New Concepts



brannor, you gotta take everything that you read on internet messageboards with a eeny, weeny pinch of salt ^^

as for new concepts i think shrouded isles has some surprises up mythics sleeve. it's actually quite incredible what a company can conjure for the community when other dangerous mmorpgs start drawing near and they realize they need to lengthen the life of their mmorpg :D (just look at eq for an example [luclin expansion, aa abilites and now the planes of power]).

one thing i want in this game is a /duel function so you can go toe-to-toe with realm mates. you will of course NOT be awarded anything with the victory, just the pleasure and honor of winning the fight :) (and maybe, just maybe a sort of record for all the /duels you have had?).


I would like more varied ways of making xp, the old monster killing gets a bit tedious after a while. Post 20 you cant even task.

Maybe like games and things that actually require some skill, obviously there would have to be limits to how often you could do it to stop people doing it constantly. Just little things that keep people keen. i.e. on your way to somewhere and pass a tavern, nip in for a game of darts, if you win you get some xp! But you have to wait 10 mins before you can use it again... something like that anyway.


How about fall damage breaking bones in your body and a nice short "splat" sound being heard as you hit the ground?

Say anything you like people. I will never be offended.

Edit: I got pissed at Jupitus for ignoring me last night when I asked him to add me to the chat group though. I did apologise though, I just lost my patience with ignorant people for the first time ever. My problem, I'm a young frustrated man without regular sex at the moment.:rolleyes:


in Midgard all chars have a 'god' whose house they join at lvl5. For example, Healers join the house of Eir.

Now, I often thought that a good way to deal with realm class imbalances in terms of number would be to have a 'devotion pool'. Like if there are only 10 spiritmasters (which spookily enough is about right hehehe), then the God Hel has much more time to devote to the aid of each one. As such they will each recieve a bonus like reduced power usage or increased spell effectiveness. The bonus would work like relic bonuses do, but the value of the bonus would be determined by the class population.

It means that those spiritmasters (for example) who are few in number would be blessed with higher than average abilities. And skalds (two a penny) would recieve only a negligible bonus). Of course, the bonus would only be given when the player is inside the home realm.

If worked properly it could really make truly unpopular classes attractive to player if the PvE bonus would make a difference.

just an idea....


Originally posted by Lanceloc
Edit: I got pissed at Jupitus for ignoring me last night when I asked him to add me to the chat group though. I did apologise though, I just lost my patience with ignorant people for the first time ever. My problem, I'm a young frustrated man without regular sex at the moment.:rolleyes:

... just wait until you're in your mid 30s and have been married for over 7 years ;) Calm down, young man, calm down :cool:

BTW, think you should cut the rape crap out IMHO

Edit: I am assuming here that Lance isn't trying to flame me as 'ignorant', more referring to the other people who had wound him up prior to his request... Lance, if you are flaming me, please confirm and I'll get theold blowtorch fired up good'n'hot, ok?



Didn't you try playing darts the other night... know just after that tangler pull...
...using a Bonesnapper as the dart board :D

I was crying with laughter as it wiped me out with one hit



LMAO, I was a bit drunk ;)

You started casting first, then canceled just as I hit fire .. thats my version anyway and i'm sticking to it :)


Yes I will try to calm down. And maybe we should keep computer games nice and innocent to try and promote world peace :)

The Galactic Federation has holodecks did you know? Soon we shall all be able to enjoy the wonders of an ultra-realistic dark ages while we live underground during the time of troubles within the next decade.

/em frantically searches for his pills

EDIT: Jupitus you should be able to read everything in your chat window, reply to all /sends and fight in combat at the same time. You getting slow in yer old age :)


i'd like to see bindstones at telepad forts ...

so instead of running/riding all the way from the nearest bind/stables we could just /release and be back in emain/odins/hadrians in 15 mins or less .

this would get a lot more people in frontiers doinsomervr cos i the same as many people have been killed fast in emian and thought bolox to that im bound in avalon and have to take a 10-15 mins horse ride . buy a ticket at suvage and then wait another 0-15 mins for wizzys to teleport me to emain .so i may as well go exp instead.

i wouls also like to see some sort of events that have a special area for .. for example in albion we could have jousting/archery/duels and other medieval sports that were based on skills of army.

dunno how they would programe it , if it is possible but it sure would be fun .

i also think it would be great if we could pay NPC guards/humanoid mobs . to spy on enemy . for example i could bribe a npc near dun crim and he will relay info to me how many and which way they are headed . by spy idont mean . somebody mke a char and spys like the way some think.
after all back in the days this game is set money could buy any info ...

also maybe a disguise. for example i could pay a large amount of money that would disguise me as a firbolg or a troll and it was on a timer of maybe 30 minutes ? and i could wander anywhere . in emain and patrols/hibs wouldnt know who i was . and i was able to kill hibs also whilst disguised . but if i got found out i was able to be killed also . and maybe i was able to wander into hibernia realm itself through there border keep ...

also a cple of small additions i think would be great is WHITE dyes . and also the ability to dye/paint your weapons . b leach color sucks.. and i think the look of a pure white chars with a white sword/spear//bow would be awesome ... after all we can have green/brown for the camoflauge of emain and penines . where as odins is mainly snow and green/brown sticks out like a sore thumb . so white should also be a valid dye also .


i like your idea ches (even tho i play a skald) :)

there are waaay too few sm's around midgard atm.. grouped with krom (45 sm) in gorge today and i gotta say sm is a really cool class. i want to change ^^


Originally posted by Lanceloc
EDIT: Jupitus you should be able to read everything in your chat window, reply to all /sends and fight in combat at the same time. You getting slow in yer old age :)

Ooooo Yippee!!! Is that a yes? Am I getting some heat???


also for caster classes maybe some sort of decoy...
where a caster class ie@: wizard/runey/eld can cast a exact duplicate of themselves in a area close to them . thus bein a decoy target for snipers thus giving them more a chance of evading arrows and catching the archers ... . if any of you play diablo 2 i'm refering to it to be similer to the decoy skill that a amazon gets in diablo2


Also, instead of the fued between the three realms being the major plot line. I'd like to see a bad guy move onto the scene.

Played occasionally by a GM, he would add some kind of story for those unable to RvR (Lower levels etc).

He would steal money, abduct players, send hordes of his henchmen to attack lower level groups.

Having a recognizable bad guy is one sure fire way to reunite a split realm.

ps/ I would love to be able to have an organized keep take where all 3 realms had to reunite and take a keep from the GOA team (All at level 60 or something). That would be so funny.

Lets face it, one event like that wouldn't effect the Role play aspect of the game would it really.......


I got a great one, nightvision for archer classes :)

Make up for the nerf beating we been taking a bit ..


Originally posted by Lanceloc
* sex/rape - Of course as a paladin I'd try n kill the rapist. We could have women raping men too then :)

I really really hope this is just your strange idea of a passing joke?

Have you any comprehension whatsoever of what you have just suggested? Perhaps you ought to pop along to a rape guidance counsellor and talk to them to discover just what sort of effect this has on people.

To introduce it into a role playing environment where many people may be playing as means of dealing with the effects of this hideous crime is too stupid for words.


Calm down Cadiva, i'm sure he was only kidding .. lets not turn this into another flamewar


Thinking about it more does give me the shivers now.....My warped mind....must be the LSD I tried during my teens.

EDIT: Thanks for the support Gef.


Originally posted by Lanceloc
BTW: Jupitus is a slag. :) Offended yet?

Damn.... give me some bait that I want to argue over :)


I got a great one, nightvision for archer classes :)

actually it would be cool to add infra- and night-vision to some races/classes.. i often find myself cursing when i trudge through emain at night, sometimes it can be damn dark :)

maybe as a realm ability? (not that euro servers even have rb's yet.. but still, hehe)


I would like to see some rewards for roleplaying. This may not be a "roleplaying" game as in people roleplaying their character at the moment, but some point system which means that when people award you for some roleplay points, you could buy a new skill. Maybe like those Realm points will be like when they come ... Might persuade people to roleplay. <wishes they had an rp server set up some place other than America>

Think there should be armies of enemies walking around. Like Siabras or something. Seems these are pretty civilized people. It would be nice to get killed by something other than an Alb for once. Don't think you should loose exp for deaths against these. Maybe they could take keeps to. But there would have to be a limit to this.

More emotes added with actual actions. Just adds abit more to the game.

Would be nice to be able to fight on the sea. Think off all those tin cans from alb drowning. Will make them think twice about what they wear :p

Haven't got anymore ideas for now though. But feel free to flame my ideas. Not that you won't anyway :p


Originally posted by Xarr

actually it would be cool to add infra- and night-vision to some races/classes.. i often find myself cursing when i trudge through emain at night, sometimes it can be damn dark :)

maybe as a realm ability? (not that euro servers even have rb's yet.. but still, hehe)

I think infravision would be easy to implement. All you would have to technically do is display shades of red and increase the gamma or brightness of the whole image.

All non-humans should have it IMO.


aye, that was how they did it everquest.. when night came trolls and elves had infravision and could see really well in the darkness. on pvp-servers (the zek ones) this was a great advantage because when there were no light sources in eq at night it was really effing dark ^^

of course some spellcasting classes had spells with similar effects to make up and i guess this is very doable in daoc too.


We should be able to make tunnels and trenches and set traps by digging a hole and covering it with stuff lol.


I not assed about abilities and that, I want better graphics dammit, I want huge drops over precipices, derelict gothic buildings, cool looking castles on rocky outcrops, great big tall towers that you've got to fight your way up. It's just too clean, Camelot looks like someone gave it a powerwash and a good grouting yesterday. I thought this was s'posd to be after King Arthur, looks like he left his fortune to his maintenance staff.
Where's the village idiot, the poeple fer christsakes, I want loads of villagers runnin round, not to interact with, just for atmophere.
C'mon guys the game engine can handle it, a tavern with loads of drunks in it, not freshly washed model citizens standing round reading poetry. I want it more real,( lots of I wants here).


Things i want:

1) More populated cities (as in above post). Villagers you cant interact with running around to make them feel more real. More PCs would do too, but since theres a 3500 limit, you dont even see full cities on Avalon. (I kinda liked the "marketplace" at brit bank in UO)

2) Traps. Like tinkers in UO in a faction could make traps for their castles, siege crafters (or maybe another skill) should deal in making traps, to make keep/relic raids harder. There should however be a trap limit, and a "tinker" with same or more skill than the maker of the trap should be able to disarm it. This would also cost bouty points.

3) More siege engines: siege towers/ladders etc could make keep raiding alot more fun (i dunno havent been at a keep raid yet, but many people seem to get bored from bashing at the door for 15 mins)

4) Sea battles, ships

5) I liked the way you werent safe anywhere in UO (if in a faction and in fell), so i think certain areas should be able to be captured INSIDE the realms, maybe even the capitals. Could be alot of fun, but ofcourse certain areas would have to be safe.

6) Special abilities for certain races. Also infravision sounds great, especially for me as i play in a room with no curtains where the sun shines in 1/2 the time.

7) Events that happen every month or so, where you can win money and trophies, maybe special items. eg. jousting tournament outside of prydwen keep. Meleers can enter, regardless of level and once your on the horse youre in ego-shooter view and can move the lance. So the best will actually win, a level 7 can beat a level 46. Maybe archery/spell contests to aim at a target, also in egoshooter view, but you only have 2 seconds to aim or something.

8) Monster invasion, like orc invasion in UO, they captured whole cities, was great fun :)

Well i think we can all agree pretty much none of the above things listed (by me) will happen, at least not anytime soon. But at least i can dream :p

Good night everyone :sleeping:


Originally posted by Lanceloc
* critical hits severing limbs or heads and blood spurting everywhere.
This reminded me that I miss the usual blood in fantasy games when I am playing DAoC! Severeing limbs, crushing heads with hammer, slicing people in half sure would all surely make the aftermath of a huge war much more interesting :)
* sex/rape - Of course as a paladin I'd try n kill the rapist. We could have women raping men too then :)
This was just plain funny imho, but please don't say that "how can you find this funny?" since it includes the word rape.
* player speech - assigned to macros which fire off a selection of sentences which are simply mp3s e.g. "Charge!", "For Albion!", "Greetings", "Aye", "Nay".
Excellent... this would be easy to implement and I would make them play along with the current emotes.
->super warlords played by GMs arriving in each realm and leading them into battle
This idea I really like... would be pretty damn cool! If their armor was awesome etc...


Originally posted by Gef
Calm down Cadiva, i'm sure he was only kidding .. lets not turn this into another flamewar

Yes, that's my point exactly - he was kidding ffs - what sort of complete idiot would actually think it was a good idea or that in fact it would be a joke?

Argghhh, stupid frigging brain dead people ;)


I'm normally a lot nicer than this, but I'm afraid you hit on a rather sensitive subject.


Uh... great now I noticed what Cadiva said earlier, but I did say in my earlier post:
but please don't say that "how can you find this funny?" since it includes the word rape.
Eh... just laughing at the idea of a paladin wasting his whole day catching rapists... in an mmorpg :rolleyes:
I suppose the Guild of Shadows are the rapists then? :)


Originally posted by cerebus
As with anything to do with the Internet, you, the user, will only return to places time and time again when you can actually shape the world around you. Leaving a permanant mark on a game/website is the ultimate sticky tool.

That's why these forums are so popular, you are leaving information for everybody to see. Users from around the world can see your work and that encourages us to keep returning.

With DAoC I would like to see the ability to change the world around us, If I want to craft a house near a lake, I should be able to. If I want to cut down a tree to make a seige part, I should be able to.

I'm most certain that this will come eventually, as I have said before, the ability to create something that thousands of users will see, and even be jealous of, will keep people playing this game for a long time.

Having your own horse would be cool although I can't help thinking some certain classes should be able to travel through their realm in different ways. All the sorcerors and Elds I know in Real life can teleport to different locations, why can't they in the game?

Your right about changing the world around us, daoc is too fixed.. For example, anyone who plays in albion might have noticed that horses going over the bridge from PK bridge towards camp. forest cut across the grass just after the bridge before west down, instead of going over the road.. Now is it just me or are tracks like that made by horses going across them? And if so, why does the path go around the trees but the horses go through? Things like this get to me, but i'm just weird so ignore me :D

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