Dorin said:active shammie in pve(best pullah eveh, ae dot/disease, dmg add + heals are nice) + pvp (mm hopefully most ppl understand why xD) >>> buffbot
your class is not destroyed, just not that unique now imo. shit happened to most of us in daoc in very similar ways tbh![]()
stood in df for 5 hours over 2 days trying to get a farming group and every group i asked had a bot out of group and ran with 2 healers. or just solo peeps + bot.
i spent close ot half my spec points on buffs, while nearly everyone else in this game is currently getting better ones + the full use of their spec points.
sick of going out for a nice solo run and then getting jumped by some buffed to the tits assassin and dying before the CD stun ends, or casters that nuke every 1.5 seconds.
yes, my class has been destroyed in everything bar fg v fg and keep action.