New Games coming out



Just interested to see if anyone is gonna be jumping ship to one of the new generation of Mmorgs out there. Ive tried Planetside and its OK but no real lasting interest there.

Looked at WoW and it seems to be mainly PvE focused so not really my thing, EVE dosent appeal and Ive not really tried the rest.

Seems to me that Daoc (even with its many faults) still suits me best, but then I suppose its the first Mmorg Ive played to any degree. Im really in game for the pvp element and I think daoc has that well balanced (even though the 10 min waits on the pad are a pain)

Any thoughts?


actually, WoW will be a mix of PvE and PvP like DAoC

anyway, I'm eagerly looking out for WoW, Dragon Emipre...and recently started looking at Horizons as well
on top of that there's a Warhammer mmog comming out which could potentially be very cool...


Seems to me the Mmorg market is expanding pretty quick - must be some cash to be made in em..


I've pretty much only got my eye on EvE online but I'm going to wait 5/6 months first for them to fix... um.. I mean balance the game.

Until then it will be DAoC and TFC for me.


Theres a DnD mmorg announced as well, Atari or someone... sorry i dont remember the link... :/


Originally posted by old.Kerosene
I've pretty much only got my eye on EvE online but I'm going to wait 5/6 months first for them to fix... um.. I mean balance the game.

Until then it will be DAoC and TFC for me.

bah come join us at PS mate :)


Nah. Had a look, not my cup of cha.


SWG (starwarsgalaxies) will be out this summer - i preordered my copy 2 days ago. Seems most ppl on these boards arent very interested in it tho, maybe since its sci-fi and not fantasy =/

Gonna try it out and then come back here when A) i find out it isnt all that or B) the new rvr/housing/atlantis expansions come out :)


I just ordered PS Im getting bored of this game fast. The patch I wanted (rvr) has been delayed till after the next Expansion Retail Pack (TOA) and content isn't changed as often as I would have hoped. I can only play on 2 english servers and the price is about to be hauled up.

I enjoyed CS but the blatant hackers and cheaters pissed me off so much I stopped playing and thats when I came here. Now PS is about will go fly/drive some vehicles and shoot people :).

I may well come back to this game but in my guilds there are dwindling numbers of players and friends have rapidly left now, theres only a handful of my old skool daoc friends about.

Brannor McThife

You know, I've thought about coming back a few times, but there are a few things that always make me NOT come back.

1) What the hell would I do? RvR just isn't so utterly awe inspiring with Mythic constantly stuffing up balance in some way or another.
2) Most of my "friends" don't play anymore.
3) Events. Well, the non-existent type. Ever since someone on a German server abused an NPC char they were given, people like myself, who played those NPCs on the English servers, suffered. We have ZERO NPC characters for over 6 months.
4) The future of DAoC...well, there's other things coming along and I'll be patient and wait.



WoW if they can keep the game clean
seen some AWESOME gameplay movies


Been reading the WoW boards and it seems that the pvp will be limited to "arenas" whatever that is and that theres nothing to really be had out of it in strategic terms.

DE looks ok but not for a year yet.


Originally posted by fanaticalace
SWG (starwarsgalaxies) will be out this summer - i preordered my copy 2 days ago. Seems most ppl on these boards arent very interested in it tho, maybe since its sci-fi and not fantasy =/

Gonna try it out and then come back here when A) i find out it isnt all that or B) the new rvr/housing/atlantis expansions come out :)

I'm thinking of trying out SWG, too :) I have a lot of old 'net friends from Jedi Knight days.... guess we can't get over the whole SW craze...

But I am also interested in getting my own little love shack so I will definetely be around when the new Daoc expansions come out :clap:


Originally posted by Belsameth
actually, WoW will be a mix of PvE and PvP like DAoC

anyway, I'm eagerly looking out for WoW, Dragon Emipre...and recently started looking at Horizons as well
on top of that there's a Warhammer mmog comming out which could potentially be very cool...

ohhh get you

all knowing etc blah!!!!


SWG doesn't really appeal to me, gonna be to many yoda wanna weirdo's there.

WoW and Dragon Empires both look very good though, DE in paticular looks like it has alot of potential and a very interesting level/skill progression system.


Have read a bit about DE too and yep it looks great - however Ill believe it when I see it as I remember reading about how there would be player housing/villages to fight over and control in Planetside and look how basic that is....


*prods Kagato*
how bout you remove your double posts :p

Jiggs: eh? :)


DAoC is getting tired , gonna try DE or WoW , beta tested SWG and tbh its a big pile of crap , but thats just my opinion :p


I am not hopping into a new MMORPG anytime soon... none of them appeal to me.
Dragon Empires... looks like it is going for graphics and nothing else.
SWG... "1 4M S0 1337!"... plus it is star wars o_O
WoW... to me it looks (as in the actual graphics) like a children's game. Very "3d-cartoonish", a thing I always hated about any Warcraft game.
Middle-earth MMORPG... I mean, how?

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by SFXman
Middle-earth MMORPG... I mean, how?
Well, actually, MERP - Middle Earth Role Playing, is one of the oldest roleplaying (pen and paper) games around.

Perhaps they'll use it, but it was heavily melee orientated, and the magic wasn't "uber" like in many other games. The various combat tables were really amusing to a roll of 100 (double 0) on 2 10-die would get something like:

"A superb shot, you hit the target through the ears. Any excess earwax is removed. Death is instantanious."

Great combat system with almost every single type of weapon having it's own damage table against every type of armour. Also, there are a LOT of bleed effects, which is how melee combat should be. You should be able to die from your wounds, not just a killing blow.

It has the potential to be really good, if done right (c), and I think I heard Turbine was doing it...which doesn't necessarily bode well for PvP.



SWG with the crew from midgard prydwen... should be a blast :)

currently playing PlanetSide... easy pick up fun, good atmosphere and anyone can kill the top guy on the enemy side.

Won't last for more than 3 months tho... but I should have SWG by then :)


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
It has the potential to be really good, if done right (c), and I think I heard Turbine was doing it...which doesn't necessarily bode well for PvP.

might prove wonders for the rest of the game tho...
they handle AC2 really well. having a lot of very clear communication to and with the players....AND giving monthly storyline might not like the game...but Turbine is good at running it...

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Well, actually, MERP - Middle Earth Role Playing, is one of the oldest roleplaying (pen and paper) games around.

Perhaps they'll use it, but it was heavily melee orientated, and the magic wasn't "uber" like in many other games. The various combat tables were really amusing to a roll of 100 (double 0) on 2 10-die would get something like:

"A superb shot, you hit the target through the ears. Any excess earwax is removed. Death is instantanious."

Great combat system with almost every single type of weapon having it's own damage table against every type of armour. Also, there are a LOT of bleed effects, which is how melee combat should be. You should be able to die from your wounds, not just a killing blow.

It has the potential to be really good, if done right (c), and I think I heard Turbine was doing it...which doesn't necessarily bode well for PvP.



Ah, I have sooooooo fond memories of this. I went on to full blown Rolemaster with its even more excesive tables but I was one of those GMs who favoured drama over tables and never let a bad dice roll get in the way of fun. Of course, my idea fun had some rather macabre effects on the players at times. Tables were always a guide rather than a rule for me.

What I know (or am allowed to say so far)...

Planetside: Instant glorious shallow fun. Guns guns zerg guns zerg. Even if you arrange something with a few squads, Instant Action and the hotspots appearing on the map for all to see mean you got company coming very fast. You can be anywhere in this gameworld in 10 mins max. Very slick, very fun, probably very short lived. Extremely well thought out interface. To the untrained eye this looks more balanced than DAoC but thats basically because all 3 factions have the same weapons with only a few faction-specific toys which means <relatively> minor differences.

EvE: Style over substance but the potential for so much more substance. Time will tell and a lot of players waiting to see. Tbh this game suits me a bit because of RL atm. I often find myself on bad internet connections and yet this game is still playable. Don't expect to produce an adrenalin high though. Some appalling bugs from time to time but the attitude of the people running the game is absolutely topnotch. They roleplay bug fixes. Quality :)

SWG: I'm in the beta. NDA etc. All I can say so far is I will be buying it. Got the core of a good team for a mix of roleplay, mayhem and general stupidity. "Thats no moon, thats Korvarn's ass..."

Roo Stercogburn

P.S. from memory so quote is proabably slightly off. There was a D100 crit that approximately went:

"You turn your enemy into a pile of dust. Try a spatula."

MERP/Rolemaster by Iron Crown Enterprises. Those guys had their shit together.


I still have the merp book somewhere - the crits are kinda funny - bit like chanter pbaoe:)

Roo Stercogburn

I seem to remember that rolling 66 no matter what type of spell/weapon etc you were doing gave you an uber crit. I loved the idea that most hits above 50 gave you some kind of crit which gave so much more variation hence flavour to what was happening. If they translate this type of care to detail into the online version, it may be something to fear from other games.

And yes, magic was downplayed in MERP, but then, in the world of Middle Earth it was hinted at most of the time rather than overt. I cowered when I first read the D & D rules and saw that all magic items must glow. Duh. Possibly it was a gameplaying mechanic to make life easier but an early symptom of whizz bang fantasy roleplaying.


Anyone play shadowrun?

That might make a good mmorg.....


Originally posted by Belsameth
*prods Kagato*
how bout you remove your double posts :p

You wish is my command, nerf BW lag.

As for the above rpg comments

Rolemaster as a mmorpg ? Couldn't get on with that game, needed a calculator to even get started, I had this crazy healer type that healed people by taking there wounds and transfering them to himself, I deliberatly made him designed for nothing but a healing machine and ended up being the best tank type in the group, weird. Not to keen on MERP either, may of just been our group but it ended up being nothing but magic item farming.

Shadowrun is ok but personally I much prefer Earthdawn, now that would make a pretty cool MMORPG, with got a great variety of races and an even greater variety of classes, making for almost infinit combinations. The step system takes a little getting used to, but where as most rpg's are flawed and have different stats and magic/melee working of different dice rolling systems Earthdawn is cleverly designed so absolutely everything works of this one system of dice steps, nice and simple.


Originally posted by Kagato.
You wish is my command, nerf BW lag.

you learn fast :p

anyway, I forgot to mention City of Heroes in my list...
if they manage to pull it off and get the super powers right (which will be rather difficult, I am sure) that'll be VERY cool as well
flying and trowing cars around is an automatic win in my book :)


I'm planning on trying out Planetside out for a bit, it looks quite fun.

After that I'm contemplating World of Warcraft, but not so sure I want to get drawn into another mmorpg like I did DAoC. WoW really does look good, though.

Tribes:Avengeance is out next year, so as soon as that comes out that's where I'll be, however, as long as it's an improvement over Tribes2 of course :). Can't wait to get back into some clan-based CTF though!

The next year is looking pretty good as far as gaming goes, imo. :)

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