New Player Advice


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
(Copied from the soon to be extinct Barrysworld forums, will continue to update in this new fluffly home)

1) Start off as a Scout (unless you're planning on being a crafter) to get the Generic Crafting Tool. Then buy Novice Medic & Marksman. These three professions make for a fairly self-sufficient character.

2) Kill a mob, wheel on it (hold down left mouse) and select Harvest, get Meat. Buy some Metal (inorganic) off the bazaar and use the Generic Crafting Tool to make stimpac As to heal yourself. Simple. That's used Marksman (killing), Scout (harvesting) and Medic (healing) already.

3) For easy money, do delivery missions:
- Go to a mission terminal, click the Delivery tab
- Do ctrl+v, click the shuttleport tab on the right side. find a distant city (not anchorhead) with a shuttleport
- Highlight it, you can see how far it is and what direction
- Get 2 missions going to that region (9000m SE or whatever), hit refresh if only one
- Collect the 2 missions from NPCs in the town
- Hop on a shuttle to destination
- Deliver to the 2 NPCs in the destination city
- Repeat, but for the return journey
- Each mission gives ~700cr, so 1400 each way

4) Ctrl+C lets you see your Wounds and Battle Fatigue amongst other things. Wounds can only be healed with the application of a Wound Pack in either Camps or a Medical Centre. Battle Fatigue can only be healed by watching/listening to Entertainers in a Cantina. Go try it

5) For an easy (and usually easy enough that new players can contribute) group try Anchorhead. Hunting groups gather on the bridge regularly and set off out on Destroy missions

6) For destroy missions. First kill the mobs outside. Then "tap" the lair. That means shoot it once and make peace instantly. Kill the mobs that pop. Then drop the lair to about 55% of its health and make peace. Kill the mobs that pop. Then destroy the lair. So, at the end, there's been three waves. It can be a big problem in groups where people refuse to stop shooting the lair and you end up with a ton of mobs attacking you

7. To become a Rebel or Imperial you need to gain 200 faction points. Do this by running missions from Rebel or Imperial mission terminals found in Anchorhead or Bestine (on Tatooine) respectively. Once you've got the 200 faction points see the Rebel Recruiter or Imperial Recruiter (in the same towns) and voila. You're in.

8. You can expand your tool bar to 2 rows by clicking and dragging the edge of the bar down. The first row can be used with the F1-12 keys as normal and the 2nd row with Shift + F1-12

9. To create a macro, open the abilitys tab by pressing CTRL+A and select macro. then click add at the bottom.
The most usefull macro Warpig uses is:
/harvest hide; /loot
You can also havest bone and meat in the same way. The ";" seperates the commands and the "/" is to indicate that its a command and not a spatial message. Other usefull commands are. /pause x (x=time in seconds) /say, /shout and /dump. Using /dump will end any macro that contains a /pause command.
You can also drag any of the ability icons, macro's, social and combat icons onto your tool bar.

10. You can change tool bar rows quickly by pressing CTRL-f1-6

11. If you have a pet mount or mini tank please take the time to create a few macro's using /tellpet. eg
/tellpet kill
/tellpet follow
Just these 2 small commands placed on you tool bar will cut out alot of the spam that clutters spatial chat, and will ensure you are not added to many people's huge ignore lists
/tellpet can be used for a longer distance than your normal chat, /shout and /yell commands, and /tellpet store is sometimes the only way i can store a pet that get stuck crossing coronet's boundrys
When using a pet spamming an attack command over and over may actually stop your pet from attacking a target. You will notice that a short animation plays when you order your pet, during this time the pet will sometimes freeze (attack, stay, follow and follow other all play animations and sounds). Spamming the command makes the pet stop and jig about on the spot roaring away as you get a new bum hole forcefully created in your head.

12. Be careful buying stuff off the Bazaar! A "sniper rifle" selling for 3k credits is probably a crappy CDEF. Always check the details, always check the damage, speed, armour value, etc. The difference between one item and the next of the same type can be enormous (mabari armourweave frequently varies between 5% kinetic and 21%).
Use the Whole Planet button to check prices comparatively. A shuttle only costs a little over 100cr and it's often cheaper to take the shuttle and go to a different town to collect an item than buy it in the more expensive original one.

13. What to do in a group? If you all equip your best weapons, then you could get some decent Destroy missions between you. With a scout (to make camps) a medic (to heal damage) a brawler (to take the aggro) and a few marksmen it'd work like clockwork. If you don't want to do this then are many "newbie" dungeons in the game. A good one is the "Afarathu Cave" on Corellia at -2517, 2922. Only 1km from Town. Use and the Planet selection to get an idea of dungeons, PoIs etc.

14. The only skills you should ever pay for are the Novice ones for each Profession you want. After that, always get a player to teach you. Just use ctrl+p and the Search function for the profession you want and /tell the player (asking nicely of course). You can also set the language to talk in, the title you're displaying and your flags on the Character tab of ctrl+p.

15. You can double click a ticket to use a shuttle/ship. You don't need to go through the Ticket Collector. You could even (if the shuttle's going to be a while and you don't want to wait staring at the screen) make a macro. Put the ticket on your quickbar in (for example) the 3rd pane and 1st slot and make a macro with:
/ui action toolbarPane02;/ui action toolbarSlot00;/pause 10;/ui action toolbarSlot01;
and put the macro in the slot just to the right of the ticket.

16. If a lair is called "A <insert creature name here> Lair" then it's someone elses Destroy mission. Be nice and don't shoot the mobs. If it's called "a pile of rocks", "brambles", "a warren" etc. then it's a random spawn, feel free to kill.

17. Using personal harvesters:

First, survey to find the resource you want. Find a place with a good concentration (70%)+ of good quality resource, a bit of flat land (you don't need much for personal harvesters) and 30%+ wind. Use a BER (base extraction rate) 8 Wind Generator where possible as these will generate enough power to power 4 personal harvesters in even a low wind.
If you don't want to buy start-up power then set up your wind generator a day before you set up your harvesters.
Make a note of the following costs:
Wind generator: 1440 credits per day
Personal harvester: 720 credits per day
Personal harvester: 600 power per day
Use /addpower and /paymaintenance commands to add power and pay maintenance - they're much more convenient than the UI.
Check on your harvesters regularly, taking the power from the generator to fuel the harvesters. Check that all are still harvesting as there are occassional "resource shifts" that occur every few days which change the resources available.
You can finance your harvesting by selling a few K's worth of the resource on the bazaar. Selling 3x 1K of resource for 3000 credits each will pay for the maintenance of 1 wind gen and 4 personal harversters for 2 full days. You can either sell the rest or keep it for your crafting.
Redeeding: If you want to redeed a harvester (destroy it and get the deed back) the harvester will need to be in 100% condition with more than two days surplus maintenance on it. To redeed choose "destroy" from the harv's radial menu. It will show a pop up telling you what maintenance you need to redeed. If the messages are green then click OK and you will have to type in a code to destroy the deed. As long as the redeed conditions are met you will get the deed back. The deed will include any surplus power on the harvester at the point of redeed plus some of the surplus maintenance (though not all - there is a redeed cost, though I'm not sure exactly what it is).
You'll need to weigh up the cost of redeeding against the cost of replacing the harvesters. It can be cheaper to make more harvesters than to redeed but redeeding can be more convenient, especially if you've still got power on the harvester.

Feel free to add, might even Edit it (ooooh).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
OK, some tips on using personal harvesters for the artisans amongst you:

First, survey to find the resource you want. Find a place with a good concentration 70%+ of good quality resource, a bit of flat land (you don't need much for personal harvesters) and 30%+ wind. Use a BER 8 Wind Generator where possible as these will generate enough power to power 4 personal harvesters in even a low wind. I use 4x BER 3 personal harvesters for whatever I'm mining. You can make these yourself if you have high enough Engineering skill or you can buy them from the bazaar or artisan vendors.

If you don't want to buy start-up power then set up your wind generator a day before you set up your harvesters. Otherwise set them all up close together and make sure you keep a waypoint to them.

Make a note of the following costs:


Wind generator: 1440 credits per day
Personal harvester: 720 credits per day


Personal harvester: 600 power per day

Use /addpower and /paymaintenance commands to add power and pay maintenance - they're much more convenient than the UI.

When you check on your harvesters make sure you switch them off and on again. There's a bug which can report the amount of power incorrectly in the status report - switching them on and off gets round this.

Check on your harvesters regularly, taking the power from the generator to fuel the harvesters. Check that all are still harvesting as there are occassional "resource shifts" that occur every few days which change the resources available.

You can finance your harvesting by selling a few K's worth of the resource on the bazaar. Selling 3x 1K of resource for 3000 credits each will pay for the maintenance of 1 wind gen and 4 personal harversters for 2 full days. You can either sell the rest or keep it for your crafting.

Redeeding: If you want to redeed a harvester (destroy it and get the deed back) the harvester will need to be in 100% condition with more than two days surplus maintenance on it. To redeed choose "destroy" from the harv's radial menu. It will show a pop up telling you what maintenance you need to redeed. If the messages are green then click OK and you will have to type in a code to destroy the deed. As long as the redeed conditions are met you will get the deed back. The deed will include any surplus power on the harvester at the point of redeed plus some of the surplus maintenance (though not all - there is a redeed cost, though I'm not sure exactly what it is).

You'll need to weigh up the cost of redeeding against the cost of replacing the harvesters. It can be cheaper to make more harvesters than to redeed but redeeding can be more convenient, especially if you've still got power on the harvester.


Dec 26, 2003
If you want a self sufficient Combat monster try starting Brawler then buy Scout Medic and (once you earn some creds) Entertainer.

With this combo you dont need a weapon (which is a money saver) - you can use the scout skill to collect meat/hides/bones (to sell or use to craft your own stims) - Medic to heal - you dont even need any medicines if you use tendwound - this causes mind wounds which you heal by dancing in a cantina or camp :)

This should give you a good start until you start to work out what you like - good luck and if you start on chimaera send a tell to rynnor/rynnson if you need a crafting tool to get you started.

Good Luck!


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Tidied up and stuck so Nightchill doesn't need to bump... useful thread so please stick on-topic with it guys.... :drink:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Another quick tip for missions.

Grab 1 explorer mission worth a few grand, and then use the standard mission terminals to get a mission for the same creature type. That way you can earn money doing missions, and then get a nice lump sum once you've killed your quota for the explorer mission.

This is even more useful if you have a mount or vehicle!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
To earn some quick cash early on take a couple of delivery missions to the same place. The best place to do this is between two distant cities (e.g. Moenia and Theed on Naboo). The delivery missions will pay according to the distance between the two cities (Moenia/Naboo missions pay around 1K each). Pick up two missions to the same place and get the shuttle. You can make 1800 each way on these.

Alternatively, you can use survey missions (this works best if you have at least level IV in a combat skill as the value of the survey missions increases significantly - make sure weapon is equipped). Find two cities with high concentrations of survey resources near the shuttleport. Take two high value missions for the appropriate resource and shuttle out to the other city. Do the same on the way back.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004

I think a couple of useful things are missing here. There are 2 useful monitors available, which are the Skills experience monitor and the Waypoint monitor.
- Do ctrl-S to open the skills panel, and then tick Show Experience Monitor.
- Do ctrl-O to open the Options menu, and then go to Misc - check Onscreen Waypoint Monitor, damn useful. :)
Note that my character was created long ago and those might be default now, but if not you should definitely enable them. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Not at all sure why, but I can't edit the first post. The "edit" button (usually at the bottom of the post, and at the bottom of my other posts) is no longer there.

*scratches head*


Nightchill said:
Not at all sure why, but I can't edit the first post. The "edit" button (usually at the bottom of the post, and at the bottom of my other posts) is no longer there.

*scratches head*

I'm suspecting its something to do with a time limit to edit posts, but I don't actually know I'm just guessing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
Wow, I was suprised to see only one post in the SWG section.

The game has changed a lot now - Scout doesn't exist any more, everyone can harvest now, and you can't mix and match skills. Everyone gets a heal at a certain level that is self only too - so you don't have to become a medic just to be able to heal yourself.

Does anyone here still play SWG in its new 'enhanced' form?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
ive been thinking about giving it a go for quite a while now but i never seem to find the game cheap anywhere. (atleast not where i live)

paying full price for a game this old isnt something i'm inclined to do.. :(


Pork Smuggler
Dec 22, 2003
To be honest I would actually wait, in November last year Sony managed to pull off one of the biggest screw ups ever. The game is slowly recovering but it will be another couple of months before the majority of modifications have been implemented.

Point to note is that in Nov SOE will be releasing SWG complete which includes all of the expansions. Hopefully by that time the ground portion of the game will be significantly more playable. Space is fine as they have basically ignored from launch :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2006
hey!!! thank's for the advice.. can someone please help me to download these game's...

Is there any free trial for these game's?? cause I don't know to play..:worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
May 1, 2006
I had 3 accounts on SWG and played for a good few years. My main alt was Ky'ra of the guild NSA based on Lok, my Master Creature Handler. I had a Master Doctor, Master Rifleman, Master Image Designer, Master Dancer ... that was until Sony totally nerfed the game beyond all recognition and destroyed the best thing on this planet. :wanker:

I hung on in a very miserable state until January 19th last year, when I took the final heartbreaking decision to cancel all my accounts. I spent a short time in the wilderness trying to find something else - tried and gave up on WoW and EQ, finally settling on Guild Wars because it is free so it doesn't matter if I don't play it much. I really liked it and still play it, but decided to give DAoC another chance - I'd first played it for a very brief time just after it came out of Beta.

I discovered a new meaning to life :) (yes - I am very sad!!!) not only in a game that I could again become engrossed in but also in the fact that I discovered a lot of old NSA guildies were playing too! I won't be going anywhere near SWG unless it rolls back to pre-combat upgrade of late 2005 - but I can't see that happening somehow.

Sony should have done what Mythic did with DAoC - they haven't forced everyone to upgrade to the latest release. When a major expansion is released, you can choose to keep the old game as a separate file on your pc, install the upgraded expansion in a new directory, and choose which version to log into to. :worthy: credit where it's due - that was a great idea.

Ramblings over - cy'all again soon!

Agrivia - Thane, Alchemist
Cedwen - Healer
Ceirian - Shaman
Aeeair - Valkyrie
Midgem - Shadowblade
etc ... etc ... etc ...


Fledgling Freddie
May 11, 2005
I always thought the only difference there Midgem was the interface?

I recently renewed my SWG account again.. The population levels have definately increased, infact i visited a packed cantina yesterday, but i can't say it's as fun as it used to be.

BountyHunting was always my thing, these days it's much harder as it's nolonger Jedi specific, which might sound like a plus, but bounties are placed by players on players which kill them in pvp. Again, that might sound rather interesting.. but this also means your targets are going to be in PVP zones most likely.. what does this mean? It means that you're going to have to pick a faction .. and venture out into a war zone to try and kill your target. That, and your targets probably got a group.

Atleast they put player BHing back in, it's just not what it used to be though. That and the massive inflation at the moment, i think as a result of SOE removing decay.

- Penguin

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