new classes



Bollocks its a common occurance! I have 5.0 speed MP staff, staff spec 39 and 287 dex and I don't hit for 300 every 1.5-2 seconds... its a MYTH, anyway Friars are self-buffed all the time which is why we APPEAR to be vastly better than the norm. You face me unbuffed and I am total gimp... if my 15 minute self buff drop mid fight I DIE coz I am gimped

I wear leather and have 1700 hits fully buffed.. .I drop in seconds to nukage, zerkers and savages.

1 on 1 I can do prety well with evade, but 2 or 3 on 1 comign from anywhere but my front arc, I am DEAD MEAT.

Friars aren't uber, contrary to popular myth we do NOT outdamage armsmen and we still have some major bugs. That being said I am totally happy with my class. Wish I could say the same for my minstrel...


friars are very evil!

no question asked...friars are one tough class to beat!

oh...and savages arn't very good tanks :)


Originally posted by dracus
....And Friars doin 300+ every 1.5-2 sec isnt uber, rofl...this is a common occurance(sp?) btw. Its a fukin healer class?!?!

I say nerf Friars :p

Hamstah4tehwin! :flame:

omg cave shaman doing 4000 damage in a single spell OMG! It's a fucking healing class!!!1!1¬!¬1!!1
5spd staff, max possible qui and top haste buff up gives a swing speed of 2.3ish seconds, most friars don't use 5spd staves (using 5.5 or 5.6) and FYI a friar can't heal for jack.

Necros are not uber. They were uber when they could nuke through walls without retaliation. You knew that was being fixed, it got fixed, when's the last time the chain-CCable, no-melee-resists, bluecon necro pet particularly worried you?
Bonedancers likewise... I don't give a damn if supp bonedancers or buffed deathsight necros are almost-impossible to solo, they both suck in real RvR.
Savages and reavers are the only SI classes that are actually as good in RvR as your standard not-overpowered-or-gimped class... champion, merc, wizard, yadda yadda, 99%of the classes etc ;p
Although savages are considerably better than most other tanks. Superior defence (full tank hps, cheap purge/IP/det, 360degree evade4+25%buff) and zerker-like damage output over time, and a choice of damage types.

Originally posted by Reinnon/Nonnier
oh...and savages arn't very good tanks :)

Let me guess; you abandoned a kobold hammer savage at lvl12 because it was crap? ;>

There is no standard by which you can say a savage is a worse tank than any non-shieldspec tank.


Originally posted by old.LandShark

Let me guess; you abandoned a kobold hammer savage at lvl12 because it was crap? ;>

There is no standard by which you can say a savage is a worse tank than any non-shieldspec tank.

no, i haven't played a savage

but still, a savage is a deal dmg fast and hope it dies class, because the buffs take down hits after 30 secs.

they are like zerkers and skalds.

the only real tanks in mid are warriors + thanes, because they can take dmg over a long period of time, due to sheilds. While the others require a healer/shaman to keep em alive for the same period of time as the warrior/thane

(oh, and yes 2hand kobbie savages suck arse at lower lvls, however kobbies make great h2h savages)

let the whine commence! :)


You seem not to realise that In RvR the "tanks" don't do very well because their damage output is over time, whereas the light tanks (zerks, savages, mercs etc) and assasins are uber because they do MASSIVE amount of damage over a short time and so kill their opponents before theri opponents can react and respond.

Zerks cannot take large amounts of damage but becuse their dmg output was fast and furious they ruled in RvR because they killed quickly and so didn't HAVE to take dmg. Savages are the same, sure their buffs only last 30 seconds but when it only takes one 6 seconds to kill me that is virtually irrelevant.

Front loaded dmg in teh win in RvR, which is why people don't play Armsmen and Warriors anymore, because they do huge damge over long time, but offence >>> defence in RvR.

Repent Reloaded

half ogers eh, some comp for trolls den.


Originally posted by Repent
half ogers eh, some comp for trolls den.

yeahhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhh trolls! uber seriosuly trolls are best thing in thsi game firbys are just freaks truley playing a furby means u r gay in RL !!!!!!!111111

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but trolls look best with a cloak! from behind u look like waddling triangle.

and they have the best getting hit noiseises too


if ur getting zerged on by 10 dexers at once its like this...

woogy wooggy woooogy wooogy woogy x10 in and then you die


Originally posted by xplo
Savage TL asked for a nerf and its coming next patches.

the TL did NOT!!!! ask for a nerf. He mentioned that with the block/parry fix savages might become uber and then their parry rate should set to the amount pre fix. However if I have it correct, savages turned out to be just fine (not too weak because of the parry/block fix nor too strong) and the TL didnt ask for a nerf. He made a post some time ago that maybe they would "nerf" parry, but most people are crying about the damage output of the savage not that he parried them so much :p.

So please stop saying that the TL asked for a nerf or actually prove me wrong..


Originally posted by kallora
I wear leather and have 1700 hits fully buffed..
lol thats more than my dwarf thane while using his self str/con buff and got 48 sc spec. Sure i got chain but Friars Evade V according to classes of camelot. And you have the nerve to come here and whine. Come play a Thane and then you can whine. :p

Friars need a nerf. Or be renamed to Shaolin Monk.

Originally posted by old.LandShark
5spd staff, max possible qui and top haste buff up gives a swing speed of 2.3ish seconds, most friars don't use 5spd staves (using 5.5 or 5.6) and FYI a friar can't heal for jack.

Do you think many people would respec their friar if their healing line was greatly improved? I think not, thoose who play friars like the feeling of being nearly untouchable.


What about some guys that were a little below average in melee or magic but had the ability to fly? COOL IN RVR!!!!!


Originally posted by Fafnir
lol thats more than my dwarf thane while using his self str/con buff and got 48 sc spec. Sure i got chain but Friars Evade V according to classes of camelot. And you have the nerve to come here and whine. Come play a Thane and then you can whine. :p

Friars need a nerf. Or be renamed to Shaolin Monk.

Do you think many people would respec their friar if their healing line was greatly improved? I think not, thoose who play friars like the feeling of being nearly untouchable.
Same here... 1700+ hits fully buffed, that is with drops I have got during exping to 50. Still have to get my SC set some day... wonder what they will be then.
Yes, leather armor, evade V, 15% absorb buff and a value 38 haste buff (30s dur, 180s recast). Oh yeah and parry spec of course, except I for one have only 9 parry.

Still, feeling of being untouchable... maybe. As to being untouchable... hell no.

Many have gathered that the friar is simply a balanced class.
If the friar is so untouchable how come they are at the bottom of RP tables? Surely people would play them tons if they were indeed untouchable.


Originally posted by dracus
....And Friars doin 300+ every 1.5-2 sec isnt uber, rofl...this is a common occurance(sp?) btw. Its a fukin healer class?!?!

I say nerf Friars :p

Hamstah4tehwin! :flame:
Healer class? Who said healer?
18 rejuvenation on me. Will not go higher in order to prevent "gimpation".
I heal a "massive" 215 hp's with the spec major heal I received at 18 rej.
Non-spec heal that one receives at L46... I might heal anywhere between 100 and 270... variation is just too huge.
So the friar can be a healing class... maybe... no instas or anything of the like as clerics and all that nice stuff, but if I do go for higher rejuvenation... I am gimped.

yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but trolls look best with a cloak! from behind u look like waddling triangle.

Originally posted by mid_Efour

and they have the best getting hit noiseises too


if ur getting zerged on by 10 dexers at once its like this...

woogy wooggy woooogy wooogy woogy x10 in and then you die
OMG... too... funny... must... stop... laughing.


Originally posted by Fafnir
lol thats more than my dwarf thane while using his self str/con buff and got 48 sc spec. Sure i got chain but Friars Evade V according to classes of camelot. And you have the nerve to come here and whine. Come play a Thane and then you can whine. :p

Friars need a nerf. Or be renamed to Shaolin Monk.

WTF is wrong with you? Thanes are a crap class, they are broken as hell and I seriously do sympathise with you how crap they are. However, CAMPAIGN TO BE FIXED like Friars did for 9 months before they got fixed in 1.50. Before then tehy were muchmuch worse than Thanes.

Don't call for nerfs on classes just because your class is broken, get your fucking class fixed!



Originally posted by dracus
....And Friars doin 300+ every 1.5-2 sec isnt uber, rofl...this is a common occurance(sp?) btw. Its a fukin healer class?!?!

:eek6: :scared: :ROFLMAO:

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