New RvR Guild



Originally posted by boomeruk
if we recruited thanes, dark sm's ^^, more pac healers.... then they wouldent work with the setup we have right now and would find themselves not enjoying the group if they got a spot, as there viability in the group would be nothing more than a "spot filler" so to speak.

How very nice of you Boomer... :eek:


i said "if we recruited" :p

we all love your utility in gg's.... and your deathspam is a breath of fresh air :D

/fluffles bag


JPF trying to be teh n00 BO!!1



tbh it wont change, "optimal groups" will continue to happen and new ones will keep being made, ruining the old ones etc as it does ruin game for a lot of people who spent their time lvl'ing fun chars (me for example).

I do detest rvr grps but nothing will stop it.

Goodluck with finding one and the stuff about finding the right chars so people can have fun just the same as saying: "finding right chars so we can make lots of rp's" once u find an optimal grp its not nice to tell rest of the guild to feck off.

I havent been in rvr guilds and my others have invited all who want to go and went as that whether is 3 of us or 2fg.

Even though in a last ditch attempt to restart my love of rvr i applied to 3+ rvr guilds (all of which said no to 6sec pbt cos they got 1fg of optimal and they dont rvr with mor), i still disagree :D

but anyway...goodluck elasto even though u traded and not lvl'd, hope u find something fun


Originally posted by Brunore
JPF trying to be teh n00 BO!!1

We are trying our best. But we have trouble whining as much as they, we try but it's damn hard :p


Originally posted by ormorof
whats wrong with thane's? :m00:

i soloed an equal RR infil with thane!!! once :(

And he wasn't afk? :eek:


Originally posted by _anarky_
And he wasn't afk? :eek:

LOL a RR6 Infil PAed me in Emain last week when i was solo and going to suicide and after a while she ran away like chicken ( I shouldn't have fought back) :p

I thouth it was a lowbie so I checked but she was RR6, and I never heard of anyone using PA while afk :D


Originally posted by Bagloor
LOL a RR6 Infil PAed me in Emain last week when i was solo and going to suicide and after a while she ran away like chicken ( I shouldn't have fought back) :p

I thouth it was a lowbie so I checked but she was RR6, and I never heard of anyone using PA while afk :D

She must've had pity for u being a thane then :p


Originally posted by DaggerElivager
I do detest rvr grps but nothing will stop it.

The rest of us live in hope.

I think we can be honest with ourselves and say that these guilds aren't "RvR guilds", if they were they would take keeps and help do stuff for the realm. They're "RP guilds". (c) ;)


Please don't tar us all with the same brush please.

As soon as Venom is large enough, I hope we will be a "proper" RvR guild in the sence you mean.


I'd just like the chance to clarify a few things regarding JPF's guild RVR groups and the reasoning as to why we the recruiting the way we are at the moment.

As many will know, not so long back the JPF merged with DTP, and BH - and boy did we get big..! Things went pearshaped, with people pulling in different directions... hunts, PVE, RVR, leveling alts etc etc etc. 2 new guilds formed from the ashes, and a select few stayed to see what we could make of JPF after the split.

We are now a very close and friendly guild consisting of no more than 15 - 20 regular players, running guild groups in the frontiers, taking keeps and generally being an annoyance to the hibs and albs.

There is only one active level 50 savage in the guild at the moment, the rest of our tank element being warriors and thanes. We run with whatever characters people want to play, and have had plenty of successfull runs with mixed tank/caster groups. We dont run a FotM savage /assist train and we still have fun when we RVR.

We are learning from mistakes over the last year regarding guild size and only wish to recruit people that 1) we can get along with, have fun with. 2) Have the classes we need at the time.

We're not trying to be the next Everlast or BO, just trying to have fun and achieve something with the resources available to us :)

see you in the frontiers :)


he is our fotm savage btw ---------^

and to quote svartalf

think we can be honest with ourselves and say that these guilds aren't "RvR guilds", if they were they would take keeps and help do stuff for the realm. They're "RP guilds". (c)

please dont come out with retarded comments without backing them up. yes, there is a couple of "leetist" rvr guilds on mid / pryd, but everytime we needed them, iirc, they have been there. I have joined blejs cg many times in our own frontier for relic defences etc, BO have always take popular keeps like DC opening up DF, zapsi from EL recently ran a sucessfull RR bringing relics back.... I could go on all day but I wont bother, please take your head out of your ass.

so what if people dont stop and rez you every 2 miniutes in emain / HW, release and go back, its lazyness, bitterness and jealousy of these "RvR Guilds" that is the problem, not the guilds themselves.

although there are some pricks among them, myself included oO


Originally posted by svartalf
The rest of us live in hope.

I think we can be honest with ourselves and say that these guilds aren't "RvR guilds", if they were they would take keeps and help do stuff for the realm. They're "RP guilds". (c) ;)

heh, file under jealousy and/or envy as far as i'm concerned

hitting a door or some guards isnt quite rvr, but imo even more boring then pve

pvs , or player vs sleep might be the most appropriate


Originally posted by svartalf
The rest of us live in hope.

I think we can be honest with ourselves and say that these guilds aren't "RvR guilds", if they were they would take keeps and help do stuff for the realm. They're "RP guilds". (c) ;)

Care to elaborate? Maybe even name a few guilds?


These guilds you call "rp guilds" probably take more keeps then "regular guilds" so I don't really see your point. Bashing doors every day isn't fun, everyone gets kinda sick of it after a while.

RvR stands for realm vs realm, meaning the you fight vs another realms, isnt farming rp the same thing as fighting vs people from the other realms? correct me if I'm wrong.

Roo Stercogburn

Hehe I see this ancient argument so often.

Lets pose a question then.

What is RvR?

It is different things to different people depending on how they want to play.

I myself take it literally. I'm not out to get RP or own an indivual keep etc. I'm out to crush the enemy. I don't care if its 1FG or an army. I want realm level activity. Full groups taking out advance teams or luring the enemy, larger forces engaging near keeps or defending bottlenecks, scouts soloing into dangerous areas to get information on what our enemies are up to.
Its a big picture and every style of play has its place. Its the sole thing that makes DAoC better than most other things out there.
(Planetside completely lacks variation though it has a better RvR-style model).
There is no wrong way to do RvR. If you want to just play as 1-2FG, nobody has the right to say you are wrong.

But just as those that like to play in larger teams shouldn't try to dictate to the guilds that like to run in small teams, those in the small-team based guilds should not presume to tell the other guilds how to run their business.

Most RvR is doing your own freestyle thing and peeps should be left in peace to get on with how they spend their recreational time. The only time everything should be set aside is when there's a major threat and to be honest there are few of the major guilds in Mid that have not pitched in when the going gets tough. Even when we plan a major offensive I have no problem with peeps doing their own thing and not joining in. Its their choice if they don't want to be part of the team spirit we get when we pull off something major.

Throwing brickbats at each other serves no purpose and I'd hold off on baiting each other too as we all need each other at times ;)


jpf =

relic raid on us we will be there .

relic raid on someone else we will be there .

everything comes down to how we feel at the time , in the last few weeks at times we have been in HW etc , and lots of albs/hibs have come into our frontier , sometimes we come and help sometimes we dont . as a person and as a guild we still do plenty and more than most for our realm .

if albs are in say glen , and mids are attacking . if we go amgO and stop anymore albs from joining the fight or go hmgO and stop hibs from joining the fun . some people will see it as us locking down odins to stop more trouble , other see it as us just out for rp . look at it any way you want i care not tbh .

i`m out to build my guild and its alliance for realm vs realm fighting , that being 1fg vs 1fg , keep takes, realm defence and relic raids . anybody who wants to take the piss or whine about what we do and dont do good luck to you . i myself spent about 4 hours last night , getting peeps together and using guild rams to retake bled and to then take a hib keep to open df for mids to farm all morning . did take 4 trys for us to take a hibs keep , thanks very much to all those who helped me .

so next time you want to whine or moan about a jpf or any other rvr guild , ask what have you done for the realm of late that was so much better ? i dont often get angry in posts on BW , and svart i really like you bud , but what the hell are you talking about , last nite in odins you moaned and whine about dogma , because they where killing more than most in odins . if you are so into realm vs realm and not RP then it wouldnt matter to you how the hibs/albs that came into odins by the bucket load died . that they died should make you happy .

wanna maon at jpf ? then tell us what you do that is better and if your right i`ll make sure jpf do it also , untill then pee off ,.bah why did i bother to reply to such silly people , i must be tired , rant over i`m going to bed .

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