New pvp-thing



Evade is both Dex & Qui :rolleyes: Dodger requires Aug Qui2...

Add: I'd got 10 con/dex/qui, since parry is dex.


Yeah, sb's are kick-ass, yeah, i know gimpshades are, well gimps :)
BUt that venom-thingy RA that makes your nasty little poison do 160dmg pr tick is pretty naughty, not as naughty as vanish, but still :)


Originally posted by AbPoon
10 quick is probley best as this is what evade is solely based on, more so as in nxt patch you can evade in a 360 degree arc

Evade is calculated by Dex and the attackers lvl.

360 degree evade is called advanced evade, and as far as I know only mercs/bm's and (not sure what mid class gets this? zerkers?) are getting this.


Originally posted by Tranquil-

Evade is calculated by Dex and the attackers lvl.

Qui plays a much bigger part in Evade than Dex from my experieces - I was killing hill scrags in snowdonia 5 levels back, my evade rate went up quite nicely when I equipped a weapon that increased Qui. +Dex items didn't do the same.


To answer all of your questions here:
Cuthervaen, can you gimme a decent champion-spec feasable for PvP-server? :)


Aye i know its called Advanced evade just that saying its a 360 degree evade premts the "whats advanced evade do?" questions.

Yus Zerkers get Advanced along with the other light tanks of the realms (BM and Merc) we only miss out on blade dance which is a point blank AOE usable only against other realms, but then they need it more :/

As for the quickness question i belive its either solely the evade stat or either a 50/50 split on dex evade, its deffo not dex only as the dodger skill wouldnt require aug quick and the reason 2 boost quick as said before by another postee is that you'll increase in dex as you lvl but you wont increase quick and evades gonna get a hell of alot more usfull in the coming patchs.

And yes go norse as low quick and dex means all round sucky defence :(

P.S i'd recomend aug quick 2 and dodger 2 to anyone, makes a hell of a diff



Arnor, most decent Champion template is hero ;)

Seriously since the debuffs have been badly nerfed the class lost a lot of it's personnality imo. Of course we soon get self hp buff, which make us just more similar to heroes (ie more hps) less the Moose. I'd gladly renounce the self hp buff for effective again debuffs personnaly. Will be happy to have any feedback from albs or mids about how effective debuffs now are, though I'm afraid it will just make me /cry.

I like the old Champion, was close to the Zerk idea (both being suicide fighters), the guy you go for in a fight don't have much of a chance, but anyone adding on you will likely get you down easily (I find Zerkers easy when I hit their back, impossible when they go for me :) )

They still make good caster killers cause of the DD + Snare wich provide 2 interrupts on 15 sec or such timer. Still a good played caster with QC will easily get out of trouble. But in a group if u make that caster use his QC (or that mid healer use his insta) on you, you still feel useful to the group.

The Hero on the other hand seemed less offensive but could withstand 2 or 3 guys hacking at him for a relatively long time (make that long tiem with IP and Moose), while a Champion with his low hps will last a very short time. Now with spear Heroes and nerfed champs I wouldn't call them less offensive.

Anyway not whining here, checking on DaocSeer Champs and Zerks are about in the middle of the RP ladder, Paladins seem to have much more to complain for. It's also a good PvE class, easy to solo, fun to play too. There is just a tough passage at about level 37-40 where u have to step away from main tank role in groups, low hps meaning you'll get 2 shotted far too often by the purples u hunt at these levels. Hero's job to take blows here, teaming with Nova or Brimwolf as shield heroes with Guard on me was a killer combo at the time.

As for speccing seems there isn't much choice. Shield champs aren't really a success in my opinion (let one of them say otherwise) and the LW route seems to be the only one. I'm specced as follow:

50 LW (level 50 LW style is the only way u can stun, it's a must)
50 Valor (with the valor nerfs was some discussions about speccing it less, but then why not make a LW hero instead?)
27 Parry (wish it could be more :p)

Then the odd points go 7 in shields for engage and 7 in swords to have the taunt style (if u really need to function as shield tank)

On the bright side Snare + LW stun is a great way to catch runners. Nice to snare them, /wave to them so they know what's coming, then Anhiliate :p

As for myself, will have to make my mind between Zerk, SB or Friar for PvP, I'm definetly too blunt to play a caster, can't live without the thumping sound of a style getting home :)


Thanks, well the debuffs are pretty nasty, the str/con debuff made me lose about 500hps, but i was buffed already so it kinda went out to 0, but still insta -500hps is pretty harsh :)



Ah, thanks for the info Arnor, Mythic stated debuffs are especially effective on buffed opponents, thus negating most buffs, even though they are much less on unbuffed ones now. Makes them at least useful if not as great as they used to be.

Might experiment with Wild Arcana RA next realm points I get, debuff crits should be nice too.


Some weeks ago I opened my old US account again to test it a bit before it launches off in europe.


Started off as a minstrel, witch is pretty fun there. Just be sure to charm dergan enchanters and let them nuke those dam enchanters after mezzed theire caster pet ROFL!

Someone saied some about zerker/hero on pvp......sux. On PvP server without any kind of spell/insta = owned and boring. Champs are much better really...the insta blast ownz (insta kill gray that fucks with you're lowbie m8s hehe) and snare allso very handy.

Some days ago I rolled a theurg (wind specced) together with a m8, and OMG it's dam fun! Theurgist is by far the most fun class I ever played. ( I played all hib classes on not pvp). lvling is no prob since you can easy solo reds and purple...and with 2 of em..LOL.

I actually soloed a lvl 29 eldritch at lvl 8! hahaha, imagine about 10+ pets that chain stun you...can't do a shit :D You allso get a aoe mez and a root spell. As it's 50% enchanters with caster pets around I just aoe mez em (caster pet out of battle, and spam out stun pets....chanter down. theurg even got speed buff btw lol. really fun class, most feared enemies is SB/infil/NS....alltrough I killed a purp SB after he successful stabbed me hehe (stun pets ownz).

Some wondered how many chars you can can have 12 chars, 4 per realm on same server. Isn't it luvly ;)

Ah well nuff babble from me, but trust me PvP server ownzors!! just see forward to play it with normal EU peeps, getting tired of complete messed up and freeked out US peeps lol :clap:


Oh and btw, you can play an alb char without hunting in the sucky alb lands, rather hunt water beetles in hib at lvl 5 with troll zerkers as tank and you as alb :D

onemore thing...uber guild = no fun. On the US pvp one guild got all the relics in theire guild keep (crauchon) with lvl 10 doors and lvl 10 guards.

PS: camping horse routs it's fun :m00:


Guest states that evade is based on dex, they might be wrong ofcourse.


they are, it's dex/qui
hence friar specline 1.51 buff is dex/qui rather than just dex


not really too important if u choose +10dex or +10quick or +5dex/+5quick, yes, its really just the same difference as a lvl 1-5 buff gives u (mid seers first base-str buff buffs for 5 \o/ ) ...and, of course as a zerk, ur a mid, and as a mid, u have shammys, and buffbots (which mid has feckloads of), and some of the buffbots are bound to have spare buffs once in a while, adding that to the real shammy players, and healers ofc

the +10/+5 bonus will only make any noticable difference at the lowest lvls (pre20)

pretty sure im right about this, but if im wrong, correct me ofc :p


On PvP server, you're not restricted to shammys & healers :p


Originally posted by belth
On PvP server, you're not restricted to shammys & healers :p

hehe, kinda forgot that the thread was really about pvp server ;)

anyways....buffbots wont excist (bah, probably spelt it all wrong but cant remember the spelling atm :p), unless u can hide em real well, and i heard rumours that buffs have range on pvp (or is that not implemented yet? or never even planned? :p)

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