New expansion Announced: Trials of atlantis




All sounds groovy, advanced levels. So they can nerf them...

And i hope boats are implemented well, not like in Ultima Online where they were kinda boring.

Anyone got any ideas on the new race? I want frogmen for albion to go with the Fishmen.


Two words: oh dear.
Give RvR content please.... ;|

Oh, and I have to chortle at yet another anachronistic myth stirred in :D
Next stop, Dark Age of Camelot: Buck Rogers in the 25th Century!

Master Levels, a new advancement system that teaches your character new abilities, spells, combat styles, and much more

OK, call me paranoid, suspicious, or dance around me calling me Negative Nancy, but that sounds like either - stuff that will be just another exp-to-50-style grind which will end up benefitting powergamers over casual players, OR stuff that will inevitably not get balanced right for another 5 patches after the expansion.


Woopie... daoc will just lag more at my comp :(

but it seems really cool


Originally posted by rure
Woopie... daoc will just lag more at my comp :(

but it seems really cool

Well, with SI I got better framerates overall, but if they ramp up the details on stuff again it's going to suffer overall ;(

Dunno how you can say it looks really cool, I mean, we know nothing about it yet :p


MORE PVE FOR THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111



this seems really cool, or something :D you know what I mean

- Upgraded graphics engine, providing better visuals and performance even above the Shrouded Isles expansion

- All new underwater areas, effects, dungeons, and exploration capabilities

- One new player race per realm

- Master Levels, a new advancement system that teaches your character new abilities, spells, combat styles, and much more

- A new Boat system for traveling on the ocean surface of the new Atlantis zones


Movement in proper 3D is going to be.... odd.

All-new underwater areas etc - well, obviously. That's like SI saying 'all-new areas with trees and shit, woo, crazy'
One new player race per realm - well... k. Can't possibly be a big deal unless they start making 'tank' races with 0int 0emp 0pie and starting 100str 100dex 100con :p
Master levels sound potentially worry but, well, hell... Guess I should have a little faith in Mythic not to screw up and release badly-balanced crap.
Boats: erm, unless I get my own damn boat which I can store stuff in and drive around yelling CHOOO CHOOOO, then I'm going to sulk. I'm personally expecting a glorified horse system. :p


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Movement in proper 3D is going to be.... odd.

Boats: erm, unless I get my own damn boat which I can store stuff in and drive around yelling CHOOO CHOOOO, then I'm going to sulk. I'm personally expecting a glorified horse system. :p

Would be cool to have RvR in water :p

lol from now on I will call you Captain Cheradenine


I will call you Mr. Poo.

edit: afterthought: what would totally roxor imho irl etc would be a PvP expansion. I.e. a Df-style entire expansion. Although doing so starts to spread the population very thin on servers less busy than, for example, Excal...


master lvl does that mean maybe having to lvl 2 lvl 60 or something?


if it does I am the fuck out of this game and I'll pay for everyone's ticket to come with me :great:

Extending the levelling grind EQ-style = lamest thing imaginable.


oooh cool, more places to explore...

..for 1 day, then back to rvr :rolleyes:


Yeah, totally. Although there is a lot more than a day's casual exploration to be had in SI even... problem was that it didn't serve any purpose to explore it, so you had to really want to just for its own sake.


Hhmmm doesn't sound promising - just another way to rip us off with stuff that could have been put into SI

Maybe they should call it 'Trials of FatWallets'

Nothing original from that small snippet and again no attention paid to what the community want.


give alb a warlock :)

like a staff/sword dw'ing mage with spells and melee abilities

no idea what this game this is from but its a description of a warlock

"Warlocks are the front-line fighters in any magical conflict. They combine the best abilities of both the Warrior and Mage classes, but as a result are not quite as effective as either of those 'pure' classes. The Warlock class is quite a powerful one, though, when you think of what a good fighter could do with potent magical spells! The King's Battle- Mage corps is comprised almost exclusively of Warlocks. They eschew the heavier armor in favor of lighter armor, as speed is a necessity when casting spells. They need one hand free to direct their ranged spells, so they may only use one-handed weapons."

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Well, when it comes out we can take advantage of the fact that everyone else will be off exploring and we can nick their relics.

Ha ha...hmm.


Originally posted by old.LandShark
Master levels sound potentially worry but, well, hell... Guess I should have a little faith in Mythic not to screw up and release badly-balanced crap.

And where the hell did you get this amount of faith? I have no faith whatsoever in Mythic.

Although FINALLY nerfing LA does count towards taking them out of the negative and boost towards gaining a little faith :)


Originally posted by villageidiot
give alb a warlock :)

like a staff/sword dw'ing mage with spells and melee abilities

no idea what this game this is from but its a description of a warlock

"Warlocks are the front-line fighters in any magical conflict. They combine the best abilities of both the Warrior and Mage classes, but as a result are not quite as effective as either of those 'pure' classes. The Warlock class is quite a powerful one, though, when you think of what a good fighter could do with potent magical spells! The King's Battle- Mage corps is comprised almost exclusively of Warlocks. They eschew the heavier armor in favor of lighter armor, as speed is a necessity when casting spells. They need one hand free to direct their ranged spells, so they may only use one-handed weapons."

Sounds like friars :)


Originally posted by ASq.Karnage
And where the hell did you get this amount of faith? I have no faith whatsoever in Mythic.

Although FINALLY nerfing LA does count towards taking them out of the negative and boost towards gaining a little faith :)

Why do you say that? Come on now. Despite what we all whinge about 24/7, most of the time a good alb grp vs good hib grp vs good mid group is an even-ish fight. Atm I'd say mid has a slight edge due to best tanks and until hybrids and casters are brought back towards being in line, that's going to stay how it is. But honestly, you'd have to add fairly major things to overpower stuff in RvR imho.


IMO group Vs group is now more balanced than it was, but Albion is still the under dog.

Personally I think giving insta mezz to an albion class, plus adding castable and Q-castable mezz is the only way of getting rid of the insta mezz issue.... oh and if that happens nerf sorc anti-mezz stuff.

Albion tanks need some love, mid berserkers I await what changes will be made after the LA nerf.

Hib tanks are perfect as they are.

Rest of it is fairly even, few minor things but nothing worth commenting on.


Alb is fine if you have a decent group class-wise and competent players. All things being equal, I mean. You can't scream for mid nerfs just because nolby have buffbots at the PK or whatever :p


Please note that we will be working on TOA and the upcoming RvR expansion at the same time - we'll release more details on the RvR expansion in a month or so.

RvR expansion :D


Originally posted by old.LandShark
You can't scream for mid nerfs just because nolby have buffbots at the PK or whatever :p

If you can't beat them, join them.... either that or send Lalunya out to sabotage their bots :p


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Extending the levelling grind EQ-style = lamest thing imaginable.

Amen to that

But I hope mythic knows THAT much about their customers... 80% of us dont play this became because of pve.


Taken from Mythic Press Release

Trials of Atlantis will introduce the ability for players to swim, discover and explore the submerged civilization. The expansion reveals that the citizens of Atlantis, foreseeing the demise of their society, built a series of Trials into the ruins of their civilization. The Trials were designed to challenge future cultures that discover and seek to explore the ancient lands. In Trials of Atlantis, the three Realms have each found a hidden portal to the fabled continent. Now it’s up to the populations of Hibernia, Midgard and Albion to take on the nine Trials and uncover the mysterious powers amongst the ruins. To suceed, players must master the perilous ocean and confront terrifying monsters, both on land and undersea.

Trials of Atlantis is designed to further challenge high-level players by introducing a Master Level advancement system. As a player moves sequentially through each of the nine Trials, they will achieve a corresponding Master Level. Emphasising group play, the Trials will have to be surmounted by groups of players journeying through the portal together. Players will be able to travel by boat, explore islands with ruins, swim to submerged dungeons and battle new creatures in underwater caves. Additionally, the expansion will add one new player race per Realm, dozens of new monsters to encounter, as well as new objects and treasures to uncover.

Press Release in full

Set your EQ-clone fears partially to rest.


Haha! I told you! I told you! No one believed me but I said naval expansion pack! :D

Underwater though? Didn't see that coming.

Oh, and my dear God if they give Albion a new fish race.

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