New Router


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2005
Edit: Ehem in a moment of sheer insanity I for some reason thought I had to enter DNS server into my router. I am a moron. I'll leave the thread open as I intend to buy another router anyway because as I say this one still causes me other problems ;)

Okay well i've put up with my Linksys WAG54G for a long time now, but i've finnaly given up. If I had actualy researched the router initally like I should have done, and read some user reviews, I wouldn't have touched it with a very very long pole. Today I discovered that you can't actualy set a DNS server and Bulldogs dont work with lots of things at the moment :(

I don't want to dish out a great deal on a new router, but some key things I require are as follows:

It needs to bloody work.
Decent customer support, not some monkey reading instructions who dosn't actualy have a clue about the thing they're supporting.
Wireless & Cable
Adsl modem inside

I think thats it :) Thanks


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Scheduled Disconnects?


Colleague at work seems to have an unusual problem with her internet connection.

She is on broadband with BT and every night at 19:45 the internet connection drops and is not available until the next day.

BT have had engineers round who suggest things such as the street lights coming on are interfering with the connectio n (even though the street lights come on at a different time.

Anyone experienced the same problem with their connection and can provide an explanation?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Maybe she fiddled with settings in the router? Some have options to limit access based on time of day. :eek:

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