed when a class line is changed. It can be abused, but it will do more good than bad.

Imagine if you had a lvl50 infiltrator, then mythic gave them some love in a spec line that was previously gimped, you'd feel kind of aggrieved that the only way to exploit the love was a total reroll, no ? (My healer has 45 lvls and 19 days /played, the entire concept or rerolling another healer sends me gaga)


Many pros and cons with this...

But i tend to like the idea for myself. No need to level 2 chars to 50 to try wether i want to be Void or Mana Eldritch (or whatever else). For us low playtime ppl that gives a chance to try out some more. I thought different when i had 2 weeks off work and much time to play :)


Maybe they should make it so that you get two re-rolls at L50. That's all :p
Originally posted by Silence
its great idea,!!!

u cant say u did not mess your first player u made, unless u played beta.

so it be nice to perfect players
I plaed my beta... all my chars are great :)


I really like the idea... sure maybe we will get more uber high lvls but so what... If a char aint totally gimped the spec isn't all that matters.

Now you dont have to be afraid to test spec templates you wouldn't otherwise... My opinion tho, really hope GOA will see this as a normal patch and do the same here (in a couple a years or so but anyway :clap: )


they way i see it is . whats the point of it ? thats why we can place our own stats/skills . if we fugg up thats our own fault . respeccing fully is a really crappy idea. although i think respeccing only a certain amount of skills would be fine cos after all we all make minor mistakes .

its like somebody above saide "ill use alb cleric as example"
a cleric only has 3 topics to spec in . smite/heal/buffs
the cleric will want to be a smite cleric for rvr s will need to add lots to smite . so his healing will suck and his buffs wont be to good either ..doing this trhe cleric will be abelt to spec fully in heal/buffs and leave just 1 point in smite for pulling . then when he hits high lvl spec "402 he can remove all those stats and pump up his smite to max . this imo sux for classes to base there skills on knowing the ability to re-spec .

all the games ive played if u screw up your char its tuff titties :0 restart and make a new one .
limited points to respec imo though would be great but not a whole skill .


Yes ppl will abuse it

But i saving my chance to reduce my stats to 0 cause i will waste them then my spell line will be changed and i will have wasted my chance to sort my specing out due to the changes in tte spell lines!

every one who abuses it will be in a just as bad situation when the change the spell lists as they are now.


Originally posted by Organ-Grinder
they way i see it is . whats the point of it ? thats why we can place our own stats/skills . if we fugg up thats our own fault . respeccing fully is a really crappy idea. although i think respeccing only a certain amount of skills would be fine cos after all we all make minor mistakes .

its like somebody above saide "ill use alb cleric as example"
a cleric only has 3 topics to spec in . smite/heal/buffs
the cleric will want to be a smite cleric for rvr s will need to add lots to smite . so his healing will suck and his buffs wont be to good either ..doing this trhe cleric will be abelt to spec fully in heal/buffs and leave just 1 point in smite for pulling . then when he hits high lvl spec "402 he can remove all those stats and pump up his smite to max . this imo sux for classes to base there skills on knowing the ability to re-spec .

all the games ive played if u screw up your char its tuff titties :0 restart and make a new one .
limited points to respec imo though would be great but not a whole skill .
This is EXACTLY what I am afraid of. People will not use the respeccing for what it is meant to be used for... I mean Mythic gave this feature just so that people who have gimped chars due to having to spec their chars when skills were not known etc...


its like somebody above saide "ill use alb cleric as example"

I've seen quite a few ppl come up with a cleric as an example to prove how bad respec is and having mainly played cleric too I frankly don't get it why going rejuv/enh at first, then going smite at high lvl will make you so "uber".

Till at the least lvl 15 you won't be grouping (if you want to lvl up asap that is), so you won't need much rejuv but smite can be very handy to make kill task running/soloing fast and easy.

After lvl 20 you'll group most of the time but honestly, you don't need a full rejuv/enh to get groups, so what extra advantage you are yourselves getting ? Even worse with no smite you won't be able to solo v well and will always have to sit around waiting for a group.

To be good at RvR you need 23 rejuv (at the least !) anyhow, and most clerics currently get this rejuv at the lower lvls, so I frankly don't see how clerics could "abuse" this system. Smite is also v handy in PvE, at the least because of its usefull mezz.

BTW what danger there is actually from abusing the system ? It won't make much difference in RvR, it'll only allow most classes to lvl up a bit faster in PvE.


Originally posted by Prof

I've seen quite a few ppl come up with a cleric as an example to prove how bad respec is and having mainly played cleric too I frankly don't get it why going rejuv/enh at first, then going smite at high lvl will make you so "uber".

Till at the least lvl 15 you won't be grouping (if you want to lvl up asap that is), so you won't need much rejuv but smite can be very handy to make kill task running/soloing fast and easy.

After lvl 20 you'll group most of the time but honestly, you don't need a full rejuv/enh to get groups, so what extra advantage you are yourselves getting ? Even worse with no smite you won't be able to solo v well and will always have to sit around waiting for a group.

To be good at RvR you need 23 rejuv (at the least !) anyhow, and most clerics currently get this rejuv at the lower lvls, so I frankly don't see how clerics could "abuse" this system. Smite is also v handy in PvE, at the least because of its usefull mezz.

BTW what danger there is actually from abusing the system ? It won't make much difference in RvR, it'll only allow most classes to lvl up a bit faster in PvE.
But then again in RvR a cleric can just about go solo if he has max Smite since it will do quite damn nice damage.... in PvE this max smite is not such a good thing since you won't be left with that much enh/rej. In that sense respec can be abused. BUT this is only one class.... I bet there are others that can also abuse the feature.
The question is that is the respeccing actually being abused in this sense. But imho Mythic gave this feature so that veteran players with gimped characters can make them playable again.


Originally posted by Prof
lol Keri there is absolutely no reason to put points into a extra str as a robe caster, you would gimp yer char more by putting points in str then yer actual base stats, carrying capacity won't exactly give you the edge in either PvE or RvR :p - and lack of money/drops won't hold you back as a caster either.

It makes levelling much slower because I have to stop after 5 or 6 kills to go and sell when soloing, and in a group, I would have to stop after I got loot and destroy it. I can't see any group willing to leave a dungeon every 15 minutes so I could sell.:(

Or could some kind soul donate an item that would give me at least 5 STR? I think 50 STR is the minimum required to avoid constant encumbrance.


Originally posted by Keri

It makes levelling much slower because I have to stop after 5 or 6 kills to go and sell when soloing, and in a group, I would have to stop after I got loot and destroy it. I can't see any group willing to leave a dungeon every 15 minutes so I could sell.:(

Or could some kind soul donate an item that would give me at least 5 STR? I think 50 STR is the minimum required to avoid constant encumbrance.
With a scout it most certainly makes sense to put ~10 points on top of the base str to carry arrows PLUS loot. In RvR you might have to carry quite a damn few too.

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