New Games coming out



I'm waiting for "Real Life", i hear its just like the real thing. Unofrtunatley the mags keep complainin gabout the lack of ability to save/load and the long pauses between each section


I'm in on the beta test at the moment, quite buggy but the learning curve is good. Though xp'ing becomes really hard around the 30s and upwards, I've heard. I'm still a lowbie though, just getting to the learn my way around. There's some real sods around though, abusing /yell a lot and a lot of random pk'ing which sucks. Patching is rather slow also.


Originally posted by mirieth
I'm in on the beta test at the moment, quite buggy but the learning curve is good. Though xp'ing becomes really hard around the 30s and upwards, I've heard. I'm still a lowbie though, just getting to the learn my way around. There's some real sods around though, abusing /yell a lot and a lot of random pk'ing which sucks. Patching is rather slow also.

which game?


mirieth got itno the beta of Real Life (tm)????

lucky :( i dont think my comp could handle the b/width


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
SWG: I'm in the beta. NDA etc. All I can say so far is I will be buying it. Got the core of a good team for a mix of roleplay, mayhem and general stupidity. "Thats no moon, thats Korvarn's ass..."

PM Roo :)

And yes, MERP was a blast, I even had a conversion for a Wild West-scenario... I always ended up dead, or with guns blown up :clap:

Brannor McThife

ICE were the masters of the RPG, none of this D&D crap.

Also, I loved the open-ended rolls, except when it happened to one of your party members...

Roll 95+ and roll again...Most I ever saw was against some poor Orc sentry...5 open ended dead...What is nice, is that the GM can then choose to add in a "shock" effect on nearby orcs, giving them random morale checks.



Originally posted by Munkey-
mirieth got itno the beta of Real Life (tm)????

lucky :( i dont think my comp could handle the b/width



EVE: Sorry if you think it's a mining simularicum but i am an ex-WC/elite/privateer player and i love the vast and unknown dark abyss known as space. It's the life of a cargohawling spacepirate and i just love it. Slow? Boring? Nicely paced i say, and who said mining and drinking beer isn't fun when you have a video shelf filled with adult entertainment and b-rated kung-fu flics?

MatrixOnline: What can i say? It's a trendy thing and some say it's going to be korny, filled with blacksuits and simply a trademark burgergame. I don't know what it's going to be but i love the world of Matrix, fell in love with the first movie, liked the sedon more and when i heard it's a coming in MMO i wondered about buying a chryochamber to make the itme go faster.

Tribes3(?): Well, this is new news and i have to say i'm in! Casual killing is always fun and tribes holds a bit of a classic feel to it for me. Again the world is a seller and another veggie like carrot to me, i guess it keeps me healthy when i eat it regularry.

That's my points, WoW, PS and DE might be good ones as well but, i guess i just have too many others in the horizon to try everything out there.

Ooh, i made a rather sanepost..well tickle me purple and call me elmo...

EDIT: Oh, also Sims Online might be worth a preverbial shot. Just because i noticed, as a "hardcore" player that it is actually fun to kick those sims around and about. Higly addictive, kinda shamed to admit it but no wonder it's a success in games.

The Real Redi

See, a lot of RP games that we played as younger citizens wouldn't come across well into ORPG's sadly.

I fear we've seen the end of games like Cthulu and Shadowbane, but there's still hope. Games like "Ninjas & Superspies" and "Superheroes" would be great for turning into online games.

If anyones not tried it, many of the games in the Palladium system would transfer well i reckon...

<sighs and thinks back to the days of West End Games and when Forgotten Realms was still the baby brother of Dragonlance> :clap:


Originally posted by keludm
Been reading the WoW boards and it seems that the pvp will be limited to "arenas"

not true. there are RvR arenas, where groups of players can fight other groups (and spectators can bet on the outcome) but likewise there's huge RvR zones, similar to DAoC frontiers.


they even promised unique PvP rewards, with their own look (not so much uber stats tho, sorry :p ) so you can instantly reconize those who excel in PvP...
sounds quite good to me..


Rolemaster - Best ever RPG imo.

You roll 66 - "You disintegrate your opponents nose" \0/

Tremendously detailed - Possibly too much and you needed an encyclopedic knowledge of which crit table was in which expansion book :eek6:

However the best crit system ever and one of the best rule systems ever too. The best crits were 66 and 96-100

Also there were open ended rolls meaning if you rolled I think 96-100 you rolled again and added it on - Made for some absolutely obscene attack rolls and amazing crits.


Originally posted by old.Vae
Rolemaster - Best ever RPG imo.

You roll 66 - "You disintegrate your opponents nose" \0/

Tremendously detailed - Possibly too much and you needed an encyclopedic knowledge of which crit table was in which expansion book :eek6:

However the best crit system ever and one of the best rule systems ever too. The best crits were 66 and 96-100

Also there were open ended rolls meaning if you rolled I think 96-100 you rolled again and added it on - Made for some absolutely obscene attack rolls and amazing crits.

Yeah the crit where you trip over an imaginary turtle and break your kneck was uber (you think im joking don't you?).

Way way to many tables for my liking, first time a friend played it and tried to use his whip he took his own eye out. It was just crazy and possibly a bit to realistic to be fun. MERP wasn't much better in my opinion either. I love % dice type games I just hated all the tables and im never keen on systems where your hit points each level are decided by a random dice role, to many variables and a bit of bad luck can see a tank with less hits then a caster.

7th Sea, Earthdawn, certain Whitewolf - WOD games, all good.


Keeping a close eye on Mythica. I know its a Microsoft game but stranger things have happened and it might be nice.


Originally posted by The Real Redi
See, a lot of RP games that we played as younger citizens wouldn't come across well into ORPG's sadly.

I fear we've seen the end of games like Cthulu and Shadowbane, but there's still hope. Games like "Ninjas & Superspies" and "Superheroes" would be great for turning into online games.

I heard vicious rumours that Call of Cthulhu was a book before it was a RPG!

< givf In Nomine MMORPG >

Brannor McThife

Hehe, after someone mentioned fumble... I remember the fumble damage table... :eek:

Open ended fumble is NOT funny. Ok. OK?!


Roo Stercogburn


I'd forgotten about the fumble tables. They can kill not only the fumbler but the entire party.

Some stuff coming back to me... like the stunning manouevers that would inspire everyone around you and all your buddies got bonuses to actions taken.


Miss them days.

I was probably a really bad GM in many ways. I picked and chose what I liked from the tables to suit the fun. Purists would probably have gone bananas at me, but I always aimed to give everyone fun.

I once had my intrepid adventurers questing in one of the planes of hell. Of course I didn't just have them fighting big bads from the area. I decided that one of the effects of being in hell was on their minds, so I slipped one player a note saying he had an irresistable urge to steal something from another player and made him roll for success (I was actually hoping he would get caught but the bugger made the roll). He decided to steal from a mage and he then decided he would plant the item on another player. He then proceeded to say he thought he'd seen something funny going on and 'caught' the hapless player that had been framed. It ended with a duel between the framed player and the original victim. However, when the original victim went to get his wand which was loaded with fireballs he found it missing because by then another player (an actual thief) had taken advantage of the confusion to genuinely steal something. Marvelous.

All done with fast and loose observation of Rolemaster rules.

My favourite nastiness done to a player remains to this day the poor sap I turned into a werepanda after reading in the rolemaster bestiary about various types of werecreatures. Werepanda wasn't there, but as I've pointed out loads of times I'm a git. Every full moon the poor bastard got an insatiable urge to eat bamboo and was a crap shag that couldn't get a mate. Ably supported by the player who thought it was a hoot and played it to the hilt :D


Originally posted by old.windforce
WoW if they can keep the game clean
seen some AWESOME gameplay movies

blizzards track record with the diablo 2 series and all the hacks/cheats etc etc and blizzards lack of speed fixing them "some hacks not fixed at all" is the only reason im not considering wow. it looks good , will prolly be a awesome game,, but the way blizz run there servers etc , imo its only gonna be a matter of time before hackers get there teeth sunk in and spoil the game for everybody :(

The Kingpin

Give me two dice, lots of paper, a pen, and a table..

And i'll show you the best RPG yet!

Untill then,

Am just playing lots of single player games, mainly Bioware series,
bit daoc, tho, this is my last month.

Going to move to World of Warcraft once that is out,

Also can't wait for Deus EX 2, even tho, it will be Single Player.

Also playing Silent Hill 3, that is scareing the hell out of me, i think am starting to see grey :eek:


Obviously they are old, text based things, but I've played some excellent MUDS a decade or so ago based on MERP/Rolemaster. All the benefits of the massive tables, without having to look at them !

Biggest difficulty to sell is that the flip side of the massive crits and instant messy death is that it can happen to you too. It was pretty rare to die from lack of hit points, normally death came first.


love the arcane magic fumble tables in rolemaster:

"he was here a minute ago.."

"you and anything within a 500 yard radius instantly dissapear, the ground is smooth as glass"

something like that :)


SWG, is starting to look like another delay in the US. Another week of guarenteed beta testing to see IF major issues can be fixed. Which would take us upto week begining the 16th. Which would give just 10 days to press, package and distrubute it.

Been online gaming since 1986.


WoW will be godlike...

aslong as they ignore the utter mongoloids that post on the wow forums


hehe eynar, every game I'm following atm is on there, except SWG and FoMK



Originally posted by Tobold
WoW will be godlike...

aslong as they ignore the utter *EDITED* that post on the wow forums
There thats what it should say.

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