New Concepts



Hello all
I thought that I would start a thread that would let you express your feelings about what you would like added to the game....

One of the ideas I had/liked was the one EQ was going to implement it but didn't (project M)).
It was the ability to play monsters? Yes monsters!!!!
Just imagine that you could play the cutpurse and chase after the bloke running away and cut him off before he gets there
Or we could invade the French servers as a plague of spiders: D
I think that it would have to be limited that you could not progress as a monster and such but it would make low levels more interesting.

I know that it might be possible but have you got any better ideas???


How about the patches to 1.51 :clap:

[EDIT] - OMG I managed to post before SFXMan....

But seriously I would like to see the ability to hire bodyguards. Like horses realy, pay a fee and get a guard for period or till he/she/it died.

They would not be able to be used RvR and cost more depending on the con up to your lvl.

As a sorcerer and a scout the pet is missed when I go back to scouting and this would help in the lower lvls when you have tasks for a difficult mob in a remote location with no one around to group with.


I would like a shop where I could store my wares, list them with price and have an NPC or even a crazy player sell them to people. That would be so much more convenient.
And having an apprentice should be interesting. You could teach them the tricks of the trade not only with real advice, but also with helping them to advance their skill faster. really crafters should get more content.
You could pay people to work as shopkeeper for you, or just pay gold to an npc. Of course such a shop should be pretty hard to get, but it's just bloody annoying that after becoming a master crafter and /sends about weapons always seem to happen when I am miles away from a forge, and also thivk in the heat of battle.


Originally posted by Elvewen
How about the patches to 1.51 :clap:
[EDIT] - OMG I managed to post before SFXMan....
But seriously I would like to see the ability to hire bodyguards. Like horses realy, pay a fee and get a guard for period or till he/she/it died.
They would not be able to be used RvR and cost more depending on the con up to your lvl.
As a sorcerer and a scout the pet is missed when I go back to scouting and this would help in the lower lvls when you have tasks for a difficult mob in a remote location with no one around to group with.

HAHAHA the patches would be nice but i am talking about the content within the patches or funny concepts you would like (Elvewen not a dig at you but i don't want it to turn into a post about the patches)

bodyguards nice idea mee like

SFXMAN he must be off sick or they have had a power cut or something!!!


Originally posted by Hendrick
I would like a shop where I could store my wares, list them with price and have an NPC or even a crazy player sell them to people. That would be so much more convenient.

nice idea but where would you want it in a village or in the city don't forget that taxes are higher in the city :D


Player owned horses would be nice :) but then again they would have to make a lance weapon 2 handed for palas to use while riding :p (and maybe ONLY while riding, inrealistic but a funny thought)

seriuosly though the ability to rent an empty room inside camelot and then get an npc with a "vault function" there what ever you load into him he sells to whatever price you tell him, could be cool ;) but maybe kinda hard programming :)

oh hand having a sign said

"Heindricks Armory"

would of course also cost money :p


I would like to see a real economy in the game. The crafting system is screwy, as non-twinks can't craft to the level they need to equip themselves (in my experience it is impossible to craft a weapon that is yellow to you until you are quite a high level, as the cost to progress through the early crafting levels mean you have to exp to get loot, so as you level you push the weapon that will be yellow to you further and further up the crafting chain). I would also like to see a possibility to create expectional or unique weapons when you craft (nothing ridiculous, just a sword with sword+1 or something). Crafting as it stands (the only real element of a player economy) is generally a pastime for the rich, who probably don't need the profits crafting can bring. I guess that Mythic took a look at games with totally screwed economies (like D2 or UO) and played it safe. Also crafters could perhaps hire an NPC to sell their weapons/armour when they are offline (a la SWG) or perhaps anybody could put their vaults on some kind of secured virtual marketplace with player set prices so they can be traded when offline.

In the player controlled mobs note, Brannor mentioned elsewhere on the forums that he has enquired about making the dragon player controlled for an event....that sounds really interesting.


Hmm, I didn't post fast because I came home at 5am. Bars you know...
Anyway. That's why I loved UO, player run vendors, it was GREAT! I think that the new player houses ETA year 20xx should have vendors to which the guild may give items they have crafted...


Proper siege stuff :)

trebuchets and all are all very cool but they're half-finished really :)

siege towers, boiling oil

knocking down the keep wall so you can kill those pbaoe defenders from a distance :)


Originally posted by chesnor
The crafting system is screwy, as non-twinks can't craft to the level they need to equip themselves (in my experience it is impossible to craft a weapon that is yellow to you until you are quite a high level, as the cost to progress through the early crafting levels mean you have to exp to get loot, so as you level you push the weapon that will be yellow to you further and further up the crafting chain).

Hi, I'd just like to point out that this isn't quite true. I started weaponcrafting at about level 10 by doing consignment tasks, and not only was I able to make considerable profits - enough to always keep myself kitted out in top quality armour and pay for a large chunk of our guild emblem - but I was always able to craft nice 99% quality orange/yellow weapons for myself all the way up to level 34 or so.

But that's a LOT of crafting, days and days of real time spent at the forge, such that my /play time is now as much as some level 50s and my ranger is still only 37, and very few players have the patience to go that long, dull route.

Crafting as it stands (the only real element of a player economy) is generally a pastime for the rich, who probably don't need the profits crafting can bring.

I very much did need the profits crafting brought me at lower levels, now I am getting near the top, crafting has bankrupted me.

Also crafters could perhaps hire an NPC to sell their weapons/armour when they are offline (a la SWG) or perhaps anybody could put their vaults on some kind of secured virtual marketplace with player set prices so they can be traded when offline.

I know this has been mentioned as under consideration/development on the Camelot Herald, but I think it's in conjunction with guild housing - a guild with a house could have an NPC to stand outside it and sell wares made by guild members. At least, that's what I think I remember reading at some point...

Oh, you mentioned that SWG has this system. Are you playing the beta, or did you just read about it? I'd love to hear any first hand reports on how that game is shaping up.


You took the words right out of my mouth, Alrindel.
You can start off any craft with a few silver coins and then working consignments right from the start. That's possible but also very very tedious.

Also crafters CAN make unique weapons, namely the special ones like sabres or bardiches. Looking good and hitting hard. Special Armor will come too in a later patch. And spellcrafting is finally starting to appear in the news. But still, having shops and such would be so very nice.

old.Gombur Glodson

make an express ticket for horses that go extra fast..I think horses are sooo slow


I'd like whorehouses with real whores (cyberwhores).


ok so what else
we have player horses, houses, Honest hendricks amory, (any more H's)
better seige warfair ie finished seige equipment,
catapalts would be good.
any more ideas
hoping that we can get enough ideas that GOA or Mythic will look and we can get them down the line.

as for taking control of monstors I meant not just for an event but to take over them until either they are killed or you log out.....
that way you get to experiance it form a monstors point of view.

Rutger Hauer

How about the logical extension of RvR?

Invasion forces attacking capitals, camelot under siege, or even darker..under enemy occupation, the same senario for midds and hibbs of course.. then perhaps counter battles would ensue, merchants would reluctently sell their wares to the enemy, the different guilds could form under ground resistance movements.. hit and run strikes on the invading enemy (hey it would be sooo cool)
Camelot could have a temporary capital in one of the fortified areas say camp forest or cornwall etc.. where low lvl characters could still train (in relative) safety. Better still they could pretend to live under the occupiers rules but really be planning to resist them when more powerful.

I have plenty of ideas on how to better the game, but this one I like a lot.



I only leave the cave at weekends usually.

How about:
* critical hits severing limbs or heads and blood spurting everywhere.
* sex/rape - Of course as a paladin I'd try n kill the rapist. We could have women raping men too then :)
* collision detection with the enemy players
* lots more zones (coming in expansion)
* more emotes
* player speech - assigned to macros which fire off a selection of sentences which are simply mp3s e.g. "Charge!", "For Albion!", "Greetings", "Aye", "Nay".
* events
-> an army of goblins and giants going from town to town striking down everyone
-> super warlords played by GMs arriving in each realm and leading them into battle


How about the ability to sail between realms....

Then you could have RvR taking place at sea from ships.

Just a thought...


Who thought of taking control of dragons for a day? That would be really interesting.

A flight of dragons?

Would need some dragon lances and maybe some good dragons to help. Dragons can shapeshift into humans...see Dragonlance (TM).

Maybe we could have a monthly rampage by something.


Full scale economy is an interesting idea, especially with the proposed cross-realm drops in 1.51D.

If anyone has played Jumpgate (which I must confess is the only MMORPG I played with any real dedication) then you'll be familiar with the way the economic system worked.

In real life there is limited supply and demand. As someone posted on another thread, why can't you salvage wood from trees rather than NPCs .... etc etc etc ... and why does the cost of goods always stay the same?

Good economic models are hard to come by (JG's was quite smart) but if someone's crafting a dolo rapier and selling it six, seven, eight times every half an hour, then by rights the price should come down.

A simple analogy - the number of mobs that spawn in a certain area (kill the alps to pop the pooks); the lack of any supply/demand rules in the half finished player crafted items system.

-edit- that last paragraph is bollocks. forget it -edit-

More NPC's selling raw materials at widely differing prices in diffent towns could give rise to 'mules' from one town to another in an elite sytlee. An excess demand in material from one realm to another could bring prices down here and rise them there.

Money in this game is moderately hard to come by due to the number of sinks. That money should go back into the 'economy' and result in lower/higher taxes and lower/higher item costs and returns.

Fortunately, I'm no good at economics, so you can all flame me now.

oooooh, the potential.


I believe cross realm drops are for the PvP server only

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Lanceloc
critical hits severing limbs or heads and blood spurting everywhere.
Um...this game is 13+...not 18+...ratings...

sex/rape - Of course as a paladin I'd try n kill the rapist. We could have women raping men too then :)
Drop 50 points of respect... To even suggest

-> an army of goblins and giants going from town to town striking down everyone
Been done in various formats, and will be enhanced in future events.

-> super warlords played by GMs arriving in each realm and leading them into battle
Not really going to happen...killing of players is a bit iffy...just look at many of you enjoyed being ganked by my L75 healer?



Rape happened during viking raids, thats something they and many armies (especially the Russians in Germany 1945) are infamous for.

Video game violence has not been proved to increase violent behaviour in teenagers.

I believe it is better to educate people about history and what is wrong rather than to be all hush hush and pro-censorist (is that a real word?).

Brannor McThife

Sure, educate them. Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat the mistakes.

BUT, this is a friggin' game. You want to put rape in a GAME?!? You want DAoC banned in every single civilised nation in the world?

Think about it before you post your reply.



Does anybody else find it completely amazing that we are actually discussing adding a 'rape' feature into DAoC?

This is probably the funniest thing I have heard today, maybe even yesterday as well.

I don't find the idea of rape funny, for all you easily shocked out there, I just find the idea that somebody would want to rape a computer game character hillarious.

sex/rape - Of course as a paladin I'd try n kill the rapist. We could have women raping men too then

I don't see how this comment was made by someone serious though. Only the most up tight of you out there would even consider this a valid suggestion.

Lighten up, I mean, thats so funny :D

Add 50 points of respect......for a funny comment on a boring day.

Some people have sick senses of humour........


I would like the ability to take a big shite on the floor, lol, how funny would that be .. mid conversation with someone you hate? take a dump on their shoes!

... sorry

Brannor McThife

And here's where I stop reading this thread...some good ideas...but well... :rolleyes:



As with anything to do with the Internet, you, the user, will only return to places time and time again when you can actually shape the world around you. Leaving a permanant mark on a game/website is the ultimate sticky tool.

That's why these forums are so popular, you are leaving information for everybody to see. Users from around the world can see your work and that encourages us to keep returning.

With DAoC I would like to see the ability to change the world around us, If I want to craft a house near a lake, I should be able to. If I want to cut down a tree to make a seige part, I should be able to.

I'm most certain that this will come eventually, as I have said before, the ability to create something that thousands of users will see, and even be jealous of, will keep people playing this game for a long time.

Having your own horse would be cool although I can't help thinking some certain classes should be able to travel through their realm in different ways. All the sorcerors and Elds I know in Real life can teleport to different locations, why can't they in the game?


And here's where I stop reading this thread...some good ideas...but well...

Sorry Brannor but its Friday afternoon and i'm in an odd mood ;)

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