New Moderators?



To get a little more control over your DAoC forums, we're suggesting we get some moderators from the player community. Brinx is a little on his own here as the GOA lads have moderator status to set them apart and lend credibility to their posts, rather than act as traditional moderators. So, we're suggesting 2 new moderators, 1 who is used to these forums (but a DAoC player of course), and also someone new to them but familiar with DAoC.

We're proposing Damini from the old crowd. She's bright, intelligent and capable of rational thought. She also has Aphex close at hand to call upon for advice. If theres no objections, we''ll set her up. Suggestions for a vote for the the 2nd new moderator should be posted here. Once we have suggestions we'll then do a vote.

Moderators can delete posts and threads, move them to more appropriate forums, close threads (so its still there, but no more replies are possible) and edit posts.

Moderators need to have a feel for what is and isnt acceptable to the community using the forum and if it works well, Moderators can make the world of difference and make this more of your own home, rather than something you've just had to move into.

Suggestions for Mods and comments please


I have no objections as to Damini becoming a moderator. About the second one, currently I have no idea although Brannor McThife was a great moderator on the GOA forums and is very capable of the job, aswell as being intelligent and rational in thought.


Go on Brannor, raise your hand mate, I'd love to see you as a moderator on these forums :)


Hmmmm..........just a suggestion,but please give Brannor a job,otherwise he'll need some serious medical help for Trollitis (i'm sure he's part of the way there already :p )
Seriously though,he'd make a great mod as witnessed on the old DAoC forums.


Also add my support for Brannor :)

Ps Brannor I still aint giving you mod status on The Unforgiven boards :p


My vote goes to Brannor too. Assuming, of course, that he wants to. :D


Babies. And thier candy.

I have kidnapped many babies and will compulsively steal thier candy if Brannor does not become a mod. :flame:


Wouldnt it be better to have a mod for Excal and another for Pryd forums?


ok so we all agree that Brannor is going to be the new moderator?

*A loud and clear YES! echoes all over the forums!*

Good Brannor you are now given the new job as a moderator! ;) What? freedom of choice? what kinda crap is that huh??


Anyway... my vote is on Brannor if he wants to! :clap:


Argh i knew the little brannorites would come charging out soon as this choose your own mod was suggested. If Brannor becomes a mod i just will def stick to the IGN boards. I dont hate you brannor i just dislike the way you handled alot of things on the GOA boards and quite a few others felt the same.

I dont intend to argue, i would just like to suggest there are a few ppl that would not like Brannor (i want to have my own fanclub) McThife to become a mod here.

The first suggestion of Damini is fine by me altho i dont know who she is. Lets see some FRESH faces and try to FORGET all the GOA hassles from the GOA boards and that includes moving away maybe from the mods that were so evident on the GOA boards.

I know you all want to flame me but im afraid i dont want to lick Brannors feet unlike some of you. Not gonna post in this thread again but i would like to point out that as many ppl who worship brannor for the many attention seeking posts he made there are equally as many who just sigh when we read more ME ME ME im your saviour posts from him.

As i say Brannor i dont dislike you and you are prolly a realllly great guy in RL and im sure you are i just dont like the way you behave on the boards especially when you were a GOA mod.

I shall recap: Please pick a FRESH face or two if you really need more mods here. Not the same tired old individuals who will remind us of the hassle of the GOA boards.

Go on crucify me i know you want to... ( i shall not reply :) )


Originally posted by Alwych

I know you all want to flame me but im afraid i dont want to lick Brannors feet unlike some of you

Here we go again :rolleyes:

Lafala Arifel

I don't have any objections to either of those suggestions... assuming Brannor and Sar can kiss and make up that is :wub:

(Agh! These forums are getting me dangerously hooked on smileys :uhoh: )


Gah Damini looks like the cats out the bag now. I guess K wont be too pleased :p


I'm probably the best moderator alive...
Now actually becoming one :)

Oh, and if you, brannor, wil become a mod, will you be so hum hum, boring, as on the GOA boards?
I asume kemor or osmeone else said you had to be like that.
This has been moved, no 3RD server, you're banned cause you did something that isn't good for the game or something.


Brannor gets my vote, if he wants the job.

I think a lot of what people will have disliked before will have been Goa restrictions, and mods are allways going to be disliked by somebody. I never had a run in with Brannor though, unless you count recently dancing in a tavern :)

As for Damini: Hi it'll be nice to have a new (to us) face too.


Brannor likes the sound of his own voice a little too much for my liking. A mod should be somebody who sits back, reads whats there and steps in to stop it going too far.


Im casting my vote for Brannor aswell....
He's very humorous and knows the daoc community well

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Son
Brannor likes the sound of his own voice a little too much for my liking. A mod should be somebody who sits back, reads whats there and steps in to stop it going too far.
Hmm, Sonny...didn't I know you on Prydwen Excal? Never knew you felt that way. /em shrugs.

Well, as nice as it is to have so many people put forward my name, I am not quite sure if this is a good move. I don't agree with Son's description of a mod. But do agree with Alwych that perhaps it is time for leadership to come from within the community. Fact is, Kemor recruited me to the Mod-squad shortly after the 3 Purple Warrior mods moved in. There was a lot of uproar about them at the time, which was just sad.

We were given a mandate to follow in modding. Well, whether I had been a mod or not, wouldn't have stopped me posting a lot of what I did, because I'm a passionate person. I do think that a lot of posts I made were informative and not attention seeking. I posted my final post in the hopes of getting the community to stick together.

IRL, at the moment, I've just been assigned to a project that may very well leave me little time to actually mod. Fact is, it was tiring modding a lot of the time. Those that know me well ingame, know that I am not a GOA-Fanboi. But I had to try maintain some form of order on their boards.

As I said, I'm not sure of yay/nay. But I've got no more issue with Sar, actually went to his guildsite and read his get a better view of him. In time, I'll verbally abuse him using non linguistically challenged terms...that's if he can understand them. ;)

I never expected anyone to like me or the style in which I mod'd. There was a time when I didn't think anybody out there liked me. But then I thought, hey, the start is always the hardest. Had to lay down the "law" early, to try get people to "behave"...seems, according to GOA, that that didn't work... :rolleyes:

As for modding here, if I did. There isn't a chance in hell that I'm going to sit and edit out every swear word, just takes too long. Flaming should be free for all, and should really only stop short of RL threats and when one party asks the other to stop, as it's become too personal. But yes, modding would be a background thing, however, I'd still post as a normal user. And then, hopefully, those of you like Son will once and for all accept that



Originally posted by Lafala Arifel
I don't have any objections to either of those suggestions... assuming Brannor and Sar can kiss and make up that is :wub:

(Agh! These forums are getting me dangerously hooked on smileys :uhoh: )


TBH I wouldn't vote for Brannor as a mod here, because I was a bit surprised at his very quick change in tune after my (blatantly obvious) piss take of a post yesterday.

On ye olde official forums he was forever telling us that he was only a fellow gamer who happened to be a moderator, and that he didn't represent Goa (which is fair enough who would seriously want to? /waves at Kemor ;)), but dropped that attitude yesterday, even though it was clearly a jokey post.


I'd be chuffed if our wee Damini were to be made mod on this forum, and my second vote would go to WPKenny, forum buttplug that he is and all ;)

(Will we have to censor his custom title now to stop all the ickle kiddies asking what a buttplug is? ;p)

Brannor McThife

Sorry...forgot to post this bit. Whether I become a mod or not, has little impact on the fact that I'll still be actively involved in the community. I do however, hope that the two people selected are NOT BOTH BarrysWorld "oldies". The DAoC forum people need someone they know and can relate too. It's that simple. You give them two BW oldies and chances are they won't like it too much. I'll give it some thought tonight, and perhaps I'll have someone from the old DAoC forums to put forward. Besides, what is there really to mod? ;)



Me, naturally dearest ;)

And I think the forum runners would trust one of the oldies more than the plethora of new people to mod their own forums.

I would anyway.

And just because (for instance) Damini is a long term BW forum reg, doesn't mean that she's not as long term a DAoC player as anyone else that's been playing, and therefore less "worthy" of moderating a BW forum. Far from it, imo she'd do an excellent job. How do you know she didn't get involved on the Goa forums?

Alt names etc...

I'd rather have someone that can be trusted to do a good job modding than someone that's basically appointed as nothing more than a crowd pleaser.


My apologies Sar..

A question ... Do you often insult ppl jokeingly or not upon first meeting them??
I swear quiet a lot in RL to.. but wouldn't at some one I don't know... Certainly not in such a direct manner jokingly or not.
So I ask politely that you reframe from mentioning the topic again as it has caused such a fevour already. My posts in the previous threads were aimed at calming things. This is now also the case.

To be honest I would recommend Brannor, not just on his previuous mod experiance but also on his posts on bringing a community here. We were invited and Brannor reinforced that with a very eloquent post that does seem to have bound ppl together and brought many here.

Personally I don't give an arse's wit about all this, bar the slight detail that it could have been headed off quiet quickly with a cordial manner. I also think that it has brought with the dispute many other items that are by there nature teething problems, unfortunatly all roled into one seeming dispute. I Do think that unfortunate as far as a "community" goes. Weather it be community or guild or a group of 8, I'm sure most would agree that the most gotten out of the situation is by working together..

But no matter, I am not adversed to being flamed, on the right score I quiet enjoy a good flaming match, win or loose. However I, personally don't think this is it.

Yup, weather he likes it or not I'd vote for Brannor along with the majority so far. I also think that once things settle down the modship here will be a little, but only a little (As modships anywhere are not eays) less taxing than working directly for a game..

Now once again I'll post and ask... can this dispute please be forgotten ?? Or at least ignored.

Forgot to add .... Yup I likes what I've read from Damini :)
Damini... do ya also RP by any chance..... hehejust looking for a new bar tender to string up :D


Well i think Brannor McThife will do a damn good job.


Now that I have heard Brannor's side of the story I could reconsider since he seems to have things to do IRL and thus may not be able to do all the modding that might be required, although these boards have behaved very well so far :)
Maybe we should find a fresh face that is very reasonable, intelligent and otherwise friendly.
I guess we got to look for another candidate now that Brannor has stated his view on this.
BTW, notice that this turned into another "To Sar" post, not quite but almost ;) That aint the point of this thread so drop it :)

Brannor McThife

Well, SFXman, I didn't say I wouldn't. ;) But I do have a recommendation of my own.

Lunar Darkshadow.

She is both a calming voice in the storm, rational, and someone not prone to "going off". I think she'd be a very good mom - I mean - moderator. :p

This is still the beginning stages of our "move". It troubles me (only slightly) that the locals don't want a n00b person to be a mod. Well, if you (general) have learn anything from watching politics (like South Africa, or Afghanistan for instance), you'll know that there has to be an interim government representing all parties. It's that simple really. This isn't about who is "better", but about everyone feeling they are represented in some way.

As for Damini, well, I don't know her, and cannot say yay/nay concerning her. But, Teddy Ruxpin ( ;) ) put her forward, and if IT believes she is the mod for the job, then hey, that's good enough for me.

Now. Time to go smack some mobs and kill some invaders in Yggdra. Who's with me?!




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Well, SFXman, I didn't say I wouldn't. ;) But I do have a recommendation of my own.

Lunar Darkshadow.

She is both a calming voice in the storm, rational, and someone not prone to "going off". I think she'd be a very good mom - I mean - moderator. :p

This is still the beginning stages of our "move". It troubles me (only slightly) that the locals don't want a n00b person to be a mod. Well, if you (general) have learn anything from watching politics (like South Africa, or Afghanistan for instance), you'll know that there has to be an interim government representing all parties. It's that simple really. This isn't about who is "better", but about everyone feeling they are represented in some way.

As for Damini, well, I don't know her, and cannot say yay/nay concerning her. But, Teddy Ruxpin ( ;) ) put her forward, and if IT believes she is the mod for the job, then hey, that's good enough for me.

Now. Time to go smack some mobs and kill some invaders in Yggdra. Who's with me?!


Ok, sorry for the misunderstanding. But I just meant that you said something in that general direction although not a direct no, but a maybe leaned towards the no side. :D That's how I understood it anyway.
But sure, I am also okay with Lunar becoming a mod, np with that. I've seen posts done by this particular individual and would say that we have a moderator candidate on our hands.
On the part about the locals, occasionally it does seem so when you look at posts done by a few people who have been here longer. I firmly stand on the point that of course there has a to be a "n00b" (so to speak) moderator around aswell.


I suppose it's time for me to make a morning appearance, say some extremely diplomatic things, and introduce myself to the new faces.

I've been playing DAoC since the Beta testing, and before that I was a very enthuasiastic if someone what haphazard player of UO for four years. If anyone here used to play on Catskills or Lake Superior, I *was* that annoying woman who kept shrieking past you in a grey robe on the hunt to find out exactly which one of these corpses I'd left my hair dye on.

Yes, I can't remember who asked me but I have done roleplay before (Vampire the Masquerade, Warhammer, etc...) and even used to GM a few, but now days for the most part I tend not to roleplay, though hurredly fall back into pattern when I encounter roleplayers (no need to disturb the flow now is there?).

I am not going to be the best DAoC player here. You are more likely to find me chasing badgers around in misfitting armour, happy as larry, than on the battlements striking fear into the heart of the enemy. As any of you people that know me in game will testify, I'll do anything I can to help somebody out, I just might get a little lost or dead on the way to do that. It's a trademark, just as I was in UO, the trend continues here.

So I understand the roleplaying side, just as I understand those that don't roleplay. I can be helpful, but asking me anything too taxing and chances are I'll truss Aphex or Xav up in the catapult and launch them in your direction. I will help out as much as I can on the forums, but I am not a saint, and I am not going to be the Iron Bitch, ruling the land with a fist of steel. I won't castrate arguments, or stop them mid flow, but I may well launch in with a compell surrender or at least an offer of warm ale. I am not omnipitant nor a world source of knowledge, and sadly this won't change if I'm made a moderator, so please don't expect me to know everything! (Xav and Aphex on the other hand... heh...)

What I will need is help form you guys if I do get the moderating title. As has been shown in the last day or so, you like things slightly different. So, if you do have a problem, or a suggestion, or a declaration of undying love, could you PM me with it?

So, if your brain has automatically shut down at the length of my post here, that's me, Damini. Hello, pleased to meet you. In summary, enthuasiastic if accident prone Skald, who will be your new moderator if nobody objects.

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