new classes



With the introduction of Si , it could be pointed out that the new si classes were so uber as to encourage people to buy the
expansion just to play the new classes. With the new Atlantis expansion will we have to once more deal with a new breed of super-powered character classes?


No because Trials of Atlantis doesnt have any new classes, just 3 new races (one per realm), although they could uberise these races to get ppl to buy it.


Originally posted by svartmetall
Agreed...BTW I'm lvling my HTH-specced Savage now, how is it at 50?

Uberuber until 1.64.



Originally posted by pie-eater
With the new Atlantis expansion will we have to once more deal with a new breed of super-powered character classes?
Not that I know of. No.

Roo Stercogburn

Some ideas for new classes that might be a hoot (though lets face it we'll never see them). Off the top of my head...

Mid: Plaguemaster, caster. Casts a single target DoT that has a % chance to jump from person to person each round. DoT will stay active on dead bodies unless they release so anyone coming close has a chance to catch the DoT. Has a disease spell that works in a similar way. Also has DoTs that don't don't do damage but will drain power or endurance (but not transfer them to caster). I would expect this class to have to kite somewhat in PvE so would probably benefit from a speed buff to make up for low AF.

Alb: Beastmaster: uses pets in similar in a way to bonedancer, except has wild animals at his disposal: eagles, bears, wolves. Has non-speccable bow, but speccable sword and only wears leather armour. Has some basic healing skills which can be used on pets or realm buddies. Perhaps make one specline the ability to shapechange into different animals and make it castable but on a large timer: say antelope for speed to get out of trouble, bear if going for unarmed closeup combat, etc.

Hib: difficult one, hib probably already has the best range of classes out of all the 3 realms.... Changeling: light tank that has the ability to mimic enemies for short periods of time. Used in a similar way to berserkers or heroes. Click on any char/mob in game and you look like them for say 30 seconds. In PvE could use this ability to get past troublesome mobs and has obvious potential for mayhem (ie fun) in RvR. Make ability last 10 secs at lvl15, 20 secs at lvl 30 and 30 secs at lvl45.

Just some thoughts :)


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Some ideas for new classes that might be a hoot (though lets face it we'll never see them). Off the top of my head...

Mid: Plaguemaster, caster. Casts a single target DoT that has a % chance to jump from person to person each round. DoT will stay active on dead bodies unless they release so anyone coming close has a chance to catch the DoT. Has a disease spell that works in a similar way. Also has DoTs that don't don't do damage but will drain power or endurance (but not transfer them to caster). I would expect this class to have to kite somewhat in PvE so would probably benefit from a speed buff to make up for low AF.

Alb: Beastmaster: uses pets in similar in a way to bonedancer, except has wild animals at his disposal: eagles, bears, wolves. Has non-speccable bow, but speccable sword and only wears leather armour. Has some basic healing skills which can be used on pets or realm buddies. Perhaps make one specline the ability to shapechange into different animals and make it castable but on a large timer: say antelope for speed to get out of trouble, bear if going for unarmed closeup combat, etc.

Hib: difficult one, hib probably already has the best range of classes out of all the 3 realms.... Changeling: light tank that has the ability to mimic enemies for short periods of time. Used in a similar way to berserkers or heroes. Click on any char/mob in game and you look like them for say 30 seconds. In PvE could use this ability to get past troublesome mobs and has obvious potential for mayhem (ie fun) in RvR. Make ability last 10 secs at lvl15, 20 secs at lvl 30 and 30 secs at lvl45.

Just some thoughts :)

Hib has a mob called a changling lol, think your idea would be better if u put chamelion or how ever u spell it


whereas the idead for alb and hib are kinda neat, the mid one sucks. Dot is annoying enough (unCCable for the duration of the dot) but it jumping uncontrolled from player to player makes it impossible to play in CC exp groups (<-> pbae) and rvr


I like Roo's ideas... thought up some here too in addition perhaps...

Albion : JESTER - On the medieval knight theme have a Jester character... Perhaps include some ideas from the Harlequins out of Warhammer 40K where they use agility, speed and bright colours to dance death upon the enemy... turning invisible as they move but reappearing as soon as they stop to fight (think Harelquins wore a Holo-suit or something, hence the idea).

Midgard: RAIDER - Some sort of viking raider that would be similar to a warrior, but just rely on 2H weapons... BEcause they have a fearsome appearance they could have an ability to create panic/fear for enemies (some sort of short duration stun effect) when they charge into battle. Their loot gain per mob would be higher than average, but their experience gain (as they are an
uneducated bunch) would be less than average. (Edit: SCRUB THAT! - It sounds exactly like a Skald...hmmm)

Hibernia: Switfly run out of ideas... can't think of another type... :( Edit 2 - I know, what about some sort of Orc Hunter (or Troll for that matter!) ....could gain more XP/RP for killing a particular hated race...

Edit - ok, back to the drawing board! :eek:


Originally posted by si1verwolf
I like Roo's ideas... thought up some here too in addition

Midgard: RAIDER - Some sort of viking raider that would be similar to a warrior, but just rely on 2H weapons... BEcause they have a fearsome appearance they could have an ability to create panic/fear for enemies (some sort of short duration stun effect) when they charge into battle. Their loot gain per mob would be higher than average, but their experience gain (as they are an
uneducated bunch) would be less than average.

about the fear thing, it could be a debuff type of thing, like dps, or af debuff, and yeh, it is hard to think of things lol, erm, giv hib a mutant race, mid and alb got one, we just got a twee :(

Edit: Typo's


Originally posted by NetNifty
No because Trials of Atlantis doesnt have any new classes, just 3 new races (one per realm), although they could uberise these races to get ppl to buy it.

Half-ogres for albion, very high strength polearm armsman ? ouch.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Half-ogres for albion, very high strength polearm armsman ? ouch.

hmmm for low lvls yes its nice but ATM with current patch it wouldnt matter, once u get to 300 str it's pointless to go over so u would have a huge str arms but he would seriously be lacking dex and perhaps con < I dont know ogre starting con> so unless or when whatever the stat changes come in the perhaps it would be useful but even then it would not be as a huge bonus and more dex is always good :D

Briton4tehwin ^^


Originally posted by svartmetall
Agreed...BTW I'm lvling my HTH-specced Savage now, how is it at 50?

its quite good fun, very unbeliable in 1 on 1 s pure speed makes up for the miss/block/parrys. (Head to Head) i m valky so about 2000hp buffed. just try to avoid going for the front of tanks...

get behind any target and they are dead, fast stun stun stun
i do between 120 and 500+ish a round if all 4 claws hit more on extra lucky day ( all this at about 2.5 speed or less tee hee)

PvE the Pbaoe styles make me laugh with a good shaman and heals+buffs i was taking on 5or 6 yellows/oranges at once. and once i have survived 12 yellows at once, swiftly acompanied by a big "LOL" in grp chat window.

Kharok Svark

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Hib: difficult one, hib probably already has the best range of classes out of all the 3 realms.... Changeling: light tank that has the ability to mimic enemies for short periods of time.

Seeing 2 Kharoks on the screen would scare most Mid's ...

... could be fun on Camlann, damn 2 healers, which one is ours !


Originally posted by mid_Efour
its quite good fun, very unbeliable in 1 on 1 s pure speed makes up for the miss/block/parrys. (Head to Head) i m valky so about 2000hp buffed. just try to avoid going for the front of tanks...

get behind any target and they are dead, fast stun stun stun
i do between 120 and 500+ish a round if all 4 claws hit more on extra lucky day ( all this at about 2.5 speed or less tee hee)

PvE the Pbaoe styles make me laugh with a good shaman and heals+buffs i was taking on 5or 6 yellows/oranges at once. and once i have survived 12 yellows at once, swiftly acompanied by a big "LOL" in grp chat window.

:) All sounds like fun to me...I have a 2H-specialising Warrior, so I wanted a different take on tank-dom.


Originally posted by vindicat0r
hmmm for low lvls yes its nice but ATM with current patch it wouldnt matter, once u get to 300 str it's pointless to go over so u would have a huge str arms but he would seriously be lacking dex and perhaps con < I dont know ogre starting con> so unless or when whatever the stat changes come in the perhaps it would be useful but even then it would not be as a huge bonus and more dex is always good :D

Briton4tehwin ^^

True but we wont be on the current patch when the expansion comes :D


Originally posted by svartmetall
...? You expecting a nerf, then?

Savage TL asked for a nerf and its coming next patches.


"Savage TL"...? What's a TL? And why did they ASK for a nerf, and in what?

Stina Handfast

hmmm for low lvls yes its nice but ATM with current patch it wouldnt matter, once u get to 300 str it's pointless to go over so u would have a huge str arms but he would seriously be lacking dex and perhaps con < I dont know ogre starting con> so unless or when whatever the stat changes come in the perhaps it would be useful but even then it would not be as a huge bonus and more dex is always good

This is something that bothers me about the stat cap. Why not make the starting stats actually count, even with a kick-ass SC set of equipment? Say, for example, that I roll a troll (rhyme) with starting stats of 100 strength and 45 quickness. If you count a stat at 60 as "normal", the caps for this particular character would be 340 strength and 285 quickness. I think it would make perfect sense that the world´s strongest troll would be stronger than world's strongest norse.


PUHLEEZE god no new classes...

The SI classes are still buggered up, with VW, animists and necros bugged to hell and back, Bonedancers and Savages too uber for their own good and the only class that seems to be reasonably balanced is Reavers.

Necros are overpowered in PvE, but in RvR are severely handicapped because of pet control bugs.

Animists are masters at creating total Lag fests

Bonedancers are seemingly unkillable unless by a whole group (PvP servers are cursing BDs)

Savages are totally awesome and make Zerkers look like wimps! Couple of evening ago my Friar got ripped to shreds 3 tiems by the same savage, each death taking about 6 seconds for him to rip through my 1800 hits. Scary!

Sadly the LA bugfix, which DOES NOT gimp Zerkers, will probbaly mean a HUGE influx of savages, which will in its turn call for MORE nerfs.

It seems Mythic seem incapable of giving Midgard balanced classes, either they are totally crap (even I feel sorry for Thanes) or seriously overpowered! and lets face it any realm with the incredible amount of insta CC Mids have with the healer can't be hurting that bad ;)


Since the Thane is hitting you with a lightning bolt, it would seem logical for that to do fuckloads of dmg...never played one so not aware of how uber they are/n't...


Originally posted by pie-eater
With the introduction of Si , it could be pointed out that the new si classes were so uber as to encourage people to buy the
expansion just to play the new classes. With the new Atlantis expansion will we have to once more deal with a new breed of super-powered character classes?

Necros = uber? :ROFLMAO:
Bonedancers = uber? :spin:
Animists = uber? :lol:
Valewalkers = uber? :chortle:
Reavers = uber? :confused:
Savages = Well.... uber. ^^


If you'd ever tried to take a keep defended by un-bug-fixed Necros...yes, they were WAY too uber.

Savages are teh win. It's official!

(waits for mass /whine from non-Mids about Savages)


Sadly the LA bugfix, which DOES NOT gimp Zerkers, will probbaly mean a HUGE influx of savages, which will in its turn call for MORE nerfs

rofl, coming from a friar...

the LA nerf ONLY affects zerkers


klav the LA dont only affects berzerkers..thats just plain silly to affects SB's just as much..that said Mythic should be shot in the kneecap's with a nail-gun for being that morronic


Re: Re: new classes

Originally posted by old.LandShark
Necros = uber? :ROFLMAO:
Bonedancers = uber? :spin:
Animists = uber? :lol:
Valewalkers = uber? :chortle:
Reavers = uber? :confused:
Savages = Well.... uber. ^^

Bonedancers, necros and savages are ok, not impressed with the rest, BD's are impossible to solo for nearly any other class and savages seem like a decent tank but I certainly wouldn't say uber.


Savages are uber... they hit so fast and can be deadly... 6 seconds to go through my 1800 hits... thats barely time to react!

Yes I do realise LA fix affects SBs as well as zerkers, but well frankly...

/cry more

:flame: :drink:


....And Friars doin 300+ every 1.5-2 sec isnt uber, rofl...this is a common occurance(sp?) btw. Its a fukin healer class?!?!

I say nerf Friars :p

Hamstah4tehwin! :flame:

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