New Moderators?



Damini, superb post I must confess. Won't be commenting on it since it is perfectly reasonable ;) and if you ask me.... make Damini a moderator, I assure you it will be a good choice.
Damini :clap: Damini :clap: Damini

Bleri McThrust

At last I can get to post :clap: .

Have suffered for days trying to post but authorisation messed up :( .

Anyways Kemor was a moderator here before they shut the official forums. It was here he posted about the dos attacks.

I dont suppose he has any information on when the news page will be up and running ???

How long does it take to make ?????


Just thought I'd pop in and say hello.

I'm Damini's other half. And like all good science projects, opposites attract.

You won't find that I think like her at all.

I've got a different background to her but with some meeting points along the way.

I used to be a hard core FPS gamer. I'd play Action Quake2 until 7 in the morning (even if I had to be up at 7:30). I'd run up phone bills in the region of 300 - 400 quid.

Then she introduced me to UO. I thought "BOOOORING!!".
But unfortunatly it got me hooked. I played it for around 2 years. I still have an active account so if you see me on LS as Edensong, gime a wave!

With regards to DAOC, I have also played it since the beta stages and was the one who dragged Damini into it.

I'm still a FPS gamer at heart but for the past few years, due to crappy net connections I've been drawn more into RPG (PL, lag etc is far less imortant).

I'm flattered that Sar suggested me for the moderators job but I think Damini would be my first choice and I wouldn't want people think we were ganging up on people either as BW forum regulars or as a RL couple.

I'm not sure who I'd choose as a second choice as I find everyone is still trying to find their "happy place".

Damini for a start, then vote for a second one in a week or so.


Indeed, like WPKenny has pointed out we don't need the two mods right away... one will do and so far I'd vote for Damini on the basis of earlier posts and the post made by Damini in this thread concerning being a candidate.


As an outsider to the community (I played for the free month, but found it not to be my thing really) you all seem to be "singing from the same hymn sheet" more than some less focus'd communities.
I'll setup Damini as a moderator now, and leave the 2nd mod for a bit, until a natural choice emerges from these early discussions. As Brannor implies, its not going that badly in here, so theres no real rush.


Cool glad ya got the Modship Damini..

I asked about the RP... and if ya fancy being the bartender in Prydwen tavern I is sure ya'll gets a warm welcome there...

Hmm I think the last bar tender maybe a tad of a wreck..

Well my other choice was Brannor but it seems he's withdrawn hiself. Lunar I thinks ya would be a fine Mod, so I'll put me other vote on you :)


I'd also throw my vote in wholeheartedly for Damini, everything nice that's been said about her is true (she does get lost a lot in Midgard though...).

As for a 2nd mod, if Brannor doesn't want to do it or people feel that a new face would be beneficial, how about Verata? From reading the old forums over the past few months she always struck me as someone level-headed, mature, helpful and intelligent.


Yay, we have a new mod :)
Verata? Hasn't posted here once, well at least I have no memory of such an event.


Seems to me that a lot of likely names are cropping up for the second moderator's job.

Brannor, thanks for your nomination. Yes, I do tend to have the voice of calm and reason, and yes, I do end up playing Mum a lot of the time. (Can't think why, I haven't got any children myself :))

But, grateful though I am for the consideration, I'd like to be discounted from the vote for now. I already spend far too much time reading forums when I should be working, and as an Eyes and Ears person in game aswell, I'm sure that I'm going to get my share of flames anyway.

I just don't need that compounded with a Mod's backlash, thanks :)

For my two coppers worth, may I suggest Kharos, who is a regular poster, and seems to have a sensible head on his shoulders. (even if his ring mail leaves bruises;))

Oh, and although I dont know Damini, I'm sure that was an excellent choice.


brannor? erm, id disagree with that *cough*flaming customers of goa and not reading a post properly*cough*, altho hes good at editing language i guess :p


In reply to Brannor.....

Ive never played on Pryd so you must have me mixed up with someone else.


Originally posted by SFXman
Verata? Hasn't posted here once, well at least I have no memory of such an event.

Hmm yeah, just realised that... Forget that idea then :)


After reading your post Damini I must say you strike me as someone who will do a hell of a job moderating these forums.
And as so many others have already said, things are going fine here with the mods we have now so what's the rush of getting another new mod for now.

I'm also sad to hear that neither Brannor or Lunar want the other mod position since i liked their style on the old forums. But hey, these are the new ones so we will all have to make some changes and accept some new faces :)

Anyway, gratz again to Damini for the mod position and keep up the good work!!! :clap:


Damini will do for quite some while if you ask me so we have no hurry in choosing the second moderator. So far there has been one thread which started getting out of hand.... not much if you ask me.


You'll make me blush Sar!

Edit:// Actually, if his language doesn't do that, then I suppose a hug won't ;P


Originally posted by Damini
You'll make me blush Sar!

Edit:// Actually, if his language doesn't do that, then I suppose a hug won't ;P
Weird change of opinion there Damini, *confused* :confused:


Heh, not really.

1) He offered a hug

2) I declined in a coy fashion, saying it would make me blush

3) I reconsidered, taking into account that if Sar's verbal olympics didn't make me blush, then chances are a hug wouldn't

4) I accept the hug.

Ta Da!!

Additional Edit:// Getting my sense of humour is not compulsory. Which is just as well :)

Brannor McThife

Re: In reply to Brannor.....

Originally posted by Son
Ive never played on Pryd so you must have me mixed up with someone else.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Hmm, Sonny...didn't I know you on Prydwen Excal?

I meant to say Excal- Hib. ;)
I am/was Kyranos Pathfinder...Firbolg Druid. The one Woody had a vengeful urge for.


Brannor McThife

Oh, and Verata is a He, a mod from DAoC Forums. Verena is a she and is a very wise person with exceptional knowledge of Hibernia.

Verata just likes to complain about his gimped Warden... :cool:



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Oh, and Verata is a He, a mod from DAoC Forums. Verena is a she and is a very wise person with exceptional knowledge of Hibernia.

Verata just likes to complain about his gimped Warden... :cool:

Why do people make up such similar names! It will leads us to insanity and disorder!
Anyway.... I don't remember this moderator but oh well :D


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Oh, and Verata is a He, a mod from DAoC Forums. Verena is a she and is a very wise person with exceptional knowledge of Hibernia.

Verata just likes to complain about his gimped Warden... :cool:



/em joins the ranks of the confused :)


Well since neither Brannor or Lunar seem interested I'm stumped on who to suggest. Prehaps we should leave it a while till our 2 current mods feel they need more help?


Agreed, if everyones happy with the mod situation lets leave it for now and see how the community develops. I doubt theres any need for another mod atm, it was mainly to keep a balance while the 2 communities adjusted to each other.

If everyones happy i'll unstick this thread and leave it to rest for now.


Hehe... bet you wouldn't want me :p

Did noone spot Meatballs nominate himself? I also agree that the forums seem in pretty fair shape so far, so there is no great urgency, but when the time comes I think he may make a good choice. I know him from DAoC first, and these boards second, and he is a decent guy with a good attitude and previous mod experience....

Just thought I'd mention it.

/em blows a kiss to Lunar



Good choice Trebz, I don't see much need either yet as I said earlier... sticky for no reason earlier.


Just one thing...

We hopes it doesnt want us, because we doesnt want to do it...

We also votes against the Brannor, because it needs a break, and needs beating with a very large stick...

just so happens we found a very large stick on the way here...

/hefts stick

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