New Mutators on UT BarryServers and Bookables



lo chaps,

from Tuesday morning the "autopause" mutator will be available on UT bookables and barryservers. This mutator is extremely useful for clan matches and will pause the server if a player drops, and unpause when that player rejoins. You can enable to mutator by setting Use autoPause to True on the Mutator Specific Settings of the booking form.

in game options are:

A spectator or player logged in as admin can use these commands before countdown:

admin set autopause.apactor enabled <true/false>
Setting this to false will disable autopause even in tournament mode.

admin set autopause.apactor maxpause <minutes>
The maximum amount of time the game will be paused per pause in minutes. (per team)

admin set autopause.apactor maxtotalpause <minutes>
The total maximum amount of time the game can be paused. (per team)

This little utility has not been tested extensively but it have been tested and it's simple code so I don't expect any problems to occur. If however something should go wrong the admin can always issue a 'killall apactor' to remove the AutoPause actor from the game, which will stop it from interfering. It will come back the next level though so if it is a confirmed problem it is probably good to disable it then.

At the moment it is only working for Default game modes.

We've also got IRC reporter bots available for both normal game modes and for TacOps - you'll see the two new tabs on the booking form.


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